Disturbing things

Isn't another definition for obtuse slow to understand. In wich case it fits. Not saying its a good analogy but the word is correct. Again while it could be used for any supporter of any candidate, it seems especially true of RP supporters.
[/h][TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD="width: 80"]Adjective:[/TD]
[TD][TABLE="class: ts"]
  1. Annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.
  2. Difficult to understand.
Don't take it wrong Ron Paul has some good ideas. But some of the rest of his ideas are beyond the stratosphere. And the zealotry exhibeted by his followers is disturbing.

In your opinion what is Ron Paul wrong about NoDrama?
Oh, well for sure it has to be the unconstitutional things.
Oh, well for sure it has to be the unconstitutional things.
This is where idealism clashes with reality.
Iran is threatening to blockade the straights of hormuz and has warned the United States that a return of a US Carrier in International waters will be met with severe consequences.
The straights of hormuz is where 40% of the worlds oil transits thru.

What would President Ron Paul do?
Hey guys, it's dukeanthony AGAIN! Speak of the fucking devil.

You're to obvious dude, you can't even change the way you type.

Oh, and you didn't get banned because of your anti-paul statements, you got banned cause your 16.

No idea what you are talking about. But I am a lot older than 16. Uhm does this fall into Ron Paul supporters want to get rid of any negative comments about Ron Paul? Sure seems like it.
President Paul would pat them on the back and whisper in their ears to take out Israel. At least that's what I gather from endless RP supporters.
Well the way I see it. If Ron Paul uses his exuctive power as commander in chief of the armed forces to shutter overseas military bases. The Iranians could shut down and blockade the straights easily. As we could not projecrt power over there in a timely manner. By the time we got there the Straights would be blockaded with sunken ships and mines. The economys of the world would go into a tailspin and other than nuclear we couldnt respond in any meaningful way.
The mullahs of Iran do not care about there people for all they care the people could starve, burn or glow in the dark.
Allah wills it. And nuking them would lay waste to the whole region. Again achieving the goals of the Iranians in the first place which is to disrupt the world.
This is where idealism clashes with reality.
Iran is threatening to blockade the straights of hormuz and has warned the United States that a return of a US Carrier in International waters will be met with severe consequences.
The straights of hormuz is where 40% of the worlds oil transits thru.

What would President Ron Paul do?

I think Ron Paul would lift sanctions on Iran and Iran would remove the threat immediately. I think Ron Paul would then treat Iran with the same dignity and respect that any country should get.

BTW it is not possible for Iran to blockade the Strait, they do not have a large enough Navy. Besides, at this point it's only a threat and a pretty weak one at that. Iran has a loooooooooooong ass history of non aggression. The last time Iran started any kind of conflict is way way back in 1739.

the last time the USA started something? What time is it?
The Strait of Hormuz /hɔrˈmuːz/ (Persian: تنگه هرمز Tangeh-ye Hormoz, Arabic: مضيق هرمز‎ Maḍīq Hurmuz) is a narrow, strategically important strait between the Gulf of Oman in the southeast and the Persian Gulf. On the north coast is Iran and on the south coast is the United Arab Emirates and Musandam, an exclave of Oman.
The strait at its narrowest is 54 kilometres (34 mi) wide.[SUP][1][/SUP] It is the only sea passage to the open ocean for large areas of the petroleum-exporting Persian Gulf. About 14 tankers carrying 15.5 million barrels (2,460,000 m[SUP]3[/SUP]) of crude oil pass through the strait on an average day, making it one of the world's most strategically important choke points. This represents 35% of the world's seaborne oil shipments, and 20% of oil traded worldwide in 2011.[SUP][2]

Childs play. Really
And as far as lifting sanctions. Now you escalate the threat they can impose from blockading to that of Nuclear terrorist. This is in addition to appeasing state terrorists.
Actually Iran is proven to be the puppet master of hezbolla wich has been at war for awhile now. And a war of aggression to boot. And you are correct the us does not have the ability to instantly stop Iran but that's what our ally in the region is for. As much as yall hate to hear it, it will be Israel again stepping up and taking care of their ally as well as the rest of the world.
Actually Iran is proven to be the puppet master of hezbolla wich has been at war for awhile now. And a war of aggression to boot. And you are correct the us does not have the ability to instantly stop Iran but that's what our ally in the region is for. As much as yall hate to hear it, it will be Israel again stepping up and taking care of their ally as well as the rest of the world.

We are out of Iraq now. Israel does not need our permission to Cross Iraqi airspace anymore.
Problem is how do you get our Arab allies to fall in line when it is again Israel that is the initial aggressor?
That I am not sure of but I do know Israel has not acted against anyone with out America pushing the issue. Our Arab allies will fall in line because they mostly see what a real threat the current Iranian regime is to the world.
That and if you look at history none of the Arab nations can beat Israel, they have tried before and it ended real bad for them. The Arabs are not stupid they don't want that fight.
That I am not sure of but I do know Israel has not acted against anyone with out America pushing the issue. Our Arab allies will fall in line because they mostly see what a real threat the current Iranian regime is to the world.

They attacked a Iraqi nuke plant in the 80s
They attacked a Syrian weapons dump last year

That and if you look at history none of the Arab nations can beat Israel, they have tried before and it ended real bad for them. The Arabs are not stupid they don't want that fight.

The point is any attack in the region will bring about a worldwide economic recession as the price of energy skyrockets due to instability
The disturbing thing is the OP's swift generalization of a group of people (characteristic of homophobes, racists, etc), as well as hatred for strong enthusiasm for a Presidential candidate. Welcome to America, bud.
Oh I know about Iraq and Syria but to think those were independent actions is folly. I agree that war will be a very bad thing but it probably will happen.
The disturbing thing is the OP's swift generalization of a group of people (characteristic of homophobes, racists, etc), as well as hatred for strong enthusiasm for a Presidential candidate. Welcome to America, bud.

Excuse me. But who did I call a racist or homophobe? I bet you are a Ron Paul Supporter. Congradulations on your 3rd place victory.
Excuse me. But who did I call a racist or homophobe? I bet you are a Ron Paul Supporter. Congradulations on your 3rd place victory.

You didn't, nor did I say you did. I was illustrating a point. Yes I am, but that wouldn't be the reason why I stated that. I dislike it when people make assumptions of groups as if everyone follows the exact same mold. That is stereotypical prejudice.