Did it hurt?


Active Member
Ok, so I got my cheeks pierced for my birthday
2 months ago and the first thing people ask

is did it hurt. Actually, no. The actual piercings
didn't hurt, just the healing the week after they were pierced.

I dunno why but I've always wanted to share that about me with you
guys here on RIU. :hump:

They're infected right now though. I'm currently on my second round
of antibiotics. :-|


thats sexy as hell I used to have my eyebrow n labret peirced back in the day


Well-Known Member
hey p.kitty lets see a pic. with your mouth open...lol..lets see the piercin on the inside ...hehe just kiddin.....
Lol. The inside of my mouth isn't infected if thats what you're
lookin for.

Look close in the first pic and thats where it is.
Its a "bump" around my left piercing.

I will probably end up going to the doctor soon
because they said if it didn't get alot better in the
next few days to go back in.

I am going to BEG him to not make me take
them out....

If I can, Imma convince him to keep me on antiobiotics
until its completely cleared up while still keeping the


And thank you TheHighClub.

Labrets huh?

I saw this one chick on youtube who had both snakebites, the dimple piercings, and her
nose bridge thingy.

Looked like an "emo" but I thought all the piercings were hot on her.

I also someone who had double dimple piercings.
Two in each cheek. It was AWESOME!


Well-Known Member
Lol. The inside of my mouth isn't infected if thats what you're
lookin for.

Look close in the first pic and thats where it is.
Its a "bump" around my left piercing.

I will probably end up going to the doctor soon
because they said if it didn't get alot better in the
next few days to go back in.

I am going to BEG him to not make me take
them out....

If I can, Imma convince him to keep me on antiobiotics
until its completely cleared up while still keeping the

i did notice that..you need to be rinsin your mouth out with listerine constanly.. to kill off infection
thats what i had to do when i got my toung pirced......:peace:
the inside of your mouth is soposed to be one of the fastest healin parts of your body....
dont be afraid to take poroxide to the outside of it..but just a little bit....


Well-Known Member
i did notice that..you need to be rinsin your mouth out with listerine constanly.. to kill off infection
thats what i had to do when i got my toung pirced......:peace:
the inside of your mouth is soposed to be one of the fastest healin parts of your body....
dont be afraid to take poroxide to the outside of it..but just a little bit....
Yeah, I'm still doing the listerine thing. (2-3 times a day)
I only eat once a day (dinner) because I stay full
on juice all day.

I really think what got them infected was smoking so much.
But I could never really know...so.

And I still clean the outside with alcohol. (about 5 times daily)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm still doing the listerine thing. (2-3 times a day)
I only eat once a day (dinner) because I stay full
on juice all day.

I really think what got them infected was smoking so much.
But I could never really know...so.

And I still clean the outside with alcohol. (about 5 times daily)
you need your nutrition..mabe you shoud drink on some of those slimfast drinks ( for nutrition ) your only eating once a day thats not good..and you smoke weed..that should had kicked in some munchies...
id definitly drink some slimfast or something..your going to over excausted youself out..get somethin up in you..for real....dont make yourself sick and not relize that you did...dont get me wrong im not tryin to tell you what to do...that was just genaral concern thats all......:peace:


Well-Known Member
you need your nutrition..mabe you shoud drink on some of those slimfast drinks ( for nutrition ) your only eating once a day thats not good..and you smoke weed..that should had kicked in some munchies...
id definitly drink some slimfast or something..your going to over excausted youself out..get somethin up in you..for real....dont make yourself sick and not relize that you did...dont get me wrong im not tryin to tell you what to do...that was just genaral concern thats all......:peace:
I know. But I've been really stressed out lately between
my break up, my grandma breathing down my neck, and almost

being homeless.

Food just doesn't taste like it used to.:?

Its mushy and gross....

Stress and depression take their toll on people.

I'm not gonna lie, I've lost so much weight my family
can tell, but....its just hard to eat when you have lots

of things on your mind all day.



Well-Known Member
I know. But I've been really stressed out lately between
my break up, my grandma breathing down my neck, and almost

being homeless.

Food just doesn't taste like it used to.:?

Its mushy and gross....

Stress and depression take their toll on people.

I'm not gonna lie, I've lost so much weight my family
can tell, but....its just hard to eat when you have lots

of things on your mind all day.

thats why i suggested somethin like slimfast--i know its a weight loss product--but because of its nutritional values.
it can also let a person gain weight and give you some nerishment and some protein..
i know what its like going through depression i know all to well..
when my wife left me i felt sick to my stomack all the time like i was gonna throw up..i couldnt eat i didnt have any energy.
.i stayed in my house and did not want to go outside at all....i know it completly drains you....but you got to raise up....and over come..
that was the first pic iv seen of you and your a very beatifull women..dont let that dude keep your mentality draged down..
im pretty sure their are plenty of dudes around your way that would love to take his place..you need to stay strong for your self
.alright keep ya head up and keep smilein and dont worry about these jive ass motherfuckers around the way.....:peace:


Well-Known Member
thats why i suggested somethin like slimfast--i know its a weight loss product--but because of its nutritional values.
it can also let a person gain weight and give you some nerishment and some protein..
i know what its like going through depression i know all to well..
when my wife left me i felt sick to my stomack all the time like i was gonna throw up..i couldnt eat i didnt have any energy.
.i stayed in my house and did not want to go outside at all....i know it completly drains you....but you got to raise up....and over come..
that was the first pic iv seen of you and your a very beatifull women..dont let that dude keep your mentality draged down..
im pretty sure their are plenty of dudes around your way that would love to take his place..you need to stay strong for your self
.alright keep ya head up and keep smilein and dont worry about these jive ass motherfuckers around the way.....:peace:
Yeah. Maybe I should start drinking smoothies then.
And yeah, I think we're on the same page when it comes
to depression.

