DIY lol....

12-20 ton is fine. If you use bigger plates you need more force. Unless you intend to go commercial and use 5x10 plates....20 tons is more than adequate. Even 12 is all good.
depends on how much you wanna press at a time. I have found(after I was told) pressing 1/2oz's works better than an oz at a time.
faster..better product.
The heaters size will determine the size plates you have....
You would have to search around for what other have to say with regards to the amount of heaters or size of heaters youd need for plates that size. Consistent temp over the plate seems to be the key for rosin flow....
We have 3' of 3"x1" bar aluminum
I was thinking about 3"x7", what would you suggest?
GB is correct. Look at the bags your going to actually buy and see what size you want to go with. I use 3x5 bags and have a 4x7 inch plate size. You want the bags just smaller than the plates. Max coverage that way. Less distance for the rosin to travel to get out the side.
Heaters I can't help you with. As GB want very consistent heat. I like to over buy things. I like having extra umpff when you need it. Thicker bigger plates need more heat. Depends on how much you want to squeeze at once. I usually do an ounce.
If you go with bigger plates you need more pressure. I use a 20 ton
MMMMMMCookies! (:


First squish got most of it..second squish got less than a 1/4 gram and a darker product. and completely destroyed the bag :lol:
JUs goes in a wash anyway for later...
Nothing is wasted!....well...that remains to be seen I guess ;)
Pressing rosin at low temps produces a rosin that looks like cake batter, usually in colo and texture. Bottle tech looks like a different way of packing your rosin bags. Cylindrical instead of a puck or brick
I’ve seen that, leaks out of the1 side of parchment tube I seen 3 done looked like it made it easier for collecting.
IMG_2364.JPG collecting is easy.

What parts do you want to know of?
PIDs and therms come together. (amazon)
Heaters are separate order .(amazon) I bought 300 watt/110v, 80 mm............. for my 3 by 4 plates.
The plates I bought at a (metal supermarket).
Springs were a bitch but I saw some gate fence door springs at Lowes...after I found the ones I wanted of course.
The jack was bought at CT.
The floor flange I ordered from Granger Canada.
The press, I took the design of the harbour freight and made it smaller and had a buddy welded it up for me.
I added the parts and started squishing.

might try 3 by 12 inch plates... .
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View attachment 4084264 collecting is easy.

What parts do you want to know of?
PIDs and therms come together. (amazon)
Heaters are separate order .(amazon) I bought 300 watt/110v, 80 mm............. for my 3 by 4 plates.
The plates I bought at a (metal supermarket).
Springs were a bitch but I saw some gate fence door springs at Lowes...after I found the ones I wanted of course.
The jack was bought at CT.
The floor flange I ordered from Granger Canada.
The press, I took the design of the harbour freight and made it smaller and had a buddy welded it up for me.
I added the parts and started squishing.

might try 3 by 12 inch plates... .
Nice Setup GB....good picking and execution........that cart is sweet too.