Did my cat get high off of my heroin intake?


Well-Known Member
I was dabbing in the dope last night and my cat was acting very.. Dope...

No but seriously, I have noticed a few times with a bunch of different drugs, all the ones under the sun, he seems to act different when we are cuddling and I am out of my brain.
I always think with psychedelics that I'm just thinking too weirdly which would put this out of the question, but even with drugs where I had a semi clear head (heroin, dxm/k[kinda..], LSD, pills.. etc..) he seems to act a bit strange.
He definitely does when I'm baked. Half the time I get him baked too, but even if I don't he gets all lovey dovey.

WHAT IS THE SCIENCE BEHIND THIS?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!

My cats' a heroin addict!
No dude. Unless he actually got into your stash, it is just in your head. I always had friends that thought their pets were tripping or rolling when they would pet them etc..... and everyone seemed to buy it. But I was in the back thinking "fuckin idiots".....lol just kidding kinda but no i don't think there is any way for that to be possible.6

Keep in mind that since your animals can't understand a lot of english, they are masters of body language. So when you are on certain things, you put off a different vibe..... hope you catch my drift because I am in no mood to explaiin much now.

Also man, don't get your cat baked. Unless he is one of the few that you can tell 100% that they want it. And I'be seen it plenty of times. But it's definitely few and far between where the pet really wants the smoke breathed into their nose.

  • lol....".i'm on drugs and my cat's acting strange"...hhahahhahah lol

    oh, man you're too much hahaha​

Well, much obliged, sir :)

  • Ketamine possibly..no way unless the cat came in direct contact with the dope.​

See, but would it make sense? Because I feel like highly doubtful that anything could come out of your pores into a cat. haha

  • No dude. Unless he actually got into your stash, it is just in your head. I always had friends that thought their pets were tripping or rolling when they would pet them etc..... and everyone seemed to buy it. But I was in the back thinking "fuckin idiots".....lol just kidding kinda but no i don't think there is any way for that to be possible.6

    Keep in mind that since your animals can't understand a lot of english, they are masters of body language. So when you are on certain things, you put off a different vibe..... hope you catch my drift because I am in no mood to explaiin much now.

    Also man, don't get your cat baked. Unless he is one of the few that you can tell 100% that they want it. And I'be seen it plenty of times. But it's definitely few and far between where the pet really wants the smoke breathed into their nose.​

See that's what I thought too, but I have never read about it or heard any kind of evidence or anything so I was confused and I thought wwhat a better place to ask than good ol' RIU!
I understand, haha. I think with the psychs that I am the one thinking he's acting weird since everythings all. pfgikjbskjuefbkjsvbf anyways haha

But I can say for 100% that my cat LOVES getting baked. He sticks his nose in my mouth and sucks in the smoke. He scratches at my door when we are all in my room or in any room. And once we are done smoking he leaves. Greedy mofo. lol
The other day he was on top of my incense, hughing the fumes in and I just quickly got him away from that because that's probably not too healthy haha
I knew a guieana pig that liked getting high...that or the treats he got because everyone thought he was high...
Haha yeah, it is perfectly natural for an organism to want to get intoxicated.
There are various animals who eat psychedelic things in the woods, things like that.. My dad has a garden that he puts catnip into so that all the neighborhood cats come in and eat all the pesky rabbits. Smooth thinking if you ask me. It has always worked swellingly for him for as long as I can remember.
Hahahhahhha guieana pigs.. Cute little fucks. I used to have a couple it was nice how they'd have conversations at night :3
our cats hate smoke but our dog loves it. he'll put his head right in my lap when i'm smoking. Blow a hit in his ear and he lays down and sighs contentedly. he doesn't like it blown in his face tho.
From here it sounjds like your cat likes to get high... but it's so controversial that I wouldn't discuss it online because a lot of folks get offended. how does catnip make cats get rid of the rabb its? I don't know anything about catnip really. I thought it makes the cats chill and lazy.

