DIY lol....

Tuopuke Shop Press Kit Rosin Press Set up 6061 Aluminium Plates 3'' x 5'' Solid Plates 110V Heating Rod
Sold by TUOPUKE Fashion
Condition: New

CDN$ 405.00
throw in 250$ canadian tired press..and go for it

I'm gonna grab this plate kit and a knockoff dake(strongway) 10 ton benchtop with gauge. $250 for the plates $240 for the press. I've mulled it over for at least a year.
By God I Think I'm Ready!

@OLD MOTHER SATIVA, have you used this kit? If so,what's your opinion on them?
the plates work fine..the temps sometimes waffle a few degrees...
its well built ..and the price is right
no regrets..

Thank you for this @OLD MOTHER SATIVA ! Lol first response to my question about this kit from someone that has actually bought them. I figure, I could diy my own plates If I feel the need to squish more.

Ordering the plates as soon as I get back to the homefront!
@OLD MOTHER SATIVA was about to order the plate from amazon, there is also a kit on ebay for $50 more,the only difference I see is the $304 kit has one plate with a collar for the ram, same seller tuopoke.
Smh google can be your worst enemy at times,especially when it's time to order something. It's as if it knows exactly when your about to buy something and then throws 10 diff options at you all within $10-$20 dollars at you with minor spec differences. I already ordered my press. I step down, 1 to go.

* edit. The I was looking at was the cheaper uncollard version. I glanced at the kit you linked thinking it was the same, I didn't open your link as I has my tab/link under RIU's tab.
*edit#2 found them after more digging, collared and still at the right price!
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can buy aluminum Bar for cheap at any metal off cut supermarket. 25 to 50 bucks for the plates and a floor flange to affix it.
YOu can buy two PIDs and wire and box to put it al in for 120 bucks.
So for 150 to 175 bucks you can easily make your own Control unit and plates.
finally managed to squish ..bud material..
yeh finally made a decent prepressed puck first..
and upped the temps compared to squishing bubble or dry sift
I am about to build my own unit. I have access to aluminum plates that can be cut/machined to whatever I require for next to nothing.
Ordered 4 heat probes off ebay 300w, so think that should be enough.
Press I will figure out a design there as I want to make some mods. But have a couple lying around so they can be used as well.
My only concern is the PID that I will need. From what I gather I need 2 pids as I will be heating both plates with two heat probes in each. Once I have that part figured out then I can go to work. as well wait for the slow boat from China with my heat probes. :-)

Cannot wait. Now to read more about how long to press and what temps for best results. The Flattening iron with a clamp was an experience but result was less than good.

one PID will run two heaters..just make sure mow much wattage the pids handle.
so one pid will run 2 heaters. Wiring is simple.
I'm finding the one heater for each pid is enough for the 3 by 5 inch plates.

The 5 by 5 inch plates had only one heater as well but it was larger although the same wattage. The thermocouples are set farthest away from the heaters.

The 3 by 5 plates squish with less pressure... stuff just comes flowin out(: including the skreeef is ya press to hard to fast (:
Perfect then I will have spare heaters if 2 will suffice. The plates I planned to use were either 3x5 or 4x6 and i blv the heat probes are just over 3".
Thanks again.

DON'T buy this've been warned everyone...
Starter unit.....kinda like a training bra...side question....what are they training them to do?
anyway....don't try this at home.
Screw that lol.
I wanna see someone take a pedestal truss press and convert it into a rosin press..

I worked a couple months at a roof truss factory when I was a teenager. They squish pressure plates into the wood to hold the frame in position.