DJ's LED medical grow


Well-Known Member
You are doing beans so mainline all the way. I just popped a bunch just to try some mainlining. Nugbuckets is the master at it and does the best that I've seen. 7+zips off a 27" plant...all huge prime buds too, no larf. I am really impressed with the technique and thus get's my vote and is perfect for your situation.


fuuarkk don't u wish u could just point a remote @ ur plants, press a button, and speed up the grow process by 5000x times.. dam, thatfeel when u jus wanna see ur baby gro up :'(


Well-Known Member
The mainline is the most effective way to grow I think now for sure. After running screens, Top, Fim, etc. and now the ML, it produces some monster branching. I don`t count my chickens, but my 8-headed ML might very well yield 3/4oz per head ... very efficient. Up to you really mate, try a few if you`re not sure, but ML will definitely keep your height down (I top out at 20-26 inches). Keep it green and happy growing buddy,

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
I'm still planning on mainlining, or at least that's been the goal. Once I read into it, I figured I had to try it. I learn by doing, so I figure I'll try a couple options.

The way I see it, I have options, but my main two bounce between
1: Mainline 1 or 2 photo's
2: 12/12FS 4-6 anythings

I don't have the option to keep a mother right now, but that may change.
I have a few good bagseeds around too, I figured I'd give one or two of those a run and just stick with one topping and LST.

Obviously I'd love to pull 150g+, but since this is initial run, I'll be happy to finish with healthy plants. I was planning on 8 heads each, or 16 total.

Ultimately, I just want to have a constant supply. I'm allowed 12 plants, so that gives me options, but I just need 1-1.25g/day.


Well-Known Member
Mini update:

Day 12 (mid light cycle)

Wendy and Wilma both have fully pushed out their first 5-leaf, and are now working on their first sets of 7. Wonder if the next set will be 9? Last pic shows the greatest detail. Next set should be out in a couple days. Only for me to chop them off.

Over shot (with scale)

Hard to get a good pic, but one of Wendy's first sets has an ill leaf. Not sure if I got the tip in my nutrient solution as I was watering/feeding, but it's not just the tip. It curled/discolored the edge of the leaf, that leaf is also now shadowed by upper leaves. It was the first leaf to show any pale tendency, now it's not the same green as the rest.

Wilma popped a mutant leaf, the one I'm pulling down in the pic has 6 leaves, the 6th makes it not symmetrical.

Tomorrow is feed day, suggestions are welcome if you have an idea of what Wendy needs ... or if I should prune that leaf. Weds was supposed to be end of Week 2 update, but I'll probably update again on Thurs (week 3, day 1, or day 15 total)

And some shenanigans are happening today.

Lights go out in 3hrs, then I can start construction without worrying about my ladies.(saw dust, tools, etc)
They'll get darkness in a tote (unfortunately no airflow) for the time being, 5-6hrs shouldn't harm them significantly, and they should bounce back tomorrow with a feed cycle.


Well-Known Member
Subbed up for this one. Sorry I'm late - you're not in the LED section :P

Also we have pretty much the exact same grow going, haha. White widow fem, canna, coco, smart pots, A51..


Well-Known Member
Subbed up for this one. Sorry I'm late - you're not in the LED section :P

Also we have pretty much the exact same grow going, haha. White widow fem, canna, coco, smart pots, A51..
and if I went HID, I'd buy a CMH too.

Probably a new update tonight... construction isn't done, but it's back up and running.

I post enough in the LED section that I figured a link in my sig was enough. The journal is "for me", but you guys are obviously encouraged to chip in.


Well-Known Member
Day 14, End of Week 2

I clearly have deficiencies, so I am going to give a feed at full strength(A&B). From what I can interpret, my signs all point to the main three(nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, mostly the first two) and I have been feeding at 75-80% every other day. I was feeding/watering based on the "finger wetness" test.
Lower leaves started "burning" from the tips ... a problem I know I'd hate to have. Whole plant seemed more yellow... New growth had yellowing at the tips/ridges... it should be exploding right now, not stunting. I picked up the pots today and they feel light. Maybe they need feeding more often.