I had a cat like yours that liked getting high. He was the laziest, fattest cat ever. One day just disappeared. I think he got ran over or caught by a coyote :( Or fox
From here it sounjds like your cat likes to get high... but it's so controversial that I wouldn't discuss it online because a lot of folks get offended. how does catnip make cats get rid of the rabb its? I don't know anything about catnip really. I thought it makes the cats chill and lazy.

I had a cat like yours that liked getting high. He was the laziest, fattest cat ever. One day just disappeared. I think he got ran over or caught by a coyote :( Or fox

or maybe he found a neighbor with better pot ;)

cats are fuckers like that....only care about themselves

perfect thread for this again...I just love it. [video=youtube;GbycvPwr1Wg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbycvPwr1Wg[/video]
dogs are fuckers too though. They are a little more loyal... but they are crackheads when it comes to food.
haha you guys crack me! I just phoned in sick to work, smoked a cheese joint and read this! What a start to my day! Weed and Dogs are the best things in the world!
They can definitely tell when you have behavioral changes but they're not getting high if they don't somehow come into contact with the intoxicant.
I've definitely known some animals who loved getting high. I had a friend as a kid whose dog would come running as soon as he smelled something being lit. My friend said he wouldn't come when I called him. All you needed to do was spark a bowl.
Obviously the cat won't have the substance in its blood stream. However, it is probably getting high from being around you and your body language. Everyone swears to god they can get contact high from weed, when it is just not possible. A sober person sitting with a group of high heroin addicts would show signs of being high. Like a changed heart rate and feeling of euphoria, just like the group. I can only imagine, that for a cat, it would be amplified times 100.
The guinea pig was a pet in an old movietheater...the projectionist was a stoner and got high in the booth..he would bag a hammer 3 times on the windowsill and if you were in the audience,that meant he's getting high and to come up,he'd let you in..everyone blew hits into the guinea pigs cage..if you were there and not smoking but rapped your fist on the walls,it would go BEZERKER!! 'Running round in circles...'
No dude. Unless he actually got into your stash, it is just in your head. I always had friends that thought their pets were tripping or rolling when they would pet them etc..... and everyone seemed to buy it. But I was in the back thinking "fuckin idiots".....lol just kidding kinda but no i don't think there is any way for that to be possible.6

Keep in mind that since your animals can't understand a lot of english, they are masters of body language. So when you are on certain things, you put off a different vibe..... hope you catch my drift because I am in no mood to explaiin much now.

Also man, don't get your cat baked. Unless he is one of the few that you can tell 100% that they want it. And I'be seen it plenty of times. But it's definitely few and far between where the pet really wants the smoke breathed into their nose.

Absolutely correct. I love to play that game with my animals. Walk strangely, hold your body strangely and the approach your animal. My dogs have gone seriously nuts, not sure if it was me or not, afraid to bark because I don't like barking unless the incident is worth my attention, but afraid not to, because this..... intruder, maybe, might be one. So they will whine and growl and turn and turn away until I finally let them off the hook. (can't torture them THAT long). My cat will hiss when I do the same thing, he knows never to hiss and bare his teeth at me, but he is pretty sure it isn't me.. so.... anything goes.

When you are high, they know something is up.
if your going to try and get your cat to smoke... dont use hot ass smoke. it burns there little noses and stuff. just imagine.

that said ive personally had at least 3 cats that would directly inhale smoke from say a joint or something. sometimes they would come running when they would smell it.

Im lucky enough to still have my 7 year old volcano classic. This is a great way to "share" with kitty. the cat is able to partially control how much smoke they inhale, and its much easier on the cats nose and eyes.

