Democrat virtue signaling = bad energy policy and inflation

That’s always your answer. Corporate greed and republicans. I don’t like republicans either. They are just as corrupt as dems. But damn it’s pretty obvious everyone in government is corrupt. But what I don’t approve of is being over taxes through inflation. They are either trying to collect more taxes to cover all the spending they have done or they are literally trying to collapse the world governments. They have been doing a pretty good job of both. The only reason they haven’t collapsed ours is because they fear those of us with guns. Which is why the want to be rid of the 2nd amendment.

We are them and they are us. There is no, "they're corrupt and we're awesome". Just look at your own disingenuous blaming of one specific party. You have shady partisan motives while pretending to impartial.
That’s always your answer. Corporate greed and republicans. I don’t like republicans either. They are just as corrupt as dems. But damn it’s pretty obvious everyone in government is corrupt. But what I don’t approve of is being over taxes through inflation. They are either trying to collect more taxes to cover all the spending they have done or they are literally trying to collapse the world governments. They have been doing a pretty good job of both. The only reason they haven’t collapsed ours is because they fear those of us with guns. Which is why the want to be rid of the 2nd amendment.
And how many trained tank commanders, drone pilots or just plain infantry will our guns stop? You are a Maggot spewing fascist BS to me.

it's not taxes. And people like you should not have guns. You hunt what? People? Right wing schill you are. How much are you being paid? Or just happy being screwed. Useful idiot.
Lmao, I’ll be telling you I told you so when it reaches 5-6-7-8 a gallon. This was intentionally caused by this administration and their trash policies. Green energy technology is not enough. The power plants are reverting back to coal because of the price of natural gas is too high. They are on track to burn 23% more coal this year than last. That’s not a good greenhouse energy policy IMO. The price of plastics and everything we have is going to go through the roof if this is sustained for a few months.
They blocked the keystone pipeline on day one causing gas to rise. They allowed one of our own pipelines to get hacked and price increased. Then he even lifted sanctions on the Russian Nord stream 2 pipeline in May last year. They finished it in September. Last year an Obama appointed judge blocked the lease of 80 million acres in the gulf. That would have been the largest in the country. So you tell was this not intentional? Didn’t they know Russia would invade Ukraine once the pipeline was finished? Did they not plan for this exact scenario? I bet you it was no surprise to anyone this happened. Look at how quickly the private sector got on board with deleting Russia from business. Hell they sent people to Venezuela to negotiate with Maduro and got a few detainees released to make it not seem obvious that they were begging for them to make up the difference we were importing from Russia. They even went to Iran and they said no too. So these guys are willing to do anything except help these companies get more oil out of the ground. We do it cheaper and cleaner than anywhere else in the world. So why would we not just want to be energy independent and pump as much as possible. Why would we use our reserves during a possible time of war? Seems awfully suspicious to me that they are doing that.
You listen *very closely* to liars and(or) crazy people.

It’s like Plato said: a crackpot is without honor anywhere, because ‘research’ is EASY
Yep. And we have 8 more years of increased taxes to working class to cover the top 10%'s winfall. You are not well informed.
No, all taxes should be lower. Period. We need to stop spending money on things we do not have. There is no fair share because nobody can agree on what’s fair. Everyone should pay the same rate no matter what.
What would help is getting rid of bad actors that abuse their power. I’ve not seen or read one I’ll spoken word about any of the corrupt people on the democrat side by any of you. Not a peep. You mean to tell me all republicans are bad and all democrats are angels from heaven?
Cann is just checking to see if you know ANYTHING relevant to the things you keep saying
I have brain. Me can thinks.
He didn’t indulge me when I asked him to humor me. It’s a ploy he was using that people use to make someone look bad. Pick x topic relevant to the conversation..then pick apart what they said they know about x topic and make them look irrelevant. I mean I can’t possibly type what I know about geology because it’s very limited in scope. But I do have enough sense to have a rational conversation about it. So by him asking the question I assume he knows something that “trumps” everything I know. But did you see he didn’t really humor me and fill me in on what he knows about geology?
You can find graphs all day long. But you obviously don’t understand that investments in gas and oil keep the price down. When you make it so that you can’t invest in it and the create a shortage in supply you get hyper inflation. Dem solutions are buy electric and invest in green energy and drive less. But there is no infrastructure for electric nor does not produce but a fraction of our power. So just suffer until the technology and grid system is built…is that your solution?
Democrat policies are creating more greenhouse gasses and worldwide inflation.
He showed a chart on costs of energy futures. It showed something but wasn't clear because shitty video. He said canceling Keystone and stiffer fracking regulations are a little bit of a factor in rising costs but by far the reason for higher gas cost was, and I quote:

