Heres a list of things youre certain to find a Ron Paul supporter doing or saying at some time in your interaction with them. This will be added to at times.
1. Theyll tell you youre afraid of Ron Paul simply because you disagree with him.
2. If you run a simple blog, webpage or any other simple online content critical of Ron Paul, theyll accuse you of being funded by the CIA or some corporation. Theyll say this despite the fact that your content looks very simplistic.
3. Theyll accuse you of being a neo-con.
4. Theyll accuse you of hating liberty, freedom and the constitution, simply because you disagree with Ron Pauls interpretation of it.
5. Theyll mimic your anti-Paul content, with a pro-Paul, passive aggressive, tone. For example if you have a Ron Paul Exposed Blog, theyll make a Ron Paul Exposed Blog too. Only theyll say things like, See were exposing how Ron Paul likes that dumb thing called freedom.
6. Even though you make it clear to them, that you dont want to hear what they have to say, theyll interpret that as a statement saying you want to hear what they have to say.
7. They act like the fate of freedom, liberty and civilization itself, rests in Pauls placement in an online poll, straw poll, text in poll or the like. They will literally spend hours, days, weeks, months, years, recruiting people to go vote in said poll.
8. They will report any of your anti-Paul content online, to the owner of said site. For example, if you have a Facebook page with anti-Paul content, theyll report it as abusive to Facebook. Yet theyll maintain following anti-Obama, anti-Boehner, anti-Bachmann, anti-Franks, anti-Pelosi, anti-Bush pages, because there is NOTHING hypocritical about that.
9. Much like 8. Theyll rant about their love of freedom, liberty and speech, but if you even speak against Ron Paul, theyll do everything in their power to take your anti-Paul speech and expression down.
10. Theyll harass anyone/page/site/blog/community online that is minding its own business, all the while touting how Ron Paul says we need a foreign policy where our nation doesnt intervene and we mind our own business.
11. Theyll go to online content of their own free will, which is anti-Paul, then theyll claim the owner of said content is harassing them. Even though the owner and followers of said content are minding their own business and not encouraging or actually going and bothering Paulbots.
12. They will literally spend hours/days/weeks/months conniving for ways to convince one person who comments in a negative way about Ron Paul, on some blog or news article.
13. They literally have no concept of thinking outside themselves. They have no ability to comprehend that others simply dont think like they think.
14. If Paul finishes, say 4th in a poll or actual election at say 9% and he finishes ahead of someone like Gingrich, or Giuliani, theyll act like this is a sign he actually won! Because he finished ahead of such popular people! All the while forgetting that three other people finished ahead of Paul, with much bigger poll/election results. To them 9% and fourth place, trumps 1st place at 40% or 2nd place at 33%. The 9% for Paul is a sign of a groundswell of support. The 40% the winner got means NOTHING! (Numbers given are just for figurative purposes. I think you get my point.)
15. Much like 14. They will act like a straw poll, text poll, online poll win is the real sign of victory. They act like raising $4 million in a day certainly shows Ron Paul is the next president. All the while ignoring actual, real world election results. Youll hear them tout all the straw/text/online poll wins and money donations from 2008, but theyll never mention he didnt win a single primary. Hey why mention that, when you have more substantive things like online polls to tout?
16. After not winning a single primary, they will then go on and work for a write in campaign! Because we all know that if you dont win a single primary, you will certainly get a majority of people to write your name on the ballot in a general election.
17. Theyll view their banning from an online forum/blog/website/whatever as being on the same level as our founding fathers who literally died as they fought for freedom.
18. Theyll play the insulting advocate. This is where they look like theyre insulting Ron Paul, but really its a passive aggressive, coy, sly statement that advocates for him.
19. Theyll claim youre scared of Ron Paul, because youre afraid of the truth.
20. Theyll call you a sheeple, if you dont follow Ron Paul. Yet they have no problem getting together in large crowds and chanting Ron Paul together. They have no problem donating money, to the same guy, on the same day, all together. But yeah, if you dont follow Ron Paul, then youre the sheeple.
21. Theyll act like they supported someone else, then give their I came to Ron Paul testimony.
22. Theyll say they never heard of Ron Paul, until they saw you say/post something bad about him. But now that they read about him, due to your hate, now they are going to vote for him.
23. Theyll rant against the Huffington Post when there are anti-Paul articles, and theyll call it a false source of information. But theyll reference the Huffington Post if it backs up claims they love.