Your mood and eyes will dictate alot of your cat's behavior. when using opiates your pupils are tiny. the cat notices this. when you use stuff like acid, the cat sees that your eyes are big. plus u are acting different in general, the cat will pick up on that. and you have too. just been fucked up at the same time.

cats can feel opiates like humans too btw. my poor old dusty cat had to have buprenorphine when he got sick. he ended up passing eventually... out of my hands. did what i could for him, :(

i know people are gonna flip out or something, but i had an old cat that came home in pain one day. he was in obvious pain, and i had no way to take him in. i was heroin addict at the time. i couldnt stand to see him suffer, and knew he would get better. i couldnt help myself, and i ended up putting just a tiny tiny amount of the dope in his wet food. i had vicodin too, but u cant give cats aceteminophen. they need the opiate by itself. thats why they use bupe alot. cuts down on abuse/diversion.

anyways, it took effect on him after maybe 30 mins i noticed. luckily i had given him a very small amount and he didnt even eat it all. it did help him it seemed. he was able to use the litter box a bit more comfortably, and he seemed better in general. eventually he fell asleep with me and woke right up with me as normal the next day, doing much better too. that morning i was like dang i cant believe i gave him that, but at least it helped him and i didnt mess that up.o

obviously this is something that could have gone wrong easily, and i would NEVER tell someone to try that. i used a very small amount too. maybe 1/20th of a pack.

my point in relation to the OP: your cat isnt high, it would be easy to tell. it just knows that you are acting different. my cats usually are mostly afraid of me while i trip. or while i used to trip anyways... too hyper i think.

funny thread
Considering cats are usually less sensitive to drugs by weight than humans and heroin has a notoriously low oral activity I'd say that 1/20th of a stamp was a totally safe dose and it sounds like it gave him a pain free night which can go a long way towards helping you feel better.
My cat loves it when I take psychedelics because I'll pet her for hours. Although she doesn't like it as much when MrsDuck and I trip together because we end up petting each other.

  • From here it sounjds like your cat likes to get high... but it's so controversial that I wouldn't discuss it online because a lot of folks get offended. how does catnip make cats get rid of the rabb its? I don't know anything about catnip really. I thought it makes the cats chill and lazy.

    I had a cat like yours that liked getting high. He was the laziest, fattest cat ever. One day just disappeared. I think he got ran over or caught by a coyote
    Or fox​

Well people(animals) who get offended about pets(animals) getting baked in my opinion are wrong.
Of course if the animal doesn't like it, don't force it. Some animals love getting intoxicated, but there are studies that show that a few really just would never touch the stuff similar to humans.
The catnip works because it attracts the cats. They will roll around in it and stuff and become chilled out, but if a rabbit comes by, they're gonna pounce haha. All I know is that ever since he started using that technique, rabbits haven't been a problem. I think he read to do it somewhere I don't remember.

But okay so this all makes sense. The cat just doesn't get high unless it becomes in contact with the intoxicant. Well I can say that the kitty wouldn't be touching my dope because it was in a safe place on this glass table that I have. lol I never really touch the stuff, I had a little run with it probably about 4 years ago, but cut it out really quick. My friends kept joking around telling me they were gonna blow it off of my table or sniff it all. I told them(none of them have done or will do heroin haha, cept one wants to try it but I was being a fiend because I literally hadn't had it since that four years or whatever ago. Only had two beans.. buttons.. whatever you wanna call em. Lasted me all night. Very potent stuff. Was nice to revisit dopeland), 'if you sniff that, you're gonna die. If you blow it off of my table, I am going to give you a nice punch in the face.' lol

Here in a couple weeks I have been saving for a nice table top vape and an ounce. That'll be great Jake will love it :) Thanks for the suggestion kunkyum! I hope I haven't damaged his little lungs :( lol giving heroin to your cat xD.. Well.. If it helped, that's great! But man, I'd never try it. If I saw it in a lot of pain like that though jeez.. I may have done the same in your situation.

  • My cat loves it when I take psychedelics because I'll pet her for hours. Although she doesn't like it as much when MrsDuck and I trip together because we end up petting each other.​

Haha! I'm sure she does! Too bad she gets jealous. Your cat is your true lover.. You being a duck and having a human wife must be weird. But duck and cat relationships seem a little more cute, right?

Look at this guy (: