Lawyer John Conroy update from 27 Oct. 2016

The big picture here is the plant never should have been prohibited in the first place and ever since it was lawyers, police forces and everyone else has profited from prohibition except those that really need it or just want it for that matter.

Going to be years before the plant is re-legalized and millions spent arguing all the picky little points of law that still won't help ease the suffering of those that shouldn't have to suffer needlessly while the rich get richer.

I's not going to be legal next spring folks and may be years yet so soldier on and fight the good fight!

The big picture here is the plant never should have been prohibited in the first place and ever since it was lawyers, police forces and everyone else has profited from prohibition except those that really need it or just want it for that matter.

Going to be years before the plant is re-legalized and millions spent arguing all the picky little points of law that still won't help ease the suffering of those that shouldn't have to suffer needlessly while the rich get richer.

I's not going to be legal next spring folks and may be years yet so soldier on and fight the good fight!


Quite correct. However full implementation, even 'optimistically' will take at least until 2018, we can only hope the LPC removes criminal penalties sooner rather than later in the process.
This is another part of the decision that is being misinterpreted:

He has a 50 percent chance that he will develop a life-threatening genetic disease. He is now in the process of having that condition confirmed, but has believed he suffers from it due to ongoing symptomology. Given his family history, he expects that the age of onset will be in the next 10 years and the decline will be very rapid. He has avoided a final determination for psychological and emotional reasons. He faces the prospect that his children may have inherited the same genetic disposition from him.

The exact nature of the disease is sealed obviously, but a genetic disease is not just something that you have a family history of. Some examples are at Given the 50 percent specifier, it's likely an autosomal dominant disease :

My best guess would be Huntington's, but the exact disease isn't the issue. Turmel tried the preventative / prophylactic argument as part of his case(s) parallel to Allard, and Phelan wasn't buying what he was selling.

The Charter is something that enshrines in law fundamental rights and freedoms, however it is not an absolute get out of jail free card. s.7 is widely misinterpreted, in the same way that 'I find cocaine/heroin/whatever helps my condition therefore I should be exempt from the CDSA' isn't going to fly, the same is true for cannabis. The case law is clear, you have a right to a constitutional exemption from blanket prohibition, not a right to use cannabis for medical reasons.
I still don't get why his situation is any different than mine...or many others, except that mine is very real and drastically affects my quality of life NOW. His is not presently sick and he has an equal chance that he will never get it.That argument makes no sense to me.
As for my right to use cannabis as medicine, I have a right to autonomy, especially over my health and treatment. That is absolute. Cannabis will soon be available at your local store for rec use, I can use it for fun or for medical reasons. The only part doctors will have to play is prescribing cannabis use in order to get a grow permit. I'm saying I don't need to waste my time. Maybe I can use the same excuse as that guy.."avoided a final determination for psychological and emotional reasons." I should have no problem playing that card. I understand the charter and it's limitations, but I also understand that unless we push for what we believe are our rights, we'll go backwards. I may be completely off on my thinking, but I'm convinced that I'm not. I'm going keep growing with my pinks and hope I never have to find out.