Did God Create Man?

W.H has a consistent theme across posts in the phrase "thoughts become things".

When a thought that has no bearing in reality becomes a thing, it's called fiction. Sometimes it's entertainment, other times it's just a lie.
It doesn't make it a universe, or real, just because someone thought of it.

Around 100 generations of Christians have been absolutely certain Jesus was going to pop by in their lifetimes. He didn't.
They were certain about life after death too. With every generation wrong about the previous unprovable, the likelihood of the second unprovable would appear to decrease.
In genesis it says that God made man of the earth, so evolution does not disprove faith in God.
There is no proof God exists, except for everything around you. To believe all this happened by chance is just as much a leap as to believe that it was made by God.
I believe in God and believe in Jesus, I also believe that the Holy Spirit is in everything. I am often embarrassed to be Christian because Christians often think they have the answer to everything. My spirituality gives me more questions then answers, but it gives me peace to know that God is looking out for existence.

I can understand not believing in God, the Word of God has been so distorted that it is hard to hear it.

It wouldn't be faith if you knew it was true.
Oh and the movie Zietgiest, I have to watch it again, but doesn't it just say that all the worlds religions are the same and go back to the days of ancient egypt and what not.
With the leaps and bounds made in science in the last two centuries I think religion as a whole is suffering. The bible is so vague, any scenario can be related to the text. I'm still sticking with my theory that religion was designed to help govern society.
Evolution is never really the issue, independent of how you believe Life On Earth began.
Human Evolution is a whole different hole.

"I'm still sticking with my theory that religion was designed to help govern society. "
Especially when you control all of the books and everyone that can write a book.
That is what makes the dead sea scrolls so revealing.

I never saw how evolution really countered religion that much, with the exception of the fact that religious people was too polarized to turn around the facts in their favor. If god did make us. The way of it happening would be something foreign to our capability of intellect anyways. So...
I understand that the incorporation of religious beliefs does not date back to our furthest ancestors (Darwin Theory), so could our intellect be responsible for the birth of a Higher Divinity?
Thanks W.H., the scripture is so bias, and could someone explain the necene creed (catholisism). This has to be one of the most contradictory scripts still used.