Well-Known Member
Not that it shouldn't apply to federal employees, but the point made by the person to who you were replying was quite good, though expressed quite poorly.
Consider that no right is absolute, freedom of speech, but can't yell fire in a crowded theatre. Often the rights of the many are deemed to outweigh the rights of the individual.
That is what law is all about, balancing rights.
The average citizen has the right to not be compelled to testify against themselves. In this case, however, it is worth at least considering voiding the 5th amendment due to the nature of the subjects position.
If someone can obtain employment in high level government office, do unethical stuff for whatever reason that violated many rights of many groups, then the national interest is compelling in this situation.
Having said that, I think this bitch ought to be offered blanket immunity, and locked up for contempt until she talks.
Yeah, and if Obama's administration did that conservatives would be screaming "totalitarianism!"
It's always a no win scenario, no matter the situation
Pleading the 5th isn't an admission of guilt, no matter who you are or who you work for. If it's not good for everyone, it's not good for anyone, that's how being a citizen of this country works
Interesting so much opposition to a single gov. official at the IRS but not a peep about corporations buying democracy