You kinda just lay in bed all day...depressed...


Its like, the emotional pain is so bad it gives you physical

I don't get an upset stomach, more like this weird knot
in my chest everytime I think about whats stressing me out
the most.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Maybe I should start drinking smoothies then.
And yeah, I think we're on the same page when it comes
to depression.

You kinda just lay in bed all day...depressed...


Its like, the emotional pain is so bad it gives you physical

I don't get an upset stomach, more like this weird knot
in my chest everytime I think about whats stressing me out
the most.
it will all work out in the end..
just try to start goin outside alittle bit more. even if its for 10 min..
lay out in the sun..the sun can be refreshin
the sun also builds up the vitiem d in your system and it will start givein you a little bit more energy..
but yea dont sweat that fool..
his loss for lettin you go....he`ll be the one sweatin you when he see you with some one....
i dont know how old you are but you look around 20 or so...you got plenty of time to show these cats who you are..
just be true to your self..and your happyiness will fallow.....:peace:


Well-Known Member
it will all work out in the end..
just try to start goin outside alittle bit more. even if its for 10 min..
lay out in the sun..the sun can be refreshin
the sun also builds up the vitiem d in your system and it will start givein you a little bit more energy..
but yea dont sweat that fool..
his loss for lettin you go....he`ll be the one sweatin you when he see you with some one....
i dont know how old you are but you look around 20 or so...you got plenty of time to show these cats who you are..
just be true to your self..and your happyiness will fallow.....:peace:
Close. 19. Without make-up you'd probably think I was like
16. lol.

thanks for the good words.


Well-Known Member

Went to the doctor.

He said its not even an infection.

YAY!!!!! :hump:

He told me its not even filled with pus like I thought
it was, but its rather my skin having a bad reaction

to the piercing. He said its up to me if I want to take
it out or not, and that I can keep them in if I don't mind

dealing with the irritated skin. He also said to follow up
with a skin specialist.

I'm pretty sure the bump will go away in due time.

I had one on my other piercing that completely went away.

And my piercer suggested a shot glass of warm water with
a tsp of epsom salt. She said it will clear it up.


Looks like I won't be needing to take them out after all.


Well-Known Member
your piercings are hot... unique and hot.. i love piercings and tats on chicks.. they are sexy as fuck.... guess i stick with my own tho.. got plenty of piercings and tats... 16 or so tats, most are still works in progress... got a.d.d when it comes to them.. get an idea for a new one and start it without finishing the prior one.. but it just gives me reasons to go back later... as far as piericings.. tounges done 2 times... nips.. cock... ear... had the eye brow but had to take it out for work before it was healed.. lost it.. had my labrea (spot below your lower lip) done for a while... but my skin actually started growing over the back of the piercing, so i removed it... but anyways... back to you.. your cheeks look bad ass and sexy... such an odd compliment to give.. but its true bongsmilie


Well-Known Member

Went to the doctor.

He said its not even an infection.

YAY!!!!! :hump:

He told me its not even filled with pus like I thought
it was, but its rather my skin having a bad reaction

to the piercing. He said its up to me if I want to take
it out or not, and that I can keep them in if I don't mind

dealing with the irritated skin. He also said to follow up
with a skin specialist.

I'm pretty sure the bump will go away in due time.

I had one on my other piercing that completely went away.

And my piercer suggested a shot glass of warm water with
a tsp of epsom salt. She said it will clear it up.


Looks like I won't be needing to take them out after all.
glad to here that is was not an infection..
i know you were kind of stressin it....:peace:


Well-Known Member
your piercings are hot... unique and hot.. i love piercings and tats on chicks.. they are sexy as fuck.... guess i stick with my own tho.. got plenty of piercings and tats... 16 or so tats, most are still works in progress... got a.d.d when it comes to them.. get an idea for a new one and start it without finishing the prior one.. but it just gives me reasons to go back later... as far as piericings.. tounges done 2 times... nips.. cock... ear... had the eye brow but had to take it out for work before it was healed.. lost it.. had my labrea (spot below your lower lip) done for a while... but my skin actually started growing over the back of the piercing, so i removed it... but anyways... back to you.. your cheeks look bad ass and sexy... such an odd compliment to give.. but its true bongsmilie
thank you! Are you addicted to piercings? :lol:

I'm not gonna lie...that shit looks painful.
lol. Its not painful at all. The piercing barely hurt at all, just a very quick sharp pinch. Now the healing...that shit hurt like hell.

glad to here that is was not an infection..
i know you were kind of stressin it....:peace:
I was. Thank goodness!!!



Well-Known Member
A chick showed me her like chest piercing today, id never seen that one before. Looked painful as fuck.