Democrats Still Exist


Well-Known Member
First, I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I am a Minister but not Christians and not of a Religion that hates gay people, and I think that neither party does anything that matters to regular people. They think that when they become Governor or Senator it was because the "Deserved" it, not because we got them there.


I have been watching FOX and Obama on Youtube and stuff since the election, NOT to learn the news, but to see what Republicans are saying. I am not suggest anyone watch the news for news, you should watch it every once in a while so that you know what the political parties in this country think.

And from what I can tell, Obama feels like only Republicans voted and everyone else is being silent, when everyone is FAR from silent. There are people all over the country fighting for stuff on the Left AND the Right that are good for people. NOT the politicians, but there are PEOPLE doing it.
Ex: The Libertarians aren't horrible, I am not one and I would never label myself as one, but they care about the constitution like A LOT. And Democrats should like that, the Constitution is basically where we get our rights from (Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, Welfare and Bill of Rights). And at the SAME time, there are TONS of Democrats that just saw the state of Ferguson and don't know that becoming Sheriff is EASY, as well as tons of people working for women's rights which Obama does talk about, but I don't think he is like promoting that people start things on their campus and highschools, and what kind of goals they should be trying to achieve.

But Obama does not wish to see that, and neither does FOX news. They think Democrats/People that care about equality are all gone and none of them voted.

Democrats still exist, they just need to realize that they are the party that is supposed to be hanging out with Hobos and Talking about Community Projects (and starting them).

Some how the Republicans became "The Party of the People", they tried Joe the Plumber and that didn't work, then Ron Paul came and the Tea Party exploded, and they just rode into congress on "We are the Party of the Constitution". Why don't Democrats start talking about the 1st Amendment? Or any Amendment? Cenk Uyger wants to GET an Amendment, but he never talks about them as if the ones we have are any good for America.

If TYT talked about the other Amendments in equal amounts as the do talking about GETTING an Amendment, they could probably get people to leave the Tea Party, considering the Tea Party people would probably think it was awesome if they got an amendment, because they think the existing amendments are awesome. Not all of them, but I am sure there are some. And Democrats still exist, and it's not like Democrats hate free speech and the Freedom to gather in groups or the right to a speedy trial, or protection against search and seizure. These are not Republican ideas.
The Republicans are not "the party of the constitution". Neither party obeys the law of the land.

If the constitution were obeyed, because it certainly is not obeyed, we would have a much smaller federal government and much stronger state governments. That would make for other problems but those problems would be more under the control of state's citizens. It would still be a compromise and some would still be unhappy, nobody would get everything they want.

If Libertarians ruled, there would still be problems and some would still be unhappy, but the underlying philosophy of libertarianism, "socially liberal, fiscally conservative... you made it, you keep it... individual liberty" is a much better compromise than the party of "free stuff" or the party of "your morals are a matter for legislation".
The Republicans are not "the party of the constitution". Neither party obeys the law of the land.

If the constitution were obeyed, because it certainly is not obeyed, we would have a much smaller federal government and much stronger state governments. That would make for other problems but those problems would be more under the control of state's citizens. It would still be a compromise and some would still be unhappy, nobody would get everything they want.

If Libertarians ruled, there would still be problems and some would still be unhappy, but the underlying philosophy of libertarianism, "socially liberal, fiscally conservative... you made it, you keep it... individual liberty" is a much better compromise than the party of "free stuff" or the party of "your morals are a matter for legislation".

I made no claims that anything was working properly, if anything I was also just suggesting things, same as you, and talking about who the people were that voted
Thanks for adding.
Wow. I am getting some hilarious replies all over. People think I am somehow a liberal because of this post.

Let me explain some stuff to you. I am from Texas (everyone on the West Coast just decided that I am a Christian Bigot for saying that), I am not a Christian though, I smoke Marijuana.

