Do Not Talk to the Police

wrong assumption... it was only IF you are already going to be "arrested" anyways, and taken hostage and thrown in jail... NOT just go up to any of them and say f u... as that would be just plain stupid...

apparently again people didnt read or comprehend what was being said too well...

why did i even come back to this thread and waste my time??? i guess i care too much... and who said they were "theories" these are REAL FACTS...

just goes to show how brainwashed they have you all...

I like you and most of your posts. However you seem to get kind of angry when people disagree or don't understand what you are trying to get across. Maybe if you had some links to people that have successfully done what you are talking about or someone else that explains it in a different way it might help.

Either way, I hope you understand about how it wouldn't do any good for me personally and probably a lot of others here and I do think DreamTime had the right idea about why your post, although maybe valid, is sort of OT for this particular thread.

I'll come to Neverland soon and we can smoke a bowl and discuss it. :)
Obviously, you have no idea my level of knowledge in this area.

People that take your advice are likely to end up with some injuries as they are forced to comply with the police procedures during the arrest and booking and likely to get additional charges and will probably end up in a restraint chair at the jail. The best advice has already been given. Comply with all their instructions but give no statement, do not make any deals and hire a competent defense attorney to represent you.

Just a personal story. I was playing silly buggers and did not want to give my name. "I don't feel right about it."
The big New Jersey State Trooper standing next to me just turned and slapped my face, hard. "How do you feel now, better?" he asked.

Then he say, "Before you answer I want you to know we have a boxing gym downstairs and you are looking a lot like a punching bag."

So, cannofbliss, they will beat you. Or like that Chinese kid, no food or water for 5 days. That could have killed him.
It may have wreaked his kidneys.

Haven't your heard? Might makes right.

and you NEVER btw have to identify yourself... in fact... it would be impossible for them to ever "identify" you "legally" or "lawfully" without you giving it to them... or acknowledging them in affirmation to ANY of their questions...
if the cops come to ur door, dont answer it. they need a search warrant to come in, if they didnt then they would have kicked ur door in already.
u dont need to identify urself to a cop, they need a reason to ask u. respond to this by asking for his name, if he doesnt give as requested by law then walk away.
cops have no expectation of privacy, this means u can video record a cop in a public place and not be arrested (some places have laws against this).
encrypt ur phone because cops now can copy all ur phones info into a device, if they take ur phone and give it back then the cops got all ur contacts and pics, everything.

theres alot of ways to keep urself safe from cops.

I've woken up with the flashlights in my face and our house being searched. The Oakland cops were in hot pursuit and saw the guy come over our fence, but didn't see him come out. They were not shy about barging in.

Those with guns have the rights in the situation. We can't keep ourselves safe. People are killed every year, because some clerk mixed up the address and someone tried to oppose the police entry.

My advice, (been there and done that, too much, with cops) don't agitate people with guns. The life they take may be yours. They will not even show remorse and they will get a paid leave.

Rather than this anarchist theory, I'd like those with real experience to speak up. Probably it will help these
grandstand Quarterbacks.
The facts are incredibly long... you will learn more and probably cease to "argue" pointlessly with me if you go and study YEARS of case law...

I never said to agitate anyone... and if they get so agitated towards people standing up for their rights... then perhaps people should get together and stand up TO remind the people who are within the legal system and reinforce THE FACT that they are there ONLY TO SERVE AND PROTECT...


did you know that the attackers of rodney king were never punished for what they did???

now I am certainly not condoning NOR WILL I EVER CONDONE rioting or any violent act... HOWEVER... this bullshit about the "legality" or freedom of cannabis... would be OVER IN A MONTH if enough people would just listen and even educate themselves and put into place checks and balances to STOP this abusive fraudulent power that people have ALLOWED TO HAPPEN...

thats right... it is your fault and others' fault... as long as you let it happen by doing nothing about it, and or not educating people like i have TO HELP...

you guys (ones who have responded) seem to be (and if need be take offense to it) are pussies... and are so afraid of .00000001% of the total population... COMPARED TO MILLIONS OF CANNABIS ADVOCATES... and it seems like people just enjoy being told what they can and cant consume or do for that matter, and just enjoy being good little slaves... AND SO YOU ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN...

