Democrats Pull Political Stunt to Cover IRS Scandal

Not that it shouldn't apply to federal employees, but the point made by the person to who you were replying was quite good, though expressed quite poorly.

Consider that no right is absolute, freedom of speech, but can't yell fire in a crowded theatre. Often the rights of the many are deemed to outweigh the rights of the individual.

That is what law is all about, balancing rights.

The average citizen has the right to not be compelled to testify against themselves. In this case, however, it is worth at least considering voiding the 5th amendment due to the nature of the subjects position.

If someone can obtain employment in high level government office, do unethical stuff for whatever reason that violated many rights of many groups, then the national interest is compelling in this situation.

Having said that, I think this bitch ought to be offered blanket immunity, and locked up for contempt until she talks.

Yeah, and if Obama's administration did that conservatives would be screaming "totalitarianism!"

It's always a no win scenario, no matter the situation

Pleading the 5th isn't an admission of guilt, no matter who you are or who you work for. If it's not good for everyone, it's not good for anyone, that's how being a citizen of this country works

Interesting so much opposition to a single gov. official at the IRS but not a peep about corporations buying democracy
I was right, members leaning left are making excuses and apparently defending the tax nazis.
imo, who cares about legal technicalities when it comes to IRS officials, they are accused of abusing their power against our citizens.
The fact is, when an official from the IRS invokes her 5th amendment right not to incriminate herself or others, it stinks of corruption.
For an agency that is suppose to be bipartisan, it sure looks like they have a mountain of partisan support from the left..
zab judda gets knocked the fuck out again.

this thread was officially owned by UB.

good day.
Not one rollitup member wants to admit they are defending the IRS, why, for what reason?
In fact, there are many here that are on record making claims there is no scandal, yet an IRS official refuses to testify.
Could it be that the evidence may prove them wrong?
i know, i'm right there with ya.

how silly is it that the right has manufactured a scandal where none exists and so many racist idiots like you and winter woman fall over themselves in apoplectic rage?

i mean, we all know that this whole thing got started when a "conservative republican" IRS employee flagged certain groups for extra scrutiny. we found that out when mr. cummings released the FULL transcripts, not the partial and redacted ones that jackass issa released.

hell, mr. cummings even gave that jackass issa every chance to release the full transcripts himself, but he wouldn't because he was hiding the truth on purpose.

why was issa purposely hiding the full truth?

because this whole thing is manufactured drama by obama derangement syndrome racists like yourself.

and that's the full explanation.

LMFAO, Uncle Buck couldn't even write 30 words before he started playing the racist card. What a total pile of dung !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not one rollitup member wants to admit they are defending the IRS, why, for what reason?
In fact, there are many here that are on record making claims there is no scandal, yet an IRS official refuses to testify.
Could it be that the evidence may prove them wrong?

Yeah, so soooooooopid. It is like defending nuke power, because you hate big oil.

But, not everyone is dealt, from the top of the deck at birth, so we must help, not hurt them.

The fact that they have been forced by their partisan stance, to take these Saganist positions, and not be for a public house clearing at IRS, is the ELECTION. The IRS part of it, and it was a contrived re-election bid, that succeeded.

To kill the IRS, is to kill the goose that will continue to lay the anti-constitutional Gold Eggs for DEMs, for this election this fall.
Yeah, so soooooooopid. It is like defending nuke power, because you hate big oil.

But, not everyone is dealt, from the top of the deck at birth, so we must help, not hurt them.

The fact that they have been forced by their partisan stance, to take these Saganist positions, and not be for a public house clearing at IRS, is the ELECTION. The IRS part of it, and it was a contrived re-election bid, that succeeded.

To kill the IRS, is to kill the goose that will continue to lay the anti-constitutional Gold Eggs for DEMs, for this election this fall.

Well said Doer.

i think the vast majority of independent minds see right through this.
70% of the people want congress to follow through with their investigation.
He tweet that Issa was a Racist.

Then a few tweets later, he respond on another issue, that is was so un-cool to call HIM names.

You can't make this stuff up. And that I why I love to HATE politics.
Not that it shouldn't apply to federal employees, but the point made by the person to who you were replying was quite good, though expressed quite poorly.

Consider that no right is absolute, freedom of speech, but can't yell fire in a crowded theatre. Often the rights of the many are deemed to outweigh the rights of the individual.

That is what law is all about, balancing rights.

The average citizen has the right to not be compelled to testify against themselves. In this case, however, it is worth at least considering voiding the 5th amendment due to the nature of the subjects position.

If someone can obtain employment in high level government office, do unethical stuff for whatever reason that violated many rights of many groups, then the national interest is compelling in this situation.

Having said that, I think this bitch ought to be offered blanket immunity, and locked up for contempt until she talks.

That is exactly what I was thinking.
That would be nice and could happened since I see this latest Judge nomination failed, even after Reid changed to rule to 51%.

So finely balanced is this system it only looks like it is about to fall over every day. That is press pandering.

The DEMs will rue the day they changed this rule, and yet the Minority DEMs at the time will blame it on PUBs and all the post-fetus types will buy right in.

So, the way this works, it is too soon for the deal. You want to force her to spill her guts in Sept.
There is not a Congressional Subpena of this power. She can only be pressured this way with the consent of the Judiciary, but the Exec will do everything to block it, through the Attorney General.