"Last year the SEC began working on a new rule requiring US companies to provide investors with detailed disclosures on how climate change could affect their business"

Um, let's restate this without the gobldy gook.

Energy prices are higher because companies are required to disclose to investors risks to their investments due to climate change.

Well, yeah. That's good business. Bad business is ignoring risk. He made plenty of claims and provided zero proof but it was an animated talk.

As Schweikert said, "Hey, are you listening?" Wildfires, floods, drought, incur massive costs. Who is going to pay them? The risk to a business that they will be held liable when their actions cause massive costs is getting priced in. That's what the SEC is requiring. What Schweikert is complaining about is what is known as full disclosure. I mean, you can save a lot of money by buying a house in a flood plain and not paying flood insurance. But it is criminal to sell a house in a flood plain and not tell the buyer about it. That's what Schweikert is complaining about. The regulatoin that requires full disclosure of risk. It's the opposite of what he said. It's good policy.

The only truth coming from this OP is knowing that when they watched Schweikert's jumping up and down, it trigged their weak little minds.
No but ALL republicans are about what can you do for me. Dems are about what can you do for us. You clearly aren’t paying attention.
So what can I do for you? Pay more taxes? Because I surely don’t ever see the benefits of them. They don’t even pave the roads I drive on.
No, all taxes should be lower. Period. We need to stop spending money on things we do not have. There is no fair share because nobody can agree on what’s fair. Everyone should pay the same rate no matter what.
What would help is getting rid of bad actors that abuse their power. I’ve not seen or read one I’ll spoken word about any of the corrupt people on the democrat side by any of you. Not a peep. You mean to tell me all republicans are bad and all democrats are angels from heaven?
I say hang em higher. A crook is a crook.
Start prosecuting all sides.
So what’s the goal…increase prices of oil and gas to get people to buy an electric vehicle that’s currently powered by a coal or diesel plant? Oh wait aren’t they are supposedly contracting Chinese companies to build and own those charging station?
They want less methane from cow farts so they are making meat prices so high that people become vegetarians? Because it’s better for the planet?
These are the kinds of people that ran on green energy and are pushing stupid policies that don’t necessarily work like they think they will. AOC is prime example. She’s an idiot that was good at social media.

There are way more people in this country than in the 70s. So when demand is high and supply is low you naturally charge more. There’s enough people willing to pay. That’s where we’re at. Gas only accounts for 19-20 gallon which is just half of the barrel…it’s that other half that is used in nearly every single product we make that is going to cause inflation.
Maybe you listen too closely too often to your favorite liars / crazy people

What I’m trying to say - as nicely as possible - is that you don’t KNOW any of this stuff, you just believe what you’ve heard…and what you’ve heard is garbage. Not true. Made up to rile you up. It’s working, too.

The problem is when you roll in with this joke book of just how those insane demon rats are ruining everything, and you (and others) start with the OBVIOUSLY FALSE BS you picked up from (someone who picked it up from) PROFESSIONAL POLITICAL LIARS who haven’t told you a consequential *true* thing yet.

That problem is, you sound like a hair-on-fire imbecile when you do it. Not just you, the screamingly obvious horseshit is, well, OBVIOUS no matter who’s got the mic - but I *KNOW* you didn’t come in here to put on an absurd show, there couldn’t possibly be anything you want in looking like a fool in front of strangers. It’s gotta sting, but maybe knowing will serve you better than being dragged around in ignorance by deliberate propagandizing traitors.

Fortunately, research IS easy: just check THE PUBLIC RECORD to see if any of the supposed shit ACTUALLY HAPPENED before you swallow.
Lmao, I’ll be telling you I told you so when it reaches 5-6-7-8 a gallon. This was intentionally caused by this administration and their trash policies. Green energy technology is not enough. The power plants are reverting back to coal because of the price of natural gas is too high. They are on track to burn 23% more coal this year than last. That’s not a good greenhouse energy policy IMO. The price of plastics and everything we have is going to go through the roof if this is sustained for a few months.
They blocked the keystone pipeline on day one causing gas to rise. They allowed one of our own pipelines to get hacked and price increased. Then he even lifted sanctions on the Russian Nord stream 2 pipeline in May last year. They finished it in September. Last year an Obama appointed judge blocked the lease of 80 million acres in the gulf. That would have been the largest in the country. So you tell was this not intentional? Didn’t they know Russia would invade Ukraine once the pipeline was finished? Did they not plan for this exact scenario? I bet you it was no surprise to anyone this happened. Look at how quickly the private sector got on board with deleting Russia from business. Hell they sent people to Venezuela to negotiate with Maduro and got a few detainees released to make it not seem obvious that they were begging for them to make up the difference we were importing from Russia. They even went to Iran and they said no too. So these guys are willing to do anything except help these companies get more oil out of the ground. We do it cheaper and cleaner than anywhere else in the world. So why would we not just want to be energy independent and pump as much as possible. Why would we use our reserves during a possible time of war? Seems awfully suspicious to me that they are doing that.
schweikert was complaining about energy futures, not gasoline prices. But whatever, you conflated oil and gas supplies into one large unreadable wall of text.

The big swings in pricing over the past few day are due to pricing in -- on futures contracts -- the risk of supply disruption due to the war in Ukraine.

Oil prices gave up most of their big overnight gains in a wild session, briefly dipping into negative territory after surging above $130 earlier in the session.

On Sunday evening, prices jumped as trading began with the market reacting to supply disruptions stemming from Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine and the possibility of a ban on Russian oil and natural gas.

But prices later retreated, in a move that Rebecca Babin, senior energy trader at CIBC Private Wealth, attributed to comments out of Germany that the nation is reluctant to ban Russia energy imports.

It's like stock market jitters when investors get spooked. What I picked out from your wall of text is you don't understand. Maybe you should read a book.

Actually, don't do that. Pick up a comic book.
Oil spill in the gulf, hurricanes…
Okay, you’re blaming an oil spill that the gulf STILL hasn’t recovered from, and hurricanes (good!)…but you were just complaining that there should be more millions of acres of gulf being drilled in, so…more spills, hurricane and not - and THAT’s a good thing to you?

If you haven’t noticed that power bills are up, property taxes are up, food prices are up, health insurance is up…everything is up. Wages haven’t increased that much to keep up. So that 4 soon to be 5 Gas price hurts a lot more
“If we haven’t noticed”? What, do you think anyone here is so rich that they never notice how much things cost much less wonder why? EVERYBODY NOTICES!!! We’ve even noticed that wages have been essentially FLAT for the last 50 years, despite how much richer all the fat cats and swindlers have gotten.
I’m one of those people that would have participated in the Boston tea party. I don’t appreciate government over complicating things and taxing the ever loving sh*t out of us to pay for something that doesn’t benefit us in any way.
The dems passed Obamacare through without letting anyone read it. Republicans had a chance to repeal it, they didn’t do that when they had the chance. Nearly every government program is riddled with fraud, waste and abuse and instead of fixing them and the loopholes they go on to create more programs that suck up more money. I don’t appreciate the lockdowns and how it killed thousands of mom n pop shops including one of my own. I don’t think it’s fair they picked essential businesses that were allowed to stay open. It’s why these huge companies like Amazon, Walmart and etc made billions and billions more. It’s just all corrupt and it’s all a game to them. I’m sick of the game. And I don’t really care what you think of me or anyone else for that matter. It makes me laugh that you think I actually care.