Now, all the people on the Right Wing just heard Marijuana and think I am a Liberal. I am not a liberal. I believe in Marijuana like you believe in Guns, and it is part of my religion, making it my Constitutional RIGHT to posses and use Marijuana.

Everyone on the left just heard "Constitutional Right" and is like "This guy is a Republican", but guess what else is a Constitutional Right, Voting, Gathering in Public, Having a Trial, The Supreme Courts existence, etc. These are all Constitutional things that we have rights to, the Right to Bear Arms is not the only right we have.

Now, I don't know how many times I have to say this, just because I have long hair does not mean I eat soy, or have ever seen Cale, or hate hunters. I literally have nothing against hunting and I have never seen Cale in my life. But I smoke Marijuana, as part of my Constitutional Religious Rights.

I am not a Democrat/Liberal OR a Republican/Conservative/Libertarian. I did not sign up with a specific party when I registered to vote, I don't vote based on the letters "R" and "D", and I don't see why everyone wants to try to make me fit in to one of those boxes, not only on election day, but regularly.
the underlying philosophy of libertarianism, "socially liberal, fiscally conservative... you made it, you keep it... individual liberty"

don't forget the whole 'no individual liberty for women' tenet because you need to impose your religious views upon them, bible thumper.

why is the libertarian party composed almost exclsuively of straight white christian males with white supremacy leanings like you?
don't forget the whole 'no individual liberty for women' tenet because you need to impose your religious views upon them, bible thumper.

why is the libertarian party composed almost exclsuively of straight white christian males with white supremacy leanings like you?
You mean Like Figgy The libertarian that only votes Republican when there are no libertarians on the ballot and labels herself a Conservative Christian?
First, I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I am a Minister but not Christians and not of a Religion that hates gay people, and I think that neither party does anything that matters to regular people. They think that when they become Governor or Senator it was because the "Deserved" it, not because we got them there.
I have been watching FOX and Obama on Youtube and stuff since the election, NOT to learn the news, but to see what Republicans are saying. I am not suggest anyone watch the news for news, you should watch it every once in a while so that you know what the political parties in this country think.
lol, o.k., lol, i will start by saying that i did not read your whole thread. the above is as far as i got. i call myself a democrat if asked what i choose to be called. but, i will vote for whomever i feel has the best plan for the masses. i would call myself a christian, but don't think of it as a religion, more a belief. i really don't feel that many "religions," actually hate gays, i think it's more of a disapproving issue not hate. as for politicians, i'm sure that some begin their careers with good intentions, but have to fall in line eventually, or get out of politics. the fact that you choose fox as your news provider, tells me you're getting, "fox news," not the real news. and, as for real news, i don't think any of us see it. we see what they want/let us see.....
lol, o.k., lol, i will start by saying that i did not read your whole thread. the above is as far as i got. i call myself a democrat if asked what i choose to be called. but, i will vote for whomever i feel has the best plan for the masses. i would call myself a christian, but don't think of it as a religion, more a belief. i really don't feel that many "religions," actually hate gays, i think it's more of a disapproving issue not hate. as for politicians, i'm sure that some begin their careers with good intentions, but have to fall in line eventually, or get out of politics. the fact that you choose fox as your news provider, tells me you're getting, "fox news," not the real news. and, as for real news, i don't think any of us see it. we see what they want/let us see.....

Dissaproving becomes hate when religions try to get legislation in that discriminates against gays
And Democrats should like that, the Constitution is basically where we get our rights from (Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, Welfare and Bill of Rights).
The constitution does not give you rights. Life, Liberty, Pursuit of happiness, are nowhere to be found in the Constitution. The bill of rights does not list any of your rights, it just specifically prohibits government from interfering in several of them.
There are no rights enumerated in the constitution, if they had tried to do that the constitution would be a trillion pages at least. Did you know that the USA is NOT a democracy? The Constitution FORBIDS a democracy.

Don't ever think that some piece of paper has authority over your rights.

Just wanted to set you straight, lots of people think the same way so don't feel bad, its typical.