Did we actually land on the moon?

Mr Wacky Tobacky

Well-Known Member
those are still real moon rocks, brought back by unmanned probes.

u guys must not think that cos nasa hoaxed one mission to boost their
popularity and funding that the rest of it is crap.

nasa is a massive organisation, its completely impossible for it all to be a hoax.
the easiest lies to tell are always surrounded by 99% fact..
Well, I'm pretty sure that I heard that Neil Armstrong was the one who collected these rocks and brought it back and I don't see why I should argue with this as I can not say this is not true..The clips on the "conspiracy theory" are plausible but I'm not going to be convinced by this either.. all I can do by the end of the day is laugh about it as it does look funny but to me it's still no real proof.. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
LOL \what the usa have been mining the moon sence 1962 when they was meant to be flying around it ...open your eyes

Mr Wacky Tobacky

Well-Known Member
Flying around the moon?? I thought they were meant to land on the moon.. mining is not needed when there are rocks scattered around on the surface..


Well-Known Member
when the public guys was going around the moon without landing and yh mining the moon ...check it out damn theres 3 guys from the usa who have the papers to do it ,,,, check it out .... and now them guys are rich as fuck ./...and theres things under which is more than iron and glass


Well-Known Member
when the public guys was going around the moon without landing and yh mining the moon ...check it out damn theres 3 guys from the usa who have the papers to do it ,,,, check it out .... and now them guys are rich as fuck ./...and theres things under which is more than iron and glass
Thats news to me. Do you have a link to support your claims?:mrgreen:

LOL \what the usa have been mining the moon sence 1962 when they was meant to be flying around it ...open your eyes
I call bullshit. :mrgreen: Show me some proof, otherwise your just talking out of your ass(in my opinion).




Well-Known Member
LOL know coz you only belive things that are real YH
LOL a american only belive what he see's lol fuck no ,... i got support for my claims
but what about yours


Well-Known Member
and Yh thats my plan to talk out of my own ass ......by lieing about mining the moon .....LOL get a fucking life


Well-Known Member
got support for my claims
but what about yours
If you have been following the the tread (at all) you would have realized I have been supporting my claims every step of the way.

Your just an ass... Its ok(I'm not mad). If you want to come here and be an ass then fine. But be it be known to the reader that your full of shyt and you should NOT be taken seriously. (Learn how to spell, buddy.. Yh=why:confused: .........:lol:)


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Well-Known Member
well its a fact the saturn 5 launched, if it was just in orbit the soviets wouldve known and wouldve exposed us, not to mention we put a mirror up there to measure the moons distance, and we left a flag up there, if you had a powerful enough telescope Im sure you can see it


Well-Known Member
well its a fact the saturn 5 launched, if it was just in orbit the soviets wouldve known and wouldve exposed us, not to mention we put a mirror up there to measure the moons distance, and we left a flag up there, if you had a powerful enough telescope Im sure you can see it
yeah ok
we landed

but must have been our other moon you know

the one with only half earth's gravity

its obviously hiding on the other side of the sun


Well-Known Member
the one with only half earth's gravity
You cannot tell gravity by looking at a video, I am sorry. Get some money, buy a huge telescope, and go check it out yourself. Homegrown is right, if anyone would've exposed us, it would be the Russians... have they said anything? The whole world would know it was faked if it truly was, it was one of the biggest events in our time... instead it's just a few people who wish not to accept the facts and wish to challenge science with no proof at all except for saying "If you slow the video, if you speed up the video... blah blah", for what gain? What is the gain of trying to prove we didn't land on the moon? Perhaps it's jealousy? Afterall it wasn't an American who started this bullshit... unfortunately some American's have become enamored with being on the disbelief train and yet, I've not seen one proof of not landing on the moon, while there's tons of proof we did. :roll: Obviously the Apollo missions were tracked, so where are the documents regarding it's orbiting around the earth and never touching the moon? We have the FOIA which would allow any skeptic access to the Apollo documents.


Well-Known Member
yeah ok
we landed

but must have been our other moon you know

the one with only half earth's gravity

its obviously hiding on the other side of the sun
why has no other proponet of the hoax theory come out with this argument, there is whole books on the subject and no metion of this stupid argument because it is exaclty that, a stupid argument...people on the moon at 1/6 spped do not look like people on earth period....dont you think one of the physicists at nasa wouldve pointed this out if it were so.....come up with a new argument cause that one doesnt work


Well-Known Member
You cannot tell gravity by looking at a video, I am sorry. Get some money, buy a huge telescope, and go check it out yourself. Homegrown is right, if anyone would've exposed us, it would be the Russians... have they said anything? The whole world would know it was faked if it truly was, it was one of the biggest events in our time... instead it's just a few people who wish not to accept the facts and wish to challenge science with no proof at all except for saying "If you slow the video, if you speed up the video... blah blah", for what gain? What is the gain of trying to prove we didn't land on the moon? Perhaps it's jealousy? Afterall it wasn't an American who started this bullshit... unfortunately some American's have become enamored with being on the disbelief train and yet, I've not seen one proof of not landing on the moon, while there's tons of proof we did. :roll: Obviously the Apollo missions were tracked, so where are the documents regarding it's orbiting around the earth and never touching the moon? We have the FOIA which would allow any skeptic access to the Apollo documents.
I never would have thought twice about the moon landings until I did the research on 911 and realized it was an inside job. So I figured I would start this one to stir up some shit:mrgreen:

Basically I think our gov't and media are complete bullshit artists.

But you are right, whether or not we landing on the moon, has no real ill effect on anything besides it being a real expensive prank on the world.

I'm still awaiting for someone to rebut PosNets and my arguments about the tapes. (anyone can feel free to debate our logic):mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
And I'm still waiting for you disbelievers to use the FOIA and get the Apollo documents... all it takes is a phone call. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
And I'm still waiting for you disbelievers to use the FOIA and get the Apollo documents... all it takes is a phone call. :mrgreen:
What are you talking about? Please enlighten us:mrgreen: (I could google it, but I'd rather hear it from you:blsmoke:)

Who do I need to call? I'm confused:confused:

