DIY lol....

$79.99 for 100 of the 90micron bags. Most common size seems to be 2"X4.5"
think the deal is to get it off and away from the hot plates asap...narrow plate accomplishes that
A longer plate requires bigger or more heaters....good thing I just got two more.
Might just have to make up some 2 by ten inch plates. :lol: more pressure less area..than the 5 by 5 I have now.. but I think the plate would have to be at least 2" if not 3" thick at 10 "
seems to be an inversely proportional thing goin on :lol:...
No complaints so far... Working the temps down still
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Thanks qb, I saw this vid. Had some questions for gg about it. Meh....never heard back. This one is a bit larger than I think I need.
Half a zip(at most) and under is what I'm looking to squish. Im a personal squisher lol.
Would I need to pre puck? What size plates should I get for said squishing amounts?

Don't want a 20 ton jack, take up too much real estate. THIS press (op's) look about damn near perfect for my needs. I can source all the parts needed. I just want to make sure I'm getting all the right shit for the the size press I wanna build.
this is easy to build..they sell them different sizes,, this is a ten ton press.

theres a billion diy presses

ps 4 hours labour at the shop plus $60 in material is what it would cost for what was made.
much more than a harbour freight costs,,but its custom and I didn't have to pay for either.
Just gave him the design and measurements,
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i got a larger 10 tonner from crappy tire..ummm smaller is nicer
also,,you can turn it on its side easier because its lighter smaller and
ps...rosin reacts to gravity
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I looked at them . The 20 ton was 300 after tax and FUCKING HUGE for my space. :lol:
Wanted a bench unit that could do it for sure.
Does a bang up job from what I have seen other pressing for returns and the reason why I built one.
No More IPA for this cat!

ps there really are some very good set ups for presses...that are cheaper by far for sure!
Ran across this unit. Very small indeed. Possibly a bit on the light weight side. But it could be made DIY or bought from these guys I guess. Anyway one of the smallest I've seen.
For those looking to save space it might be a good option. doesn't look too heavy either.

I've seen other small but good units but they aren't cheap. At least it's under a grand in U.S. dollars.
thought about that design.....but it got more expensive with the stainless.and the jack or hydraulics adds to the price..