DJ Short Blueberry Grow by Snafu (all organic)


Well-Known Member
I'm in! Looking great snafu! Have you ever tried just planting the 1gal smartpot right into the 7 gal? I ask because I saw that recently on another grow and thought it was a great way to transplant. Really looking forward to this one. I have some bb but haven't got it in the cycle yet. Good luck!
Hey man. I have never tried doing this, but was planning on beginning a few experiments with it.

It definitely can be done, as I have seen roots growing in a hydroponic system with Smart Pots as well. I have also grown my roots out so much they have begun to pop out of the sides of the Smart Pots.

So, alas, there would be no problem in doing this.

For me, a problem would arise though, which is why I want to experiment.

I run a perpetual system, so the containers get moved a lot. I also believe in rotational growing, so each pot is moved everyday for better lumen coverage.

It is my belief that I may run into a problem of sinking the 1 gall in a 7 gallon due to the fact that if the container is moved harshly, there is a solid chance of causing major root damage. You see, the 1 gal container would create a solid state within the container...when roots grow out of that into the 7 gal, they could be shredded by the inner container bumping around. One way to mitigate this would be packing the 7 gal soil in tightly, but I don't believe in packed soils.

So alas, I have to experiment with this with clones before I give it my nod.


Active Member
Good point! Thanks for the input. I will have to try it out. I plan on the same setup being able to rotate and hadn't thought of that. On with the show;)


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help well taken fordward i like tha fact that this a complete log and not a half on rep to u


Well-Known Member
Mini Update before tomorrow:

Blueberry #3 turned out to be a male. It also popped a male flower faster than I have seen before. One day it wasn't there, the next day it was.

Either way, I culled him this morning. I believe I may have another male, so it looks like 3/5 females. This is not definitive yet, sexing has just started and determination is very early and premature right now.

I forgot to take a picture of the roots, but let me tell you...they were chunky, white and all over the place. They had not progressed into the concentrated base soil yet, so I am keeping a majority of the soil from the container. I am happy to know that the roots are thriving, and I am essentially guaranteed a beautiful harvest now. It's all about the roots!

Here is BB3 male, culled this morning:



Well-Known Member
Anybody else having problems seeing the pix? Or's it just my 'puter? Either way, I don't think it has to do with anything you're doing, Snafu. Hmm RIU and all their recent changes... fishy.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm still readin' pix or no pix :lol: Happy Saturday, Snafu and everyone else. Hopefully by tomorrow's update RIU has the picture issue fixed. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Grow Journal
DJ Short Blueberry

12/11/11 Summary

***This grow is updated every Sunday***

  • 5 DJ Short Blueberry Plants sprouted from seed on 10/30/11; Today is Day 42 from seed.

  • All Organic

12/11/11 Notes

Found two males between yesterday and today. In my last post I incorrectly said the wrong BB numbers. I culled Blueberry #1 and Blueberry #3. Both popped male flowers.
So far it looks as though Blueberry #2, #4 and #5 are all females. They should show bigger pre-flowers in the next few days. They were only given sat-out tap water this week, not pH'ed.

I have about a pound of buds I need to trim this morning from my current harvest, so this update is shorter than usual.

All of the following shots exhibit the plants vigorously growing in their vegetative state. The branches you see are 1-2" above the soil, as they have been LST'ed with pipe cleaners in order to facilitate more internal lighting and to progress the growth for a possible SCRoG. So far, I have used anywhere from 8-12 pipe cleaners on each plant.

On to the pics!

Blueberry #1: Male

BB1 Male.jpg

A quick shot of the chunky white roots.

BB roots.jpg

Blueberry 2: Possible Female


Blueberry #4: Possible Female


Blueberry #5: Possible Female

bb5.jpg off to trim for the next few hours....I love harvest days!


Well-Known Member
Nice looking girls there Snafu. Enjoy your trimming. I love harvest day too but REALLY don't like to trim. Luckily Mrs. Medshed does like to trim. I do the rough cuts and make the hash, she does the precision work.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking girls there Snafu. Enjoy your trimming. I love harvest day too but REALLY don't like to trim. Luckily Mrs. Medshed does like to trim. I do the rough cuts and make the hash, she does the precision work.
Thanks Med! I ended up trimming for about 6+ hours today, I am tired. And I still have 4 more plants to chop! Those arent ready though, so probably next week.

My arms are tired!

Oh yeah, Blueberry #2 showed her pistils today:)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, RIU is having updates/issues. I have continued to post as I always have, so I believe the error is in the RIU system as it stands.

Recently I've had difficulty logging in as well...the site has been down...and pushes you to a CloudFlare link.

Hopefully they'll get it fixed soon...


Well-Known Member
Mother magic, the pix work now! Finally. It's like someone finally heard our cries of agony. I'm gonna go get high.

BB is looking great, btw, Snafu!! Psyching to see them go into 12/12. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Mother magic, the pix work now! Finally. It's like someone finally heard our cries of agony. I'm gonna go get high.

BB is looking great, btw, Snafu!! Psyching to see them go into 12/12. :peace:
Thanks! I am getting excited to make the switch to 12/12, but they just need more time.

I took some clones off 2 of the 3 females this morning while I was transplanting my Black Widows. Probably take some clones off the last Blueberry plant later today.

As soon as the clones root, I will be putting them into 12/12. Suffice to say, things are going to be very interesting if I get a stretch phenotype, as I am planning on not much stretch after flip. They are all bushing out a lot now.

I also gave them another shot of CalCarb this morning. They should do quite well, CalCarb works better on bigger plants.

Now I am off to the hydro house stinks from my current harvest and I need another fan and carbon filter for smell....


Active Member
Snafu, your journal is superbly organized, and the results speak for themselves.

I'm looking to start using an all-organic 'supersoil' setup for my next grow and just bought my first two bags of Roots Organics today to see how the rooted clones like it. Add to that my own use of RE (bought Superthrive and Rhizotonic that same day and intended to test them against one another, but have yet to start), and I'm excited to see future updates.

Because of this, I decided to LST with simple pipe cleaners for a better preparation for the screen, as well as enhanced pace of undergrowth. I wish to maximize undergrowth because of the early topping procedure I applied.
Can you please elaborate on this quote from a couple days back?


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]
Snafu, your journal is superbly organized, and the results speak for themselves.

I'm looking to start using an all-organic 'supersoil' setup for my next grow and just bought my first two bags of Roots Organics today to see how the rooted clones like it. Add to that my own use of RE (bought Superthrive and Rhizotonic that same day and intended to test them against one another, but have yet to start), and I'm excited to see future updates.

Can you please elaborate on this quote from a couple days back?
Hello there!

DJ Short Bluebrry is an extremely woody, dense and stout indica. Normally, I just top and veg into a SCRoG screen. With Blueberry, however, it is important to begin Low Stress training immediately after topping because of it's density and ridgidity.

If you dont begin LSTing from the outset, you will have a difficult--if not impossible-- time trying to bend the established plant to the screen. Furthermore, since Bb is so dense, LSTing allows more light to reach the undergrowth, which in turn will create an excellent growth pattern for the future screen.

In short, it mitigates the chances of breaking branches later on and maximizes yield potentials:[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
I'm in! Looking great snafu! Have you ever tried just planting the 1gal smartpot right into the 7 gal? I ask because I saw that recently on another grow and thought it was a great way to transplant. Really looking forward to this one. I have some bb but haven't got it in the cycle yet. Good luck!

yeah i do this too its called doupble potting