Remember Janet Reno?
The democrats voted down two amendments that would have protected ameicans from the wrath of the IRS.

The first amendment would have prohibited an IRS employee from intentionally targeting citizens or groups based on political views. It would have made it a crime for an IRS employee to willfully discriminate against groups based on the political beliefs or policy.

The second amendment would have amended the tax code to use the bipartisan independent FEC’s to determine whether an organization is engaging in political activity. letting the IRS focus on taxation, not political activity.

Democrats on the Judiciary Committee unanimously opposed the amendments, defeating them both.
The democrats voted down two amendments that would have protected ameicans from the wrath of the IRS.

The first amendment would have prohibited an IRS employee from intentionally targeting citizens or groups based on political views. It would have made it a crime for an IRS employee to willfully discriminate against groups based on the political beliefs or policy.

The second amendment would have amended the tax code to use the bipartisan independent FEC’s to determine whether an organization is engaging in political activity. letting the IRS focus on taxation, not political activity.

Democrats on the Judiciary Committee unanimously opposed the amendments, defeating them both.

Here is a piece that I read earlier this AM, underscoring the abuses underway.
Andmany of you here will blithely dismiss the piece without any specific,substantive, response. It is from a right leaning website, and that automaticallyenables you guys to ignore it! This issimply because the points made are unacceptable to your specious worldview, andyou guys do not possess the intellectual integrity to engage on a point bypoint basis.
Realityis a harsh mistress.

Democrats have no qualms of conscience in sending the IRS after conservatives. Opposition to utopia is by definition illegitimate. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid thundered that Americans are un-American for running ads protesting Obamacare. Governor Cuomo of New York told conservatives they should leave his state. Democrat Congressmen gave Obama a standing ovation when he asserted a regal privilege to suspend or change laws at will.
Democrats don’t actually want a free country any more, where others can disagree and sometimes win. Opposition is an outrage to these new Democrats. They think the first black president has the right to rule unopposed.
In election campaign of 2010, Obama made a dozen speeches with McCarthyite claims:
All around this country there are groups with harmless-sounding names like Americans for Prosperity, who are running millions of dollars of ads against Democratic candidates . . . You don't know if it's a foreign-controlled corporation.
In March of 2010, the IRS began to flag Tea Party groups for special scrutiny. By July 2011, President Obama’s approval rating hit a low of 41%, the lowest of his presidency.
Here is a piece that I read earlier this AM, underscoring the abuses underway.
Andmany of you here will blithely dismiss the piece without any specific,substantive, response. It is from a right leaning website, and that automaticallyenables you guys to ignore it! This issimply because the points made are unacceptable to your specious worldview, andyou guys do not possess the intellectual integrity to engage on a point bypoint basis.
Realityis a harsh mistress.

Democrats have no qualms of conscience in sending the IRS after conservatives. Opposition to utopia is by definition illegitimate. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid thundered that Americans are un-American for running ads protesting Obamacare. Governor Cuomo of New York told conservatives they should leave his state. Democrat Congressmen gave Obama a standing ovation when he asserted a regal privilege to suspend or change laws at will.
Democrats don’t actually want a free country any more, where others can disagree and sometimes win. Opposition is an outrage to these new Democrats. They think the first black president has the right to rule unopposed.
In election campaign of 2010, Obama made a dozen speeches with McCarthyite claims:
All around this country there are groups with harmless-sounding names like Americans for Prosperity, who are running millions of dollars of ads against Democratic candidates . . . You don't know if it's a foreign-controlled corporation.
In March of 2010, the IRS began to flag Tea Party groups for special scrutiny. By July 2011, President Obama’s approval rating hit a low of 41%, the lowest of his presidency.

There were points in there somewhere? :confused:
Here is a piece that I read earlier this AM, underscoring the abuses underway.
Andmany of you here will blithely dismiss the piece without any specific,substantive, response. It is from a right leaning website, and that automaticallyenables you guys to ignore it! This issimply because the points made are unacceptable to your specious worldview, andyou guys do not possess the intellectual integrity to engage on a point bypoint basis.
Realityis a harsh mistress.

Democrats have no qualms of conscience in sending the IRS after conservatives. Opposition to utopia is by definition illegitimate. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid thundered that Americans are un-American for running ads protesting Obamacare. Governor Cuomo of New York told conservatives they should leave his state. Democrat Congressmen gave Obama a standing ovation when he asserted a regal privilege to suspend or change laws at will.
Democrats don’t actually want a free country any more, where others can disagree and sometimes win. Opposition is an outrage to these new Democrats. They think the first black president has the right to rule unopposed.
In election campaign of 2010, Obama made a dozen speeches with McCarthyite claims:
All around this country there are groups with harmless-sounding names like Americans for Prosperity, who are running millions of dollars of ads against Democratic candidates . . . You don't know if it's a foreign-controlled corporation.
In March of 2010, the IRS began to flag Tea Party groups for special scrutiny. By July 2011, President Obama’s approval rating hit a low of 41%, the lowest of his presidency.

And the polls support this.
Almost 70% of people polled do not agree with president obama using his executive powers.
This may shed a little light on how americans may vote to elect a republican senate and house to balance his power come 2014.
Wow sorry about the gibberish word merge in my above post...tried to fix it repeatedly, to no avail. Link not working as well!!
I am stoned to the bone and this site is squiffy today, so I give up.