24. Theyll appeal to the fact that he delivered 4000 babies. As if this actually means anything.
25. They conflate Pauls repeated appeals to the constitution and founding fathers, as actual evidence that he is constitutional and just like our founding fathers. Theyll act like our founding fathers would ONLY support Ron Paul.
26. Theyll come to a site critical of Ron Paul and act like they are an undecided type voter looking for facts. After looking at the facts, theyll then act like the facts dont exist, or theyll down play the facts as unimportant, even though they scathe other candidates for the same things. I call this the sincere, undecided, seeker of information tactic.
27. After looking at said facts about Paul, theyll try turning it on its head and say that the facts actually put Ron Paul in a positive light. This is actually similar to the tactic above where they mimic said content but use it to advocate for Paul. Theyll go so far as to say said facts make Paul look good, even when the facts clearly show Paul stands for a environment that would allow for states to have slaves again. If a page had a real photo of Ron Paul raping a baby, the Paulbot would say, Well that puts Paul in a positive light. It just shows he wants to keep the child protective services busy.
28. Theyll claim people follow the other candidates because the media puts thoughts in their mind and controls them. Almost as if people have no ability to make a choice! Yet if the media had this much power, wouldnt it follow that the Paulbot making the claim, wouldnt have the ability to choose Paul in the first place? Long story short, Paulbots cant accept that the majority of people outright reject Paul, so they have to blame it on the media and the like.
29. Paulbots love to wear masks. You may see their avatar showing a Guy Fawkes mask or some kind of a chemical hazardous materials mask. Some of them even wear the mask in real life. Their love of the mask shows they love to emulate those founding fathers so much. Sure the founding fathers actually fought, put their lives on the line and lost blood, but the Paulbot feels like the moral equivalent because they quote those brave men while hiding behind a computer and or a mask. (Oh and Paulbots, before you go calling me a nameless, faceless coward, hiding behind a blog, keep in mind, Im not making any claims to being the moral equivalent of the founding fathers. I am a coward behind a blog. I admit it. Unlike you!)
30. Shawshank redemption words. They love to use difficult sounding words, that sound like they may have been used in the movie Shawshank Redemption. Chances are if you see them using words that sound big, they saw them in a movie. They might say youre a Luddite or myopic, or hey, you name it!
1. Theyll tell you youre afraid of Ron Paul simply because you disagree with him.
2. If you run a simple blog, webpage or any other simple online content critical of Ron Paul, theyll accuse you of being funded by the CIA or some corporation. Theyll say this despite the fact that your content looks very simplistic.
3. Theyll accuse you of being a neo-con.
4. Theyll accuse you of hating liberty, freedom and the constitution, simply because you disagree with Ron Pauls interpretation of it.
5. Theyll mimic your anti-Paul content, with a pro-Paul, passive aggressive, tone. For example if you have a Ron Paul Exposed Blog, theyll make a Ron Paul Exposed Blog too. Only theyll say things like, See were exposing how Ron Paul likes that dumb thing called freedom.
6. Even though you make it clear to them, that you dont want to hear what they have to say, theyll interpret that as a statement saying you want to hear what they have to say.
7. They act like the fate of freedom, liberty and civilization itself, rests in Pauls placement in an online poll, straw poll, text in poll or the like. They will literally spend hours, days, weeks, months, years, recruiting people to go vote in said poll.
8. They will report any of your anti-Paul content online, to the owner of said site. For example, if you have a Facebook page with anti-Paul content, theyll report it as abusive to Facebook. Yet theyll maintain following anti-Obama, anti-Boehner, anti-Bachmann, anti-Franks, anti-Pelosi, anti-Bush pages, because there is NOTHING hypocritical about that.
9. Much like 8. Theyll rant about their love of freedom, liberty and speech, but if you even speak against Ron Paul, theyll do everything in their power to take your anti-Paul speech and expression down.
10. Theyll harass anyone/page/site/blog/community online that is minding its own business, all the while touting how Ron Paul says we need a foreign policy where our nation doesnt intervene and we mind our own business.
11. Theyll go to online content of their own free will, which is anti-Paul, then theyll claim the owner of said content is harassing them. Even though the owner and followers of said content are minding their own business and not encouraging or actually going and bothering Paulbots.
12. They will literally spend hours/days/weeks/months conniving for ways to convince one person who comments in a negative way about Ron Paul, on some blog or news article.
