Desperate and need help!!

i've had germinated seeds in soil for over a week now and nobody is prairie-dogging. these are sativas. the two indicas i germed and planted are up and healthy.

so you mean i can just keep plowing ahead and the stubborn little buggers will eventually sprout?


Well-Known Member
I am a first time grower and I cant get my seeds to germinate for shit! I have wasted almost all my seeds because I cant get them to germinate. The only seeds I have left are the mixed seed freebie bag from nirvana seeds. I need someone to tell me what I'm doing wrong. I am putting them in between afew moist paper towels in a warm dark place. When the taproot starts to show I put them in a dixie cup full of soil and perlite, and poke holes in the bottom for drainage. I then place them under a 400w MH light about 2 1/2 feet away. I make sure the soil stays moist but not saturated. But for the life of me I cant get any of the seeds to grow and emerge from the soil. Plllzzz can someone tell me what I am doing wrong so I dont waist any more of my seeds.

if they are showing the tap root then germination is not the problem as you have germinated them
you say, you cant see them emerge from the soil ??
this part does not make sense to me, because if you are germinating them first, you do not want the seeds under the soil

the tap root goes downside into the soil or growing medium like rockwool or whatever, the shell seed end points upward at the surface of the soil
you can put them straight under the light at this point. the seed end will raise up and split its shell while the tap root grows downwards

sounds to me like you are putting them under the soil too far under after they have allready germinated ?

i think it would be much better for you to germinate them like you have, then put the germinated seeds in little rockwool cubes, wait until they grow seed leaves and the first set of true leaves and a little root out the bottom of the rockwool cube, then plant the little cube in your soil

peace :)


if they are showing the tap root then germination is not the problem as you have germinated them
you say, you cant see them emerge from the soil ??
this part does not make sense to me, because if you are germinating them first, you do not want the seeds under the soil

the tap root goes downside into the soil or growing medium like rockwool or whatever, the shell seed end points upward at the surface of the soil
you can put them straight under the light at this point. the seed end will raise up and split its shell while the tap root grows downwards

sounds to me like you are putting them under the soil too far under after they have allready germinated ?

i think it would be much better for you to germinate them like you have, then put the germinated seeds in little rockwool cubes, wait until they grow seed leaves and the first set of true leaves and a little root out the bottom of the rockwool cube, then plant the little cube in your soil

peace :)
Thanks for the advice man!!