and please... please take offense to me being a dick about it because im tired of seeing the stupidity you display... ultimately causing millions of others to NEEDLESSLY SUFFER in jail...

people have developed the legal system of today to take advantage of your stupid human behavioral traits... and they do it all of the time and you keep falling for the fraud it is...

you see ever since you were a little child your and other "parents or people" have instilled the "concept" that obedience to "authority"... is "good behavior"... so you now in your and others indoctrination year after year that is only reinforced... no matter HOW WRONG OR FRADULENT a legislation is... you still just go along and let it happen...

these are not "hairbrained" theories... WHAT I HAVE STATED IS REAL... and i suggest you educate yourselves better on the subject if you care at all for your freedoms... ESPECIALLY with regards to cannabis for that matter...

go and find out for yourself, if you care at all... and you might learn more that way, since its OBVIOUS you wont listen to me...

I'll give you guys the benefit of ignorance... perhaps because the country isnt that bad off "yet" so you or a majority just perhaps dont care to learn yet...

no wonder people "allow" themselves to be ruled over... because perhaps they like it so much and it psychologically makes them feel good that they are being such a "good" little boy or girl by following "rules" no matter how f-ing intrusive they are on your FREEDOMS...

I have made my statements, and done my part to let you know in order to help everyone...(except help those who wish to take away your liberty and freedoms)

unless you have real questions... and want to learn in order to help you... and in turn help your fellow human being...

if not... then i wont bother trying to help you...

to add to the +rep... give yourselves a "high-five" for tyranny and injustice while your at it as well... ;)
What??? I allow myself to be ruled over. Federated Democracy is the best. I, no Wes Snipes, go ahead and pay my taxes. I pay the tickets. I vote for law and order. It's called our American way. How can you help me?

I've struggled with Law in a surprised reaction, and just got charged with Resisting. I told the Judge I wasn't aware of that charge. He said, "I hope that's clear up for you now." This was almost exactly the words used on me when I protested a traffic ticket many years later.

You sound so spun up. Years of reading law, huh? Ever practiced law? You obviously don't know the price of justice and the art of the deal that is beyond the law. Ever bargained politely with the Judge in open court after the lawyers have left. I allowed it and prevailed. Yes, and sometimes you have to make rather large gestures as a show of good faith.

Have you seen the inside of the green bars? Did you take your own advice? Get a hold of yourself. What do you expect us to do, Judge Law? Lead from the front, if you can. Tell us why, so reasonable, except for this? I propose you are railing against punishing the poor. We are listening.
The facts are incredibly long... you will learn more and probably cease to "argue" pointlessly with me if you go and study YEARS of case law...

So basically, you are not only refusing to provide any evidence, you are telling us to do your job and find your evidence for you.

you guys (ones who have responded) seem to be (and if need be take offense to it) are pussies... and are so afraid of .00000001% of the total population... COMPARED TO MILLIONS OF CANNABIS ADVOCATES... and it seems like people just enjoy being told what they can and cant consume or do for that matter, and just enjoy being good little slaves... AND SO YOU ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN...

So we're pussies and slaves because we refuse to accept your unproven claims? You berate us for not challenging a false authority, yet you set your self up as an authority on these unsubstantiated facts. Then you get all butt hurt and pissy when we stand up for ourselves and challenge you. Your position is contradictory and hypocritical. You have presented nothing here that deserves to be taken seriously.
What??? I allow myself to be ruled over. Federated Democracy is the best. I, no Wes Snipes, go ahead and pay my taxes. I pay the tickets. I vote for law and order. It's called our American way. How can you help me?

I've struggled with Law in a surprised reaction, and just got charged with Resisting. I told the Judge I wasn't aware of that charge. He said, "I hope that's clear up for you now." This was almost exactly the words used on me when I protested a traffic ticket many years later.

You sound so spun up. Years of reading law, huh? Ever practiced law? You obviously don't know the price of justice and the art of the deal that is beyond the law. Ever bargained politely with the Judge in open court after the lawyers have left. I allowed it and prevailed. Yes, and sometimes you have to make rather large gestures as a show of good faith.