13. They literally have no concept of thinking outside themselves. They have no ability to comprehend that others simply dont think like they think.
14. If Paul finishes, say 4th in a poll or actual election at say 9% and he finishes ahead of someone like Gingrich, or Giuliani, theyll act like this is a sign he actually won! Because he finished ahead of such popular people! All the while forgetting that three other people finished ahead of Paul, with much bigger poll/election results. To them 9% and fourth place, trumps 1st place at 40% or 2nd place at 33%. The 9% for Paul is a sign of a groundswell of support. The 40% the winner got means NOTHING! (Numbers given are just for figurative purposes. I think you get my point.)
15. Much like 14. They will act like a straw poll, text poll, online poll win is the real sign of victory. They act like raising $4 million in a day certainly shows Ron Paul is the next president. All the while ignoring actual, real world election results. Youll hear them tout all the straw/text/online poll wins and money donations from 2008, but theyll never mention he didnt win a single primary. Hey why mention that, when you have more substantive things like online polls to tout?
16. After not winning a single primary, they will then go on and work for a write in campaign! Because we all know that if you dont win a single primary, you will certainly get a majority of people to write your name on the ballot in a general election.
17. Theyll view their banning from an online forum/blog/website/whatever as being on the same level as our founding fathers who literally died as they fought for freedom.
18. Theyll play the insulting advocate. This is where they look like theyre insulting Ron Paul, but really its a passive aggressive, coy, sly statement that advocates for him.
19. Theyll claim youre scared of Ron Paul, because youre afraid of the truth.
20. Theyll call you a sheeple, if you dont follow Ron Paul. Yet they have no problem getting together in large crowds and chanting Ron Paul together. They have no problem donating money, to the same guy, on the same day, all together. But yeah, if you dont follow Ron Paul, then youre the sheeple.
21. Theyll act like they supported someone else, then give their I came to Ron Paul testimony.
22. Theyll say they never heard of Ron Paul, until they saw you say/post something bad about him. But now that they read about him, due to your hate, now they are going to vote for him.
23. Theyll rant against the Huffington Post when there are anti-Paul articles, and theyll call it a false source of information. But theyll reference the Huffington Post if it backs up claims they love.
24. Theyll appeal to the fact that he delivered 4000 babies. As if this actually means anything.
25. They conflate Pauls repeated appeals to the constitution and founding fathers, as actual evidence that he is constitutional and just like our founding fathers. Theyll act like our founding fathers would ONLY support Ron Paul.
26. Theyll come to a site critical of Ron Paul and act like they are an undecided type voter looking for facts. After looking at the facts, theyll then act like the facts dont exist, or theyll down play the facts as unimportant, even though they scathe other candidates for the same things. I call this the sincere, undecided, seeker of information tactic.
27. After looking at said facts about Paul, theyll try turning it on its head and say that the facts actually put Ron Paul in a positive light. This is actually similar to the tactic above where they mimic said content but use it to advocate for Paul. Theyll go so far as to say said facts make Paul look good, even when the facts clearly show Paul stands for a environment that would allow for states to have slaves again. If a page had a real photo of Ron Paul raping a baby, the Paulbot would say, Well that puts Paul in a positive light. It just shows he wants to keep the child protective services busy.
28. Theyll claim people follow the other candidates because the media puts thoughts in their mind and controls them. Almost as if people have no ability to make a choice! Yet if the media had this much power, wouldnt it follow that the Paulbot making the claim, wouldnt have the ability to choose Paul in the first place? Long story short, Paulbots cant accept that the majority of people outright reject Paul, so they have to blame it on the media and the like.
29. Paulbots love to wear masks. You may see their avatar showing a Guy Fawkes mask or some kind of a chemical hazardous materials mask. Some of them even wear the mask in real life. Their love of the mask shows they love to emulate those founding fathers so much. Sure the founding fathers actually fought, put their lives on the line and lost blood, but the Paulbot feels like the moral equivalent because they quote those brave men while hiding behind a computer and or a mask. (Oh and Paulbots, before you go calling me a nameless, faceless coward, hiding behind a blog, keep in mind, Im not making any claims to being the moral equivalent of the founding fathers. I am a coward behind a blog. I admit it. Unlike you!)
30. Shawshank redemption words. They love to use difficult sounding words, that sound like they may have been used in the movie Shawshank Redemption. Chances are if you see them using words that sound big, they saw them in a movie. They might say youre a Luddite or myopic, or hey, you name it!