Well-Known Member
Eat less,shoot more.I think a better question is, do you ever not miss them, who wouldn't want their blood to feel like a bubble bath... But the painful shits I don't miss

Eat less,shoot more.I think a better question is, do you ever not miss them, who wouldn't want their blood to feel like a bubble bath... But the painful shits I don't miss
I miss it every fucking day! Damn, it's been 27 years since I did H.
Right back at you brother!!!congrats brim, it's been 14 for me..
i miss them way to much and at the point i am at now there will be no going back i wear a 75ucg patch of fent change that bastard every 3 days not only that i eat about 60 mg of a mix of ms content and capranol 3 times a day i have some chronic opaite issues i stray from herion to fent very often back mainly stay of fent as the half life of it isent long but boy does is wack u so yes i do miss them more then any other drug coke and meth is very big were i am but i dont use it almost hate the shit but for my slow i love the shitI used to keep a carefully metered stash of everything. Morphine, oxygen, hydro, bits and tastes of this or that. Kept them for years. Had two bottles of the yellow tens, a thousand of them and they lasted years as well.
Four months ago (I guess) I just started in on them, something every day, every morning something different, soma and oxycodone one day, hydromorphone the next.
Ate or snorted everything I had sparingly, lovingly collected, all of it over a month or so, maybe more. Then I ran out. Gone. All of it.
A fallen man, I paid my nose runny, shitting, no comfortable place or position to sit or lay down, the world is so dull, dues.
The cravings left and I was fine.
But now I have a longing. Every morning. Doesn't last too long, it isn't miserable, I just miss them. Like that girlfriend, the good one, two women back. The one who rubbed your feet and made the perfect corn chowder and could do that thing with her tongue.
And you current girlfriend is coke, a demanding high maintainence little bitch but great in the sack and the one before was alcohol and she just never shut the hell up.
Have never tried coke always try to stay away from that lil guy lolSee i love coke and xanax. Thats my go to when im getting throwed.. but xanax alone i dont really enjoy that much.
ti miss the rituals associated with use.. pulling the plunger back, watching the blood rush in to the needle, pushing the plunger in, and that feeling of sweet release..
other than that, i don't miss much of opiates, especially knowing where they tend to take me in short order.. no thanks, i'll pass..
ive eaten my share of opiates. What i hate about them is how grimey folks become on them. If you have any tendencies toward addiction though i'd try something else, you'll straight fall in love. I was given little green 0c 15 for my back and knees........yeah i miss the feeling i get after having a couple......but the repurcussions of that act far out weigh the good feeling sadly. that and most folks that SEEM solid arent!