Have you seen the inside of the green bars? Did you take your own advice? Get a hold of yourself. What do you expect us to do, Judge Law? Lead from the front, if you can. Tell us why, so reasonable, except for this? I propose you are railing against punishing the poor. We are listening.

you played their game... you gave them your name, succumbed to their pressure, and probably had your license with you as well (if the initial bs you had to deal with was a "drug charge"... so they used that to "affix an identity" to you... and allowed them to bully you, and thats why you lost in court... you probably had that timid attitude as well and just "walked in by your OWN WILL into their domain too... and, probably rose when they said "all rise before the "honorable" so and so... in "acknowledgment of the "authority" of the judge too... AND to make it worse you even played the game when they told you to "enter your plea"... and you did...

Didnt you know that when you are making a plea... that means in legalese YOU ARE MAKING A FORMAL "RESPONSE IN THE AFFIRMATIVE" and its as if you are "admitting" that the claims of the plaintiff and or the "fiction" which is the "state" actually HAVE WEIGHT and are worthy to be heard???

Remember what i had said... do not have ANY acknowledgment to anyone's "claims of authority" over your body...

secondly... when you registered to vote that was another act of consent on your part when you registered... as in "gave your consent to follow the statutes and acts passed by whomever is in office"...

so it is exactly the same when someone has a "attorney" "represent" them in court... THAT mayor, councilman, etc... is now basically your representation of which acts of local legislation will be over you...

Dont presume that i have NO IDEA of the price of "unjustice" i have family that have suffered enough... and because of that i have shared in that suffering...

in fact it was because of the bullshit, i have dealt with over the years, which incited my reasoning for studying case law and because of that is the reason why i know what i do today...

well first of all... regarding traffic tickets is just stupid and trivial anyways, and not really worth fighting over, unless it is a really "expensive" and bullshit lie the policy enforcement officer made up for some "holiday revenue"...

you chose to play the "legal" game by giving them your consent to be under the "traffic" statutes by signing the paperwork at the dmv... so YES you gave your consent to be ruled over, and thus you were in their scope of jurisdiction and legality over "the matter"... and then not only did they have jurisdiction over the "matter" they also got to have jurisdiction over YOU when you gave them your consent over your body by appearing when they asked you to "state your name"... had you not given your consent in the first place at the dmv... and not "appeared" as defined by any law dictionary... then they could not impose such silly physicality like stealing your money from you either by "charging" you the fine, and or eventually taking it out of your account at the bank with a court order...
So basically, you are not only refusing to provide any evidence, you are telling us to do your job and find your evidence for you.

So we're pussies and slaves because we refuse to accept your unproven claims? You berate us for not challenging a false authority, yet you set your self up as an authority on these unsubstantiated facts. Then you get all butt hurt and pissy when we stand up for ourselves and challenge you. Your position is contradictory and hypocritical. You have presented nothing here that deserves to be taken seriously.

I have already found the evidence and gave you all a small summation of what i found and ALREADY i tried to RELAY that info on to you it in the most simplistic manner possible...

what... you think they are going to spell it out for you in plain english, like I JUST DID... so you and everyone can know about this and not be abused by them taking advantage of you and others... and raking in the money BY the continuation of their fraudulent abuse over the control of people... (paid for... by you and others btw in taxes) to ad insult to injury... ;)

come on guys...

you completely misunderstood me and my intentions... i am certainly not "butt hurt" or pissy... i expected this response from some, as i knew that "for reasons of plain indoctrination" you and others would meet this information with scrutiny...

here i show up and post in this section... something that would give you and everyone a fighting chance against the fraud that the legal system is... and would like for people to RECOGNIZE common law as being supreme BECAUSE IT IS... read for goodness sake... this is like law 101 common law is the supreme law of the land...

if you argued and just brushed off my earlier points... what would make me want to spend hundreds of hours of putting ALL of the case law and info on here for you or anyone else for that matter to just ignore it???

i am trying to... albeit in a somewhat confrontational manner am trying to "snap" you guys out of the zombie like stupor that just herds you all in like cattle for the slaughter... and trying to help you learn and encourage you to realize and take back your inherent natural rights you all so "willingly and unwillingly" AND UNKNOWINGLY given away...

and you are not "standing up for yourselves" because the only thing i have accused you with is the apparent ignorance and timidness which is exactly what your responses had contained within them...

and NO i am not looking for you to find evidence for me... i am telling you that all of the evidence you need to look for is located at YOUR OWN STATE office where there is piles and piles of paperwork of case law you can read for yourself...

to narrow it down look for cases that have subjects that are of importance... like "drug charges" and other related items...

if you actually have any direct questions that i can answer for you then ask, if you want to just sit there and deny what i am telling you and tell me that it is "unsubstantiated fact"... and... you want to continue to tell me the earth is flat then i have no conversation with you...

because how could i discuss law with someone who hasnt even the BASIC comprehension of what i had ALREADY stated and explained what it is???

and how could you comprehend or even want to listen anything else i have to say in respect TO WHAT I ALREADY TOLD YOU...

here is some sites i provided for you, if you want to use the internet for info regarding law....

you seem to want 9,000 pages already from me... when you wont even read or educate yourself further on the only 1-2 pages ive already given you... so here you go... geesh...

when reading PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to wordings and since the "comment" of "semantics" had been made towards me...

then well... you had better get used to it because LAW is FULL OF SEMANTICS... as you had better study the interpretations and meanings of the "words" they use that "sound pretty" but have alternate meanings, and in doing so it can SLIP RIGHT BY YOU without you knowing and then you lose... so pay attention to the legal meaning of words used in governmental documents...

library of congress...........................

court records(for case law)..................................

uniform commercial code..................

united states code...........................

and etc........................... here you go... theres a few sources to get you started....

if you have a specific subject... and you have questions on any of it... if i can answer it i will... so just ask... and i can help clarify it for you if need be... and help you in comprehending what your natural inherent rights are... and how they apply with regards to....or even in disregard to whichever statute or code it is pertaining to...
Dude, you are just not making any sense. You are recommending that I should have variously:
- submitted to being a punching bag until I was puking blood, but never give my name
- never have ID or have submitted to fingerprints
- no hospital or dental records
- no identifying marks are even a description
- never vote or use credit cards
- no Utilites or auto

Just sit mute in jail while I have re-occuring cell cleaning accidents.
You are ranting, not providing help. I've had plenty of time to study Law also. Cite some references.
Else you are just sounding like Wesley Snipes.
you completely misunderstood me and my intentions... i am certainly not "butt hurt" or pissy... im just astonished that i even thought to show up and post in this section... something that would give you and everyone a fighting chance against the fraud that the legal system is... and to RECOGNIZE common law as being supreme BECAUSE IT IS... read for goodness sake...

if you argued and just brushed off my earlier points... what would make me want to spend hundreds of hours of putting ALL of the case law and info on here for you or anyone else for that matter to just ignore it???

and you are not "standing up for yourselves" because the only thing i have accused you with is the apparent stupidity and timidness which is exactly what your responses had contained within them...

and NO i am not looking for you to find evidence for me... i am telling you that all of the evidence you need to look for is located at YOUR OWN STATE office where there is piles and piles of paperwork of case law you can read for yourself...

to narrow it down look for cases that have subjects that are of importance... like "drug charges" and other related items...

if you actually have any direct questions that i can answer for you then ask, if you want to just sit there and deny what i am telling you and tell me that it is "unsubstantiated fact"... and... you want to continue to tell me the earth is flat then i have no conversation with you...

because how could i discuss law with someone who hasnt even the BASIC comprehension of what i had ALREADY stated and explained what it is???

and how could you comprehend or even want to listen anything else i have to say in respect TO WHAT I ALREADY TOLD YOU...

here is the us site if you want to use the internet for info regarding some stuff here.... you seem to want 9,000 pages already from me when you wont even read or educate yourself further on the only 1-2 pages ive already given you... so here you go...

library of congress...........................

court records(for case law)..................................

uniform commercial code..................

and etc........................... here you go... theres a few sources to get you started....

if you have a specific subject you have questions on just ask and i can help clarify it for you...

It is unfortunate that for all the studying you claim to have done, you appear to be incapable of, or uninterested in presenting your arguments in a rational format that a critical thinker would take seriously.
It is unfortunate that for all the studying you claim to have done, you appear to be incapable of, or uninterested in presenting your arguments in a rational format that a critical thinker would take seriously.

nevermind... carry on... and take care...
Dude, you are just not making any sense. You are recommending that I should have variously:
- submitted to being a punching bag until I was puking blood, but never give my name
- never have ID or have submitted to fingerprints
- no hospital or dental records
- no identifying marks are even a description
- never vote or use credit cards
- no Utilites or auto

Just sit mute in jail while I have re-occuring cell cleaning accidents.
You are ranting, not providing help. I've had plenty of time to study Law also. Cite some references.
Else you are just sounding like Wesley Snipes.

well the punching bag would have been years in jail for the officer had he done so and you knew what actions to pursue against him lawfully... and as officer should know that they dont do well with other prisoners if you know what i mean...

what he did was more of an "empty threat"... they are taught to do so to "assert dominance" to show intimidation... and you let him, regardless of you being afraid of the "consequences"...

as for the other things only not having any id, credit card, and a drivers license are the only things you would lack as you could still use many other methods of sustenance and other forms of transportation...

if this is all too inconvenient... then i guess that is the price you pay for your liberty...

and just like where Wesley Snipes FAILED... i have LEARNED from observation of what parts in which people have succeeded and more importantly their mistakes... he made all of the mistakes i mentioned NOT TO DO and that is why he ended up in federal prison...

just call your ssa office then your attorney general... and ask them what would it be considered if someone or agency created an identity in which that baby would be held accountable to be UNDER the jurisdiction OR also importantly CUSTODY of another... even THEY WOULD TELL YOU THAT IS FRAUD... and then ask could that newborn have been able to give his or her consent as informed consent??? and the answer is simply NO...

do it im serious... this is all part of the research i have done... call your ssa and ask them seriously if someone or agency created an identity for that baby without their consent(babies cannot give their consent cause well they are just babies and do not have the mental faculty to give consent) they will tell you that is fraud and you might be surprised at their reaction when they realize "why you are calling for" and start to ask for your name...

you dont realize it but you and i were born into bondage as a commodity for the corporation that is so named the united states of america... which is owned by private banks... it didnt used to be this way, but has changed DRAMATICALLY and ever so surreptitiously since the beginning of the last century...

answer me these two SIMPLE questions and if you can answer it then you are able to be helped... if not then you wont even be able to help yourself...

are you a "person"???
is a state a "person"???
well at least i have less to worry about being "silenced" by govt agencies for releasing this info...

since i guess they brainwash the people so well they get the people to do the silencing for them... good grief... :roll:

again just go about your business and nevermind... i guess im a sucker for coming back to this thread, and trying to help people... especially those in the riu community, considering you know the whole stupid prohibition thing...









ANSWER LIKE I TOLD YOU EARLIER... and when doing so you dont have to answer with "an attitude" just be firm AND be clear about it...

here are the articles...
and just so you know im not "screaming" or angry at all when i use caps lock... its just alot easier to point out important statements that way, as it is difficult enough to convey any effective means of clear inflection and communication through typing... ;)
and just so you know im not "screaming" or angry at all when i use caps lock... its just alot easier to point out important statements that way, as it is difficult enough to convey any effective means of clear inflection and communication through typing... ;)

It's simply the same as RAISING YOUR VOICE. We get it. And I do realize this. You seem a little condescending. You say this like it's a bad thing.

You see me as a sheep, I see you as a shrill and helpless, whiner. So what? I vote for the American way, use my wits to stay out of trouble and then go and have a life. You act like you just woke up yesterday. I like law and order. You seem to be a Snipesian anarchist. I just live off the fat of the lamb, as far as you're concerned. So, the lecturing and rhetorical questioning to test if we deserve your "help," seems a bit much. I went and re-read your posts just to be sure. Yep, still pretty meaningless and somewhat egotistical...just sayin.

