Did it hurt?


Well-Known Member
im not addicted to piercings... i just like them.. its like tattoos.. its just something about the pain is pleasure thing i guess... not like sick twisted pain like nipple clamps and shit.. but a little bit of pain can feel oh so good bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
about a week.. but it bleed for a few hours...funny thing is on my way home i came through a road block ( licence check ) and they seen i had one hand down with my pants undone--bleedin--holdin my shit---they asked if i was ok --i told them what i just had done and that i was just holdin the gaulls on it.. i went to give them my liscenes with blood on my hand..lol..they backed up real quick. and said ahhhh..thats ok just get home and take care of that..hehe..as they were walkin away i could here them sayin..( did you see that shit.. ) .lol....:peace:
hahahahahhaha that shit is so off the chain goten, oh my god man i never woulda guessed you were 10 gauged XD....


Well-Known Member
i dont think they would work on me anyways... with the barbells in the skin is pretty thin.. i'd think the clamps could end up piercing through the skin around my piercings.....