Did Zeppelin steal song or not?


Well-Known Member
There is a a deffinate influence there. But then were would we be if we didnt pluck from our influences in life. Yep , back then everyone played everyones shit. Now its about the money bigtime. ive been ripped off before , while my buddies got pissed i thought it was cool they would think that much of it to copy it. Yet my arrangment was a kinda over the hills and far away at the temple of syrinx sounding . lol. rippin a rip ,lol. Blues would be dead if you couldnt do lead and riffs thats others do. Is thats why its called blues. lol. Just jokin.
elvis was a pill junky who had the worst band on earth . Without the colonel telling him every move to make i doubt he would be king of shit. lol. My step pop did a couple tours with him and said they had to point him where to go he was so junkyfied on pillsand said his musicians need to learn how to play music. lol. Watching him except a gift from a nattive american girl was fucking discusting. I felt sorry for the little girl. Decades later i watched the stuff on youtube and was amazed how accurate what pop said was true.Watching the audiances face's while he was ramblin onstage like he was up for days sure didnt look like they were looking at the king. lol. More like a wasted money for a ticket. lol.

i wonder if these writer of this got credit.lol.
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Active Member
i'm going to sell riffs, i got a freaky talent to write dem easy.

i wrote 3 killer hiphop tracks i'd love so share with you, but i'll have to upload on a fake account so you don't know where they come from ;)

i right tunes for rappers coz i'm street like that so.


Well-Known Member
I never liked Elvis. He was just a safe white hoochie boy, so the dad's of the time were less worried about daughters being contaminated by the evil black culture. Besides, Elvis was a product of the Colonel's marketing skills
I was 2 yrs. old when Elvis became a hit, never really liked him other than a couple songs.
I was 1000 X more impressed with Hendrix, Clapton, Carlos Santana the 3 Kings (BB, Freddie and Albert) and later Stevie Ray...
I loved the Allman Bros., saw them live early 70's...they'd always say 'this is a T Bone Walker song' or whoever wrote it and I'd start looking for those original records and found out who really started electric guitar rock. Those old blues guys influenced everybody...


Well-Known Member
I never liked Elvis either...but that doesn't change the fact that he was mostly responsible for making the evolutionary jump happen in modern, popular music. Yeah, a lot of it had to do with race and the pretty-boy face -right around the time that television entertainment was starting to happen. Coincidence? No. The powers at the time were white and they weren't about to put a bunch of "spooks" on the screen! And no blacks of that era were in any kind of position to do anything on their own. Sad...but true.

All bands (especially Brits) "stole" riffs from American bluesmen... who would have likely remained hidden in a segregated society, otherwise. Elvis and other white bands brought much "black" music into the light (yes, pun intended). ;)

As time went on, many of the black musicians, themselves, were brought out by these so-called "thieves". Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones were big-time allocators of black music....and the young, money-spending white kids loved it. What came of it is a prime example of what synergy means. The two elements, combined became a greater force than when they were kept separate.

If it weren't for a few white musicians and DJs who were brave enough to stand against the racist attitudes of the day, blacks would still be be doing their thing out of sight...and whites would still be clapping on "1" and "3" ....;)

And now, we have "BET" -which stands for "Black Entertainment Television" -which is one of the most racist, segregative concepts in existence! Will white musicians eventually become suppressed by such concepts?

It's kinda weird how things work, sometimes.