Democrats Pull Political Stunt to Cover IRS Scandal

That was specifically in response to your hopes that Repubs will be some improvement. They're just as partisan; so partisan that they'll shut down the government and keep money from spouses of dead soldiers in the process.

but.....planned parenthood. they had to.....because planned parenthood.
but.....planned parenthood. they had to.....because planned parenthood.

I remember the first shutdown threat when I was still enlisted. They love the troops, but not enough to actually provide them with promised pay and benefits.
So what was that like? I mean among you and the rest of your coworkers?

Fortunately, the military credit unions (At least the Navy and Corps ones.) stepped up and said they'd make sure we got paid if the government failed to; in the form of an advance on payday. So we weren't afraid of not being able to cover bills. We were pissed though. A lot of my buddies swore they'd never vote republican again after that shit. That party made its bullshit pretty clear in that moment. "We love you troops, but not enough to pay you."
Note the "or" in that definition. Meaning only one is actually required. By your logic, no blind person is sentient.

Note the "or" in that definition. Meaning only one is actually required. By your logic, no blind person is sentient.

Good try in dodging the true points, but I forgot, you did not see any. Blithe dismissal is a UB technique, but I know you can do better.
You know that you can engage more substantively.
Oh I forgot again, you were unable to perceive any points worthy of your rebuttal in the piece that I c/p'd.
As you said, the article consisted only of attacks to the man...or simply put name calling...your perception is disappointing to say the least.

My brain is befuddled and inoperable due to White Widow ingestion, and my new Mac, I need my windows o/s
And the polls support this.
Almost 70% of people polled do not agree with president obama using his executive powers.
This may shed a little light on how americans may vote to elect a republican senate and house to balance his power come 2014.

That was specifically in response to your hopes that Repubs will be some improvement. They're just as partisan; so partisan that they'll shut down the government and keep money from spouses of dead soldiers in the process.

Maybe you need a rest KP
I was talking about balancing the executive power.
Maybe you need a rest KP
I was talking about balancing the executive power.

If it's partisan, then it's not really balance. I'd call that squabbling over who gets to fuck us next time around. Repubs are just as cool with abuses of power; just as long as it's them doing the abusing. See the patriot act, which was pretty much when the constitution went out the window.
Now we wait and see if it was an actual scandal, or a bullshit witch hunt. Given the nature of both parties, it could go either way.

We know its a scandal we new it along time ago.
Now we will see if there will be another one stemming from not
receiving all the emails.
We know its a scandal we new it along time ago.
Now we will see if there will be another one stemming from not
receiving all the emails.

So there's no possible reason for the IRS to check out the new hotbutton groups popping up everywhere? Maybe to make sure they are actually acting as political groups and not as tax windfalls? There's no scandal without actual evidence of misconduct.
The circumstantial evidence is so great you
would have to be blind to not see it.
As far as "hot button groups" as you put it
why not be a little bit honest instead of deceptive, and say conservative groups.
The circumstantial evidence is so great you
would have to be blind to not see it.
As far as "hot button groups" as you put it
why not be a little bit honest instead of deceptive, and say conservative groups.

The tea party groups are the new hot-button group; the point was that giving closer scrutiny to them seems logical. If I was to try to create a tax windfall, then I'd sure as hell place it in the place where it's likely to blend in with a much larger group. Safety in numbers and all. You don't need to read between the lines. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar; no attempt at deception there.

What is this "circumstantial evidence"? I don't think it means what you think it means.
I know exactly what circumstantial evidence is, and so do Americans that is why almost all
of them want a special prosecutor appointed. All you have to do is read something
other than Politico the huffington post or MSNBC crap or you would know this.
maybe start with Wikipedia...

So what the hell does a special prosecutor have to do with the fact that you keep claiming a scandal based on "thousands who have come forward"? Having a neutral third party involved would certainly add to the credibility of the investigation. However, it seems to have done nothing to support anything you said. It also doesn't change the fact that circumstantial evidence is worthless without something more solid for it to stand on.