Did God Create Man?

fdd' is the most chilled-out guy I know on this site, well there is GK but I wouldn't like to put money on who is the most chilled.

I hate it too, people telling me to chill out just because i happen to disagree. Chill out is bullshit, it's worse when you are actually chilled when someone tells you to chill because suddenly you're not chilled anymore. Fucking bullshit.

I can lose the plot a little, stumble off track now and again, but somebody telling you to chill out NEVER works. Not unless you know them really well. Strangers asking you to chill out is like them asking for a punch in the jaw.:mrgreen:
I wasn't trying to start shit, and I am sorry if telling you to 'calm down' somehow annoys you.

But what annoys me is when people twist what I say to make me look like an idiot.
heres a song for you guys to listen to.

weird al yankwich(what if god smoked weed)

you can download it on limewire!

its great

chill ppl
And if His eyes were pretty glazed
If He looked spaced-out
Would you buy His story
Would you believe He had an eye infection
And yeah yeah
God looks baked
Yeah yeah
God smells good
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
What if God smoked cannabis
Hit the bong like some of us
Drove a tidy micro-bus
And He subscribes to Rolling Stone
When God made this place
In the beginning, did he plant any seeds
Or did he put them there for Adam and Eve
So they'd be hungry for the apple that the snake was always offering
And yeah yeah
God rolls great
Yeah yeah
God smells good
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
What if God smoked cannabis
Do you 'spose He had a buzz
When He made the platypus
When He created both our homes
Does He like Pearl Jam or the Stones
And do you think He rolls His own
Up there in heaven on the throne
And when the saints go marching home
Maybe He sits and smokes a bone

This was the lyric from What If God Smoked Cannabis from artist Yankovic Weird Al
It isn't actually wierd al though is it? If i remember rightly it's a female singer. A lot of songs on limewire are mislabelled.
Awesome song though! xD
im just glad that weed was created or evolved wich ever coz theres nothing better than a big fat rifa
"could we just change the word "God" to "Aliens"?

if one believes in god then they must also believe in aliens."

I dont think so. See, with aliens you can calculate the probability of planets hosting intellegent life. In fact, Stephen Hawking discussed this in one of his books (either "The Universe in a Nutshell" or "A Brief History of Time" I cannot recall), and, apparently (I'm no scientist nor do I know what criteria he used, much less how the calculations work, but then again, it's fucking Stephen Hawking - his word carries more wieght than any of our speculations) the probability of one planet in the entire universe hosting intellegent life is something like one in a billion billion billion - that would be us, Earth. The probability that two planets in our universe host intellegent life is one in such an unimaginable number that taking the idea of intellegent alien life seriously without having met such an alien is laughable.

Not to say that there is no life, in fact, if I recall, the probability that life does exist elsewhere is rather high - just not intellegent life. So, no, there actually seems to be some evidence to suggest that intellegent alien life does not exist.

"You said there's evidence of God. Where? Are you saying spiritual experiences are evidence of God?

I surely hope not. lol."

First, I wasn't high when I wrote that, nice try. Second, I'm say that spiritual experience is more than enough evidence for someone to embrace spiritual concepts - if the spiritual concept of God reflects their spiritual experience, then yes, that is evidence of God. The difficulty is that such evidence is of no evidentiary value to others, but it does not need to be for someone to reasonably claim that God does exist. The tricky part is that with such evidence it IS unreasonable to demand others to embrace the belief in God.
"could we just change the word "God" to "Aliens"?

if one believes in god then they must also believe in aliens."

I dont think so. See, with aliens you can calculate the probability of planets hosting intellegent life. In fact, Stephen Hawking discussed this in one of his books (either "The Universe in a Nutshell" or "A Brief History of Time" I cannot recall), and, apparently (I'm no scientist nor do I know what criteria he used, much less how the calculations work, but then again, it's fucking Stephen Hawking - his word carries more wieght than any of our speculations) the probability of one planet in the entire universe hosting intellegent life is something like one in a billion billion billion - that would be us, Earth. The probability that two planets in our universe host intellegent life is one in such an unimaginable number that taking the idea of intellegent alien life seriously without having met such an alien is laughable.

Not to say that there is no life, in fact, if I recall, the probability that life does exist elsewhere is rather high - just not intellegent life. So, no, there actually seems to be some evidence to suggest that intellegent alien life does not exist.

"You said there's evidence of God. Where? Are you saying spiritual experiences are evidence of God?

I surely hope not. lol."

First, I wasn't high when I wrote that, nice try. Second, I'm say that spiritual experience is more than enough evidence for someone to embrace spiritual concepts - if the spiritual concept of God reflects their spiritual experience, then yes, that is evidence of God. The difficulty is that such evidence is of no evidentiary value to others, but it does not need to be for someone to reasonably claim that God does exist. The tricky part is that with such evidence it IS unreasonable to demand others to embrace the belief in God.

We will not find intelligent life, but we will be able to create new life as we conquer the stars. it is WE that are god. We worship only ourselves. Which is the reason we need to believe that when we die we somehow live forever afterwards, while EVERY SINGLE other animal on the planet just SIMPLY dies.

Why is this?
We will not find intelligent life, but we will be able to create new life as we conquer the stars. it is WE that are god. We worship only ourselves. Which is the reason we need to believe that when we die we somehow live forever afterwards, while EVERY SINGLE other animal on the planet just SIMPLY dies.

Why is this?
i think animals live forever afterwards too like we humans.
i think animals live forever afterwards too like we humans.

Yet the bible teaches that this isn't so. Only WE are that special. lol.

Ever looked into the eyes of a chimp? Do you not SEE intelligent life?

What about the eyes of a dog or cat? Do they feel emotion? I believe they do.