I had no insurance and won so what does that say about the need for insurance? Insurance is not mandatory.
You could slam into someone while skiing. You could ride your bicycle and injure someone.
It is about control not about right and wrong. Car insurance in quebec is $100 per year for my friend while it is in the thousands in Ontario. Are you saying that $100 per year makes it ok for me to slam into me with your car. Stand up for your right to choose. Forcing someone to pay is slavery. Where does the money to pay these things come from? Slavery. Force someone into labor is the act of a slave driver. Stand up to the oppressors.
Someone`s gotta stand up. If you know you have done no wrong why be afraid? The system has made those with fear scare others. Stop scaring people. I won in court driving without a license and no insurance and no plates. Declared my right to travel and won. Every scared person in the court paid $5000 fine willingly. Stand up people.

Your creditability is sinking...
I gotta agree with leaffan, you say your a freeman, then weren't you saying that soon you hope to be an LP, gee don't freemans have no need to fill out those pesky govt forms because their there own entity...... I call BS

Not when it comes to the constitution. I have friends who sent in freeman type letters to HC and didn`t get a response hence they are free to grow. No one ever bothered them after that.

Already some 150 gram a day patients who get from a DG have been turned away from LPs saying they cannot fill such a large script. This constitutionally gives room for the patient to get a DG to grow.

Thought freemans don't believe in the constitution .......anyways I'm done talking about this freeman crap cause that's exactly what it is
Who said they are a freeman? The word came up when I said "freeman type letter".... big difference. I am not part of any movement.
Bob Marley says it "STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS" I just pass it on.
Bob also says before that line " get up ...stand up" ( for the oppressed or those being held down) then" stand up for your rights" if you run down one of my kids, while driving without a licence ( the standards by which we function under our laws)
under the hwy traffic act...then should I be free to take matters into my own hands....
when it comes to getting justice....under that scenario....sounds a little bs to me too...
Someone`s gotta stand up. If you know you have done no wrong why be afraid? The system has made those with fear scare others. Stop scaring people. I won in court driving without a license and no insurance and no plates. Declared my right to travel and won. Every scared person in the court paid $5000 fine willingly. Stand up people.
You said did Bob :)
