No they are'nt! It just takes some leg work finding what ya need CHEAP lol
I dwelled on it for over two years. VERY HAPPY I did it.
I'm still tryin to figure out what set up works best..size plates..temps ...amount of herb That one kinda through me for a fast its slow....a ton of varriables eh but
Everyone should have a rosin press

Soon come the way I see it
Gonna try and winterize some rosin....
seeing as how the herb is moist when pressed...only leaves me to believe that there are inactive cannabinoids that need to be decarbed as well,,,
two minutes at 230 would surely start it but needs a wee bit more time to accomplish a full decarb if its not decarbed in the first place...

A friend who got me into this suggested a decarbing cup of some sorts..with pid to control temp
LOTS of things to consider I guess.
around 850 for a 20 ton unless you can pick things up cheap...likea used 20 ton jack ...or used press would drop that price in half at least. The electronics are around 120 or less depending on how many heaters you want....the aluminum plates are cheap at any metal supper market.
I'm going to make up a set of 3 by 5 inch plates to replace the 5 by 5 I have now.
More PSI and it will see the rosin pushed away from the heat faster. just a thought..I may be wrong.. lol