Did my cat get high off of my heroin intake?

my cats are always weirded out by me when im tripping, they know something is up. and skuxx thinking of what you said earlier, i always thought it pretty stupid too that people thought petting their cats while tripping would make the cat trip- first off could you imagine how bad it would be if we sweat out tripable sweat while high?? that would be all bad for the sober persone the next day that touched anything you did while tripping. not to mention cats have a thick coat of fur and oily skin, so now way in hell even if you were sweating it out would it ever penetrate them to have an effect. i figured this out when i was a freaking teen, and as an adult i cant believe people still think it true.
The ol rusty cheerio.
The spice hole.
The chocolate starfish.
The rusty beer can top.
The yoo-hoo bottle.
The corn cellar.