"you dont realize it but you and i were born into bondage as a commodity for the corporation that is so named the united states of america... which is owned by private banks... it didnt used to be this way, but has changed DRAMATICALLY and ever so surreptitiously since the beginning of the last century...
did you bother to read the articles i provided for you regarding not to be silent to police???

and i suppose all is fair for me now having to defend my position...

so i apologize if i had come off in that manner, it is just that it pains me to see such disregard for when someone is trying to help... and that attitude i saw with such disregard, is the same attitude that keeps this whole terrible cycle of prohibition going, amongst a multitude of other unjust things...

law and order can be a good thing... if done right and with your rights protected...

i wasnt at all making the implication nor invoking "without rule" because as any country is to stand... there needs to be people who will lead others not by tyranny and oppression... but by ensuring that the interests are "for the people" and not for the benefit for the ones who have been "given that authority from the people"...

apparently... i was being confusing by using "caps" as opposed to just bolding or highlighting statements... as it wasnt my intention for it to be read as "screaming voice" although i can now see were it stands... i used it just as a mere lazy attempt at bolding statements for highlighted importance...

i certainly dont have the whole "im awake" disease that so many spiracy nuts claim... so i dont claim to be more knowledgeable or more "authoritative" than anyone else...

i asked questions to try and incite those who were in such disregard and disdain for my statements to help invoke a response to actually look up these things so that others can gain a reasonable perspective on the subject of what law still is... and how the legal system, currently disguised as law, how it is used and how it differs...

and how it has been manipulated and corrupted... and even more as a negative about it it has been done all at our expense...

if i had seemed too condescending towards you then you shouldnt take it as an insult and or had internalized them as a detriment to your ego... as i too understand what you mean by living in the present... but that shouldnt mean that you cannot prepare yourself for such a reasonable cause to better protect yourself...

by not taking my advice into "any" consideration and in such "almost" ridiculing the very nature of them...

that left your posts to have the interpretation that you were either lacking in any knowledge regarding the subject... and or you were just completely disregarding my statements as having any viable weight and or fact to them out of sheer obstinacy...

i just stated what i had found to be facts...

and people can choose to take them and use them for their benefit... or people can just choose to ignore them... and just simply carry on with their lives, as i would never tell someone or force someone what they can or cant do with their own lives...

i just made a suggestion based upon my knowledge and experience in this matter and i would hope that there would be a much better way to convey this in a manner that most could understand...
Maybe if you just gave a plain summary instead of ranting the longest posts I've ever seen..,.:) Maybe put your advice in bullets, becuause I swear I'm more confused now. Just 2-3 bullets of what you suggest. I'm tired of what people, including myself, insist.
well the punching bag would have been years in jail for the officer had he done so and you knew what actions to pursue against him lawfully... and as officer should know that they dont do well with other prisoners if you know what i mean...what he did was more of an "empty threat"... they are taught to do so to "assert dominance" to show intimidation... and you let him, regardless of you being afraid of the "consequences"... as for the other things only not having any id, credit card, and a drivers license are the only things you would lack as you could still use many other methods of sustenance and other forms of transportation... if this is all too inconvenient... then i guess that is the price you pay for your liberty... and just like where Wesley Snipes FAILED... i have LEARNED from observation of what parts in which people have succeeded and more importantly their mistakes... he made all of the mistakes i mentioned NOT TO DO and that is why he ended up in federal prison...just call your ssa office then your attorney general... and ask them what would it be considered if someone or agency created an identity in which that baby would be held accountable to be UNDER the jurisdiction OR also importantly CUSTODY of another... even THEY WOULD TELL YOU THAT IS FRAUD... and then ask could that newborn have been able to give his or her consent as informed consent??? and the answer is simply it im serious... this is all part of the research i have done... call your ssa and ask them seriously if someone or agency created an identity for that baby without their consent(babies cannot give their consent cause well they are just babies and do not have the mental faculty to give consent) they will tell you that is fraud and you might be surprised at their reaction when they realize "why you are calling for" and start to ask for your dont realize it but you and i were born into bondage as a commodity for the corporation that is so named the united states of america... which is owned by private banks... it didnt used to be this way, but has changed DRAMATICALLY and ever so surreptitiously since the beginning of the last century... answer me these two SIMPLE questions and if you can answer it then you are able to be helped... if not then you wont even be able to help yourself...are you a "person"???is a state a "person"???
Dude, just recently police tazed and shot an old man to death when he refused help after his medic-alert went off, and those cops aren't being charged.. Police rarely get in trouble for assault, ask Rodney King.And answer one simple question.. Is following your advice the quickest/easiest way to get back out on the streets, or are you just trying to recruit martyrs for your cause??