Do you believe the American government is at war with Islamic extremism or Islam as a whole?

Do you believe the American government is at war with Muslim extremism or Islam as a whole?

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Hello, not sure if we've crossed paths but I agree with you that people should be able to left alone.

Did you know the "Department of Defense" used to be more appropriately named the "Department of War" not too many years ago?
Strong defense would not include occupying most of the world. That is an offensive stance, not defensive. Would you agree that maybe the USA should "leave others alone" too?

That depends on what you mean by leave others alone. Unfortunately our national security these days takes us to countries who are either to poor or support those who seek to destroy us. If al qaeda never left Afghanistan we wouldn't have had to go there. My dream would be all free nations would join us. The problem is there are only so many countries that are actually free. And of those that are free they have all reduced their military capability down to near zero. We had to fly French fighters to their last battle. How much can you count on a country who can't even move their own freaking troops. Instead they know if they needed us we would protect them. But the reverse should also be true. That I can't say can you?
I guess I should have added that we are making the same reduction mistakes they did. We learned long ago the European model doesn't work for us. Democratic socialism leads to a population that relies on the government much more than any free American want to depend on anyone. It also cost so much you are forced to make choices. And when your not forced to protect yourself defense is the first place everyone wants to cut. But we've also learned from that mistake earlier in our history. But our president seems determined that where others have failed he can succeed. But EVERYTIME this experiment results in the same way. Broke and caught with your pants down. It's just a matter of time. You present weakness you invite hostility. I'm a firm believer in walk softly but carry a big FUCKING stick! And don't dither around.
All Presidents are the same. Just one of us, that got his head under the Political Faucet somehow and won.

There are not many actual Republicans and not many actual Democrats.

Most of us do not care. And we are only fed the Pap of the Press. And in most western countries the press is legally under control, here it is not legally so much but they are controlled.
I've been saying this for years also. Most Americans don't care and are more knowledgable on Kim K. than they are with actual American politics or world affairs. And the ones that actually vote can't even explain intelligently why they voted for the person they did.

Can you believe that the Democratic Party believes there's a war on women here in the USA and voter buy it. Meanwhile they making deals and we are sending foreign aid to countries whose women can't drive, leave the house without a male relative, or report a rape without 4 male relatives who saw it? How gullible has our society become? And when I get old those are people who will be protecting me! Scary!
? Is that to small of an item? My wish is we could put that genie back in the bottle. But since we can't do that the next best thing is not creating more. And more players in the game the more dangerous the game. This isn't black powder. This has the ability to make areas of the world unlivable. And that's the best case scenario. We could just destroy the whole planet and wipe out cizitization as we know it. And the few left can go back to living in caves. Then there will be nothing to argue about. Those left will be equal for a while.






so the whole part about stereotyping him by his name wasn't anti-semitic? especially in light of his frequent use of the word 'jew' as a slur, as in when he calls me 'jew boy'?
That's funny. I never thought about it like that. It's not my last name or anything. I use to watch wrestling with an ex's son way back in the late 90s. It wasn't long after that I lost my internet virginity with my very first email. Once I realized I needed a name it was the first thing that came to my mind. Ever since I've just used it as my call sign.
Even funnier I was looking at his avatar and I see a terrorist not Star Wars. Who knows maybe your on to something because that's no lifesaver.
That's funny. I never thought about it like that.

that's the first thing that popped into harrekin's mind, because he is an anti-semite (racist and other unflattering things as well, but that's another discussion).

i may think you're an idiot, but i will spell that out through what you have to say, not what your name is.
That depends on what you mean by leave others alone. Unfortunately our national security these days takes us to countries who are either to poor or support those who seek to destroy us. If al qaeda never left Afghanistan we wouldn't have had to go there. My dream would be all free nations would join us. The problem is there are only so many countries that are actually free. And of those that are free they have all reduced their military capability down to near zero. We had to fly French fighters to their last battle. How much can you count on a country who can't even move their own freaking troops. Instead they know if they needed us we would protect them. But the reverse should also be true. That I can't say can you?

I politely disagree. There is no such thing as a "free country". That is evidenced by the nature of all political entities known as a "country". Everyone of them in one way or another owns the people that live within a given geographical area and holds that position by force or threats of force.

If a nation is said to be "free", that implies the individuals that dwell there are also free...which isn't the case...anywhere.
From the pics. I see, a battle 4 a town in Iraq =s a flat town, Is there a Marshall plan 4 the area? Who'll pay 4 it? How many US.paid for projects are dozed when Isis comes to town, What does that area look like after the overt warfare stops?
I've been saying this for years also. Most Americans don't care and are more knowledgable on Kim K. than they are with actual American politics or world affairs. And the ones that actually vote can't even explain intelligently why they voted for the person they did.

Can you believe that the Democratic Party believes there's a war on women here in the USA and voter buy it. Meanwhile they making deals and we are sending foreign aid to countries whose women can't drive, leave the house without a male relative, or report a rape without 4 male relatives who saw it? How gullible has our society become? And when I get old those are people who will be protecting me! Scary!

Look at buy it.

"Can you believe that the Democratic Party believes there's a war on women here in the USA and voter buy it."

The DEM party does not believe that. They are extremely cynical Lawyer Fat Cats. They long ago chose the side of divisiveness, to counter the home spun, conservative Corporate Fat Cats.

It buys votes. A Pox on both.
Look at buy it.

"Can you believe that the Democratic Party believes there's a war on women here in the USA and voter buy it."

The DEM party does not believe that. They are extremely cynical Lawyer Fat Cats. They long ago chose the side of divisiveness, to counter the home spun, conservative Corporate Fat Cats.

It buys votes. A Pox on both.

so the GOP didn't vote against equal pay for women?

the GOP didn't vote against the VAW act?

the GOP didn't cheer when a company that profits off of birth control in their stock portfolio told women it was against their "sincerely held beliefs" to provide that same birth control in their health plan?

GOP funders didn;t tell women to keep an aspirin between their knees instead?

the GOP didn';t shut down hundreds of abortion clincs through legislating ridiculous and unnecessary regulations, causing headaches for the 1 in 3 women who will get an abortion sometime in their lives?

hell, just listen to what the GOP has to say about women getting raped.


the GOP is worse than jihad, doer.

keep denying facts though, it makes you look so smart.
Look at buy it.

"Can you believe that the Democratic Party believes there's a war on women here in the USA and voter buy it."

The DEM party does not believe that. They are extremely cynical Lawyer Fat Cats. They long ago chose the side of divisiveness, to counter the home spun, conservative Corporate Fat Cats.

It buys votes. A Pox on both.
Doer is becoming the new Red.