Did we actually land on the moon?


Well-Known Member
OK like i said i think everyone should do some research in Astronomy
but to question me when you dont know what your talking about
And yes the moon has been appoved (800,000 years older..than the earth LOL if you dont know that lol DAMN...) and yes theres a couple of the first civilizations and its not like they dont remember it LOL WTF it wasnt there
LOL you dont know anything ,,,lol sry but nothing gets told in the usa .... lol your media is Weird ...LOL THATS WHY YOU AMERICANS THINK YOUR RIGHT ALL THE TIME
like it cant happen but it has..
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Well-Known Member
Shit its like the TREE falls in the middle of nowhere lol and the only one who didnt hear it was the american So it didnt happen
Chris rock "i am american ...man ...,i am american man....."


Well-Known Member
I would love to hear how the moon stays in perfect obit but doesnt spin ...???Wierd
and only a american will say it does ...!! thanks to the media Which is every Americans best friend.. !!
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Well-Known Member
lol sry but nothing gets told in the usa .... lol your media is Weird ...LOL THATS WHY YOU AMERICANS THINK YOUR RIGHT ALL THE TIME
like it cant happen but it has..
You guys don't get fluoride put in your water......... do you? :-|

Us Americans are basically obligated to drink fluoridated water which is suppose to lower IQ's(make people stupid) and make people more complacent. YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

As far as the Moon is concerned, according to the scientists’ calculations, it was born seven million years earlier than the core of the Earth, and possibly as early as twenty million years before.
ISTC - The Moon is older than the centre of the Earth

This is pretty interesting too Your Weight on the Moon





Well-Known Member
OK like i said i think everyone should do some research in Astronomy
but to question me when you dont know what your talking about
And yes the moon has been appoved (800,000 years older..than the earth LOL if you dont know that lol DAMN...) and yes theres a couple of the first civilizations and its not like they dont remember it LOL WTF it wasnt there
LOL you dont know anything ,,,lol sry but nothing gets told in the usa .... lol your media is Weird ...LOL THATS WHY YOU AMERICANS THINK YOUR RIGHT ALL THE TIME
like it cant happen but it has..
your an idiot, you have no idea what youre talking about, I think you need to look up astronomy douchebag, the moon is not older than the earth


Well-Known Member
Shit its like the TREE falls in the middle of nowhere lol and the only one who didnt hear it was the american So it didnt happen
Chris rock "i am american ...man ...,i am american man....."
your are a fucking moron, half the shit you write is barley understandable, what are you like 14 or something?


Well-Known Member
14 lol ok
and astronomy lol Please tell me why your moon desnt spin and barley understandable
OK you must be 14 if you cant even read english

and watch chris rock he knows shit,..\!
Chris rock "i am american ...man ...,i am american man....."
which is how it is and remember faggot i talk and speak different coz im english and your american so if you dont like it go get fucked//!!
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Well-Known Member
LOL this is what you said...!!!
drink fluoridated water which is suppose to lower IQ's(make people stupid)
AND it has damn ....!!
but please tell me how you think your great and never wrong LOL


Active Member
the moon was created after the earth. millions of years ago an astroid crashed into the earth all stuuf that came off got caught in earths gravitational orbit and over time condensed into the moon. i asked my physics teacher haha


Well-Known Member
the moon was created after the earth. millions of years ago an astroid crashed into the earth all stuuf that came off got caught in earths gravitational orbit and over time condensed into the moon. i asked my physics teacher haha
I'm sure I learned that in school somewhere as well, but if that's the case than a large part probably majority of the moon is tada EARTH! So it may have formed later in time most of the matter is the same age as the earth, how far back do we wan't to go... And what does this have to do with landing on it agian?


Well-Known Member
I had to go read back a bit, Just then a thought came to me. Maybe everyones right about the moon. After all how the hell do they date something back 800million years? Maybe the asteroid that formed the moon was geologicaly 800 million years older than the earth when it hit.


Well-Known Member
Please put on the tinfoil hats...why would the gov lie about landing on the moon? To compete w/ the Russians?

Yes, and don't you think if it were faked that something would be said? I love conspiracy's... it's a great form of entertainment, no matter what someone does, another someone will always say "No you didn't"