Heat situation: I made some sacrifices to lose the fan noise, and now I need to fiddle with light leaks. I'm still getting too much heat rise, and that's without the extra 35W of flowering. If an increase by 30% of power draw equals even 10% more BTU's, then I'm up a creek with no paddle. Ambient temps in the room run 68-80F depending on outside temps, direct sunlight(South facing wall), room ventilation(fan), etc. Temps in the cab are a minimum of 10F higher than ambient, when left shut/locked/unattended. This tells me that my airflow is insufficient for the heat output of my space. I already had to change it once in order to keep the noise down, I didn't want to modify it again. The scrubber has been removed for the time being, I need to make sure my heat issue is resolved before I tackle that project. Unfortunately, it might not happen until at least Sunday ... like I need the extra anxiety.
If any of you are familiar with the heat issues other people have had with the CLW SS400, I'm taking their design cues and making a "heat donut" to go around my light. DIY is my kinda thing, so this might get interesting. Things worth noting, there are TWO 73cfm 120mm fans on the light, two 45cfm 140mm fans aren't enough. I managed to miss this piece of pertinent information. Basically, I set myself up for failure because I missed a small detail. If it takes 140cfm to keep it cool, and my cab only exchanges 90cfm, obviously heat will rise. Next step is to set up said "heat donut" and pull air out at ~150cfm during lights on. Any radiant heat should be handled by the current fans, as well as air exchange for CO2/O2. (two 45's pull air in, two 45's pull air out, restrictions are a biotch)

Either way, temps have been a steady 75-77F at lights off, 80-84F lights on.

During construction Wendy and Wilma were put in a tote, and the tote covered by a thick cloth. I know they had darkness for 6hrs, but they didn't have airflow. They looked then about as they do now.

On a positive note, my timer actually works now. As in, it turns on AND off when I program it to... it's like magic, or what I paid for. I still don't trust it, but we'll see. I haven't heard back from the amazon seller yet either.

Light was raised to 21", I want them to stretch more than they have been. I want the fans to push away from the main stalk more.

I'm impressed by the stipule production so far, not sure if it's "feminized" thing, or I just didn't pay attention before. I'm also impressed with how indica-ish they look at this point.

Anyways, I'm sure you all want to see pics. These are before feeding, and a better look at leaf issues.

I lost some floor space, I'm still not happy about it, but I can use the space above it.

7.5L's in place, it's gonna get crowded in a couple weeks.

3L's in place, probably won't use these at all really.

This leaf is mad at me



Wilma has a deformed leaf, and too yellow IMO.

Wendy's tips:

... time to take a shower, and mix up some nutes before dinner.


Well-Known Member
They look just fine to me Wimbo, that leaf you describe as mad has been sitting (or has sat) in wet soil, I assure you. That growth likely won`t come back, but that lower set of leaves I always remove into flower anyways. May want to go with a solid inline fan with 150+ CFM and use a FSC to lower it to your liking ... always better to have too much than not enough, and helps with the warm days. Not to mention it would run about the same electricity you`re using with 3-5 fans running for the same purpose(s). Great job otherwise mate, those 7.5 smarties are sexy :D. Keep it coming,

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
Day 15, Week 3, Day 1.

They seemed to respond well. Fed last night @ 1111ppm, 5.6pH.

I've heard many different thoughts on removing lower leaves. Here's where we make a mini science experiment, check the pics to see what I mean.

Wendy's undercarriage:

Wilma's undercarriage:

Wendy's first set is not producing secondary growth, Wilma's is producing secondary growth. I'm going to prune Wendy's and leave Wilma's. At least until Wilma's are in as poor of a condition as Wendy's.

Just over 2" tall now.

Wendy, 24hrs after "full strength feed"

Wilma, 24hrs after "full strength feed"

If you've been paying attention, you will have noticed that I removed my LST wiring. They're getting more direct fan air flow now, and I'm attempting to fatten those stalks. First pic in this post shows the skin peel from the stem swelling, I take this as a good sign. The skin/film started peeling/splitting a few days ago, but I can actually see that they have fattened up. Good sign to me that they have been listening when I explain to them how a haircut is in order, and that they're going to have a bad day or two, in the near future.

They'll get fed again tonight, pots are light, I will feed again at ~1100ppm and 5.5-5.6pH. Plus I want to see how much runoff I'll have today versus yesterday.


Well-Known Member
post feed and upkeep...

I think I'm within a couple days of when I should top them, so I strapped them down for the ride and raised the light to 24"



Chopping spot??? (Wilma)

The amazon seller has shipped me a new timer, I am officially happy with their response. Should be here within a week.

Fed @ 1111ppm, 5.6pH, 20% runoff, ~12oz solution per plant(before run off). Run off today was the same as yesterday, I will check pH on the run off once the particles settle more. It's officially time to feed every 24-36hrs instead of every 48, at least until transplant. Not sure how soon transplant will happen, I don't want to get ahead of myself, but it seems like 2-3 days from now is when I should top them... and I don't want too many stress factors.


