Democrats Pull Political Stunt to Cover IRS Scandal

As I predicted, the left on here are so partisan, they are reduced to defending the IRS.
Nice work guys.

Since when was "innocent until proven guilty" a bad thing? Being unable to come up with something more substantial than personal attacks is kinda lame. If you took the time to read my posts, then you'd realize how ridiculous you sound.

I'll let you in on a little secret: I've never voted Democrat. I'm not fond of either party. Feel free to continue showing your ass though.
Since when was "innocent until proven guilty" a bad thing? Being unable to come up with something more substantial than personal attacks is kinda lame. If you took the time to read my posts, then you'd realize how ridiculous you sound.

I'll let you in on a little secret: I've never voted Democrat. I'm not fond of either party. Feel free to continue showing your ass though.

Since when was "innocent until proven guilty" a bad thing? Being unable to come up with something more substantial than personal attacks is kinda lame. If you took the time to read my posts, then you'd realize how ridiculous you sound.

I'll let you in on a little secret: I've never voted Democrat. I'm not fond of either party. Feel free to continue showing your ass though.

KP, there's a distinct patter here in your arguments, it's all about the subtleties and technicalities for you.
Not once have I made any personal attacks, so lets get that bs out of the way.

Not sure if I'm buying into you being so independent on this issue, come to think of it, this is the first time I've found anyone defending the IRS, of all agencies.
So let's get a little history on this subject.

The overwhelming majority of 501c's targeted were proven to be conservative..
There are in fact emails found that leads one to believe that the agency was targeting certain political groups and trying to keep it quiet.
The IRS publicly admits to targeting conservative groups.
The director of the IRS exempt organizations division refuses to testify.
The IRS refuses to release all the emails.

So I have to ask, what is there to defend, let congress do their job and have an independent investigation, 70% of the people want this.
The Consitution is specific about the job of Congress.

These dumb asses, will at one time they say the Constitution is dead and not relevant and at the next time try to jack the meaning for their purposes.

Now, KP is about the most reasonable around, but he is stumbling over what having to plea for a Constitutional protection under the 5th A, even means.

I don't see him as a big support of this Admin, but, he thinks the Congress is beating up on the IRS lady, for some bad reason., instead of cheering that

Is it is because it is a Lady? Look deep. Us men have real instincts, in our way, about this.
The Consitution is specific about the job of Congress.

These dumb asses, will at one time they say the Constitution is dead and not relevant and at the next time try to jack the meaning for their purposes.

Now, KP is about the most reasonable around, but he is stumbling over what having to plea for a Constitutional protection under the 5th A, even means.

I don't see him as a big support of this Admin, but, he thinks the Congress is beating up on the IRS lady, for some bad reason., instead of cheering that

Is it is because it is a Lady? Look deep. Us men have real instincts, in our way, about this.

The only thing I can come up with is, people defending this garbage are afraid it will lead to the top of the political food chain.
If it does, so be it, but the heart of the matter is stopping our government from using the IRS as a weapon against us, whether it's a republican or a democrat with their finger on the trigger. Agreed, KP is more reasonable than most on here.
Learner's afraid and her life is in serious jeopardy.

We only pretend politics is not this hardball, but it is. Chicago needed Obama to save many mucks, goombas, and wise guys, from prison.

And one other thing, "Guys like Tony Soprano? They don't mess around."
Since when was "innocent until proven guilty" a bad thing? Being unable to come up with something more substantial than personal attacks is kinda lame. If you took the time to read my posts, then you'd realize how ridiculous you sound.

I'll let you in on a little secret: I've never voted Democrat. I'm not fond of either party. Feel free to continue showing your ass though.

I am definitely not getting into this discussion. But with the IRS you are 'quilty until proven innocent'. My business had a full field audit. My business was a pay by check type of company, no cash whatsoever. They had my income but challenged the write-offs. Between buying new equipment, depreciation, actual receipts (I had every single one) and payroll, etc. Believe it or not they got us for $150, she said she had to find the equivalent of her daily pay from each company/person audited everyday. I do pay my taxes, all of them.

She came up with the amount I owed by disallowing our long distance charges on our monthly bills.
I'm far from capable of buying fine seafood

just like i thought, you're too fucking poor to afford a $6 box of fish sticks or $9 shrimp sampler plate, you're too stupid and low skilled to make more at your job or seek a better job, and you're just envious and bitter.

you probably don't even work for a living, never saved any money, and now you just live week to week on a social security check.
how dare you ask them questions about their social welfare objectives before giving them tax exempt status! that is scandalous!

you should know by now that the tea party is all about social welfare. the tea party loves socialism, and welfarism. that's what the tea party is known for, socialism and wlefare. they just love that shit.

who you think you are, bright boy? that one in ten thousand?

lest we forget:
[h=1]David Koch Seeded Major Tea-Party Group, Private Donor List Reveals[/h]
you've been duped (yet again) into baselessly spamming about a manufactured non-scandal, and you're calling us partisan?


So, I guess pleading the 5th by the center of gravity of the entire thing is not news. That is just made up. The DEMs are so afraid they can't answer. Oh a lot did answer. But, most plead the 5th....that can't be right.

Wait, no. It was just Ms. Lerner. So, I see the wait I don't see it.