Did God Create Man?

In the beginning there was the singularity.
And it was good.
And then the singularity expanded, a massive release of energy, matter and visible light.
Matter coalesced, forming gravity wells which drew in more matter.
Stars were born, emitting many types of rays.
And it was good.
Planets formed, and oceans of water, methane, or hydrogen covered their surfaces.
Complex molecules were created among the volatile environments, eventually giving way to simple life.
And it was good.
Life changed infinitesimally, growing more complex over passing generations. Diverging, adapting, evolving.
It spread to encompass the Earth and, in all probability, others as well.
Life left the oceans and spread across the land. Diverging, adapting, evolving.
And it was good.
The first proto-humans discovered fire and cooking, and extracted more energy from their food than by simple digestion.
This extra food energy meant less time was required for hunting and gathering. This gave them free time to think.
And it was good.
The people discovered communication through language and art, and told tales of epics hunts and where the best sustenance could be found.
They described their world in simple terms but, like the people, language evolved.
And it was good.
They looked at the world and asked questions of how the things around them came to be.
And there were those who answered. "I know what made the world. And if you do not follow the rules he has given me, He will destroy you."
They learned how to lie.
And it was God.

I give it a 9.4.
"what if god created evolution, say he created a single cell organism designed to evolve gradually into humans.
Whats your opinon" - Taipan (first post)

Sounds possible to Us.
"what if god created evolution, say he created a single cell organism designed to evolve gradually into humans.
Whats your opinon"

Here is the problem...

Where is the evidence that suggests that God started evolution?

It's fine to ask that, because now you have something you can test, you have an idea... But since there is no way to know if a god started evolution, it's essentially pointless to conclude that a god had any role in it what so ever. Science inserts things where they need to be inserted as you figure things out and progress along, religion figures things out as you go along and if some of those things don't line up with what has already been deemed correct, they get thrown out, not the conclusion.
No evidence needed.

Science answers the whos, whats, whens and wheres

Spirituality answers the whys

"Why" is not an applicable question in science.

What does purple taste like?

How fast does history go?


Not applicable questions to ask. That's another problem.

You can come up with countless ways to organize a question, but there are only a few select ways that question will make any rational sense.

"Why does the universe exist?" is not a rational question at this point in time. How do you even know there is a "why?"? How do you know the question isn't instead "Why shouldn't the universe exist?"?

Not to mention, what kind of realistic relevance does the "why?" answer really have anyway? Do you know how to make a universe? Do you know how to destroy one?... me either... So if we knew "why" universes existed, what would it matter? (not that it's not a genuine question that shouldn't be pursued...)
YOU prove it. You asserted that he does.
If your idea of a universe is a fantasy painting, a novel like Twilight, or any other man made media then you're just as irrational as any other religiously driven twit.