Well-Known Member
1.1 part per thousand already? Delicious tap. Good to know I'll have you ~3 weeks ahead of me.. Loving the detail and number of pics :leaf:


Well-Known Member
They were showing signs of N & P deficiency, or at least in my mind. Canna Coco A and B are the base and need to be added to equal parts, so in order to increase those, I upped dose.

Keep in mind, Canna says weeks 2, 3 & 4, should be at 1190ppm. The last two feeds have both been 1111ppm, 5.6pH.

... The mad scientist started taking more detailed notes, and making better data logs.

Outside of the first set of leaves, all signs pointed toward trying "full strength". There's some room for error obviously, using filtered tap doesn't help. Using the same filter, same mixing cup, same tap, PPM vary from 108-144. Today it was 132ppm, yesterday 140ppm, all last week 110-112... I want real RO water without having to haul it around.

I feed my bishes before I bend them over.

They look happy!
Keep up the good work.
Thanks, it's appreciated.


Well-Known Member
1111 seems very high. At this stage, using HR VEG_BLOOM I am at ~ 300, and in hydro I can push

If that's what they recommend I think you are overpaying for a diluted product


Well-Known Member
1111 seems very high. At this stage, using HR VEG_BLOOM I am at ~ 300, and in hydro I can push

If that's what they recommend I think you are overpaying for a diluted product
I'm trying not to form any strong opinions about this product line yet. I was going to run Heavy 16, but dollar for dollar, Canna won me over. Then it was Canna vs H&G ... Canna came out ahead, but I still use Drip Clean(H&G brand). I agree though, >1000ppm seemed like a really high number, and that's why I avoided it. Other forum members that happen to be local encouraged full strength(they use the same nutes) at this age/time.

I guess I'm not following the logic on how it's diluted. The additives aren't really required to grow decent plants, and by volume aren't very concentrated. The base nutes A and B are decently potent. Mix last night was 367ppm before A or B was added, total of ~24oz of solution. Added 2.5mL of each, and total pre-pour was 1111ppm. I think the main difference is the volume/density of the water. Since mine is absorbed into the coco and slowly released, and in hydro the water just has bubbles and roots through it. Dawg's grow with the same light and hydro is running 400-650ppm, it made me think about "full strength" a lot more(in a fearful way). If they responded poorly, I would be the first to admit I messed up.

Being that this is my first indoor grow, I don't have any ties to a brand, Canna just fit the need and budget well. I would rather run organic soil, and just add water or water + molasses... I'd rather use the sun too, but that's not an option.

Not a whole lot to update on the ladies. Pic update on day 22... maybe they'll be in bigger pots by then.


Well-Known Member

June 12th will be Week 5, Day 1. Ideally the ladies will be flipped to 12:12 on that day. Reason being??? Week 15 interferes with a life/schedule change, and this strain is supposed to be 8-10 week flowering. I'd rather finish healthy and early, than late and poorly managed for the final week/s.

Both Wendy and Wilma were topped a couple hours before lights out on Day 16. Since then, secondary/side growth has increased at a steady rate. Last feed was 980ppm, 5.6pH. I plan to transplant tomorrow or Monday(Day 19 or 20). Day 22 marks the beginning of week 4 (this Weds), and it will be the last week at 18:6.

I lowered the light back down to 18" 36hrs after topping.

I might actually get to start building the "heat donut" although it won't exactly fit that name, I'm on v3.1 so far and I haven't even cut a piece of material yet...

Japanese for "improvement", or "change for the better" refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, and business management.
Pic update either Day 21 or 22, probably Day 21 because I'll be all giddy about the transplant.

Speaking of Transplants, D.R.E.A.M.


Stay Green.


Well-Known Member
Now is one of those moments where I could use some advice.

Am I looking at a salt buildup or mold? No matter what, roots are poking out, and they will be transplanted tomorrow. It looks to me like mold. PM?

One of the root tips had what I feel I could confirm was a "fuzz" of mold. There's a lot of white stuff all over the bottom of the coco. I know I didn't rinse my perlite, novice mistake, but I don't think that had anything to do with it.
I can't see any signs of mold or bug issues with the plant itself, just looked under them again today and saw that. There are a lot of roots popping out though, so that's good news, I figured a transplant was soon.

I won't ask for help and not update the rest.
Day 18, June 1.


closer look


Beauty is in symmetry, right?


Some fattie fans

My replacement timer showed up, but now that the other one is working, I'm not going to swap it out until next phase of construction. Next phase of construction includes making my heat manifold to pull air directly from the light and exhaust it out. If you're a DIY'r like me, I'll post enough details that you can recreate what I'm about to for your very own whatever-brand LED.
S&P TD100X was the fan of choice, I wish it was smaller in physical size, but I can't have everything I want.