Democrat virtue signaling = bad energy policy and inflation

Oil spill in the gulf, hurricanes…
If you haven’t noticed that power bills are up, property taxes are up, food prices are up, health insurance is up…everything is up. Wages haven’t increased that much to keep up. So that 4 soon to be 5 Gas price hurts a lot more
Oil spill. Hurricane. Increased transportation and production costs. All a result of the fossil fuel industry. Oil and the waste will be here for a long time. And 600 Billion per year in our money as a subsidy to decrease costs. We pay for the clean up. We eat the now tainted foods, water and air. Which increases health care costs and oil companies further profit from. As many drugs and treatments along with devices are made from oil.

Ask someone in your household to whack you upside the head.
I’m one of those people that would have participated in the Boston tea party. I don’t appreciate government over complicating things and taxing the ever loving sh*t out of us to pay for something that doesn’t benefit us in any way.
The dems passed Obamacare through without letting anyone read it. Republicans had a chance to repeal it, they didn’t do that when they had the chance. Nearly every government program is riddled with fraud, waste and abuse and instead of fixing them and the loopholes they go on to create more programs that suck up more money. I don’t appreciate the lockdowns and how it killed thousands of mom n pop shops including one of my own. I don’t think it’s fair they picked essential businesses that were allowed to stay open. It’s why these huge companies like Amazon, Walmart and etc made billions and billions more. It’s just all corrupt and it’s all a game to them. I’m sick of the game. And I don’t really care what you think of me or anyone else for that matter. It makes me laugh that you think I actually care.

your problem, child, is that you haven't done your homework. It seems to anger you when you don't understand a subject but the only person you should be angry at is yourself.

Regulations protect buyers or consumers or the general public from dishonest, shabby or poor practices. The example I gave you earlier illustrates why regulations are necessary. A home might seem cheap if its located in a flood zone and not so cheap when flood insurance is factored in. Real estate agents are required by law to disclose when a home is located in a flood zone. This protects the buyer and the bank from an otherwise hidden cost.

If this hurts your feelings, I suggest you go back to watching porn or whatever it was you were doing before you decided to post here.
How…it was a tax cut, meaning they let people keep more of their money and the government took in record amounts of revenue during that time

It was a huge tax cut for the1%, and corporations, and added big time to the deficit.
The tax cuts in the bill — 80 percent of the tax cuts in the bill benefit the top 1 percent in our country. $2.6 trillion in tax cuts go to corporate America. Around , $475 billion in tax increases go to Middle America. … So, again, it raises taxes on middle class, cuts the tax of the wealthiest, adds trillions to the deficit.
How…it was a tax cut, meaning they let people keep more of their money and the government took in record amounts of revenue during that time
Too stupid to be funny…”let people keep more of their own money….” WHICH people, do you wonder? Probably you don’t. I’ll bet when you heard Mike Pence say that “ON AVERAGE” people’s taxes went down, you thought that meant “taxes went down for average Americans”…but…if I have EVERYTHING, and you have NOTHING, then “on average” we have a fair split, so YAY!!! WHY AREN’T YOU HAPPY WITH THAT?

*ARE* you happy with that? Should I be happy to pay the taxes the wealthy SHIRK, ‘cause they’re “special”? Should I blame people with LESS THAN ME for making ME pay more? Here’s a great BIG clue: you and I don’t pay as much in taxes as we do because of poor people or immigrants: we pay so much BECAUSE THE WEALTHY REFUSE. If you lift your ears above the placing of blame, you’ll hear them say - out loud - again and again - that THEY shouldn’t have to pay ANY TAXES AT ALL. Just like old-fashioned aristocrats.
I have brain. Me can thinks.
He didn’t indulge me when I asked him to humor me. It’s a ploy he was using that people use to make someone look bad. Pick x topic relevant to the conversation..then pick apart what they said they know about x topic and make them look irrelevant. I mean I can’t possibly type what I know about geology because it’s very limited in scope. But I do have enough sense to have a rational conversation about it. So by him asking the question I assume he knows something that “trumps” everything I know. But did you see he didn’t really humor me and fill me in on what he knows about geology?
The repeated requests for figures/statistics/numbers, and about geology were in response to the things you were saying. You were asserting things as true, and you were asked to back them up by basing your ‘facts’ on something beyond you saying it. Your response so far, has been “it’s self-explanatory”, which means you can’t explain it, even to yourself - which means you didn’t understand what you were saying - or what you were saying about what you were saying.

The question about YOUR KNOWLEDGE of geology could have given some credence to your remarks about oil, if - for example - you knew enough about the relevant geology related to oil strata for your observations to carry weight. Short of a wet fart, asking for an explanation instead was about the least convincing thing you could have said in support of your own sayings.

On top of that, you jump to bizarre conclusions about WHY we aren’t making an effort to explain why the monster in your closet can’t hurt you. I mean, it’s hard to respond to your…case.

TL;DR = you have no credibility because you’ve offered nothing credible. Not our fault. Feel free to provide bona-fides of any sort at all.
No, all taxes should be lower. Period. We need to stop spending money on things we do not have. There is no fair share because nobody can agree on what’s fair. Everyone should pay the same rate no matter what.
What would help is getting rid of bad actors that abuse their power. I’ve not seen or read one I’ll spoken word about any of the corrupt people on the democrat side by any of you. Not a peep. You mean to tell me all republicans are bad and all democrats are angels from heaven?

I mean to tell you you're an idiot
I stated that the policy this administration has on energy is creating inflation when they could be doing much more to curb it. Gas has risen steadily from the moment they got into office and all you say is that trumps policies caused it. What policies are you referring to?
The reason I’m coming to these conclusions is because it seems intentional. For years they have been selling us out to china and other countries. They sold our debt and sold our kids future with how much they have borrowed. My guess is that China and these countries are playing him like a puppet. It’s pretty obvious that he’s not the one pulling the strings. He’s just reading and doing what he’s told.
I stated that the policy this administration has on energy is creating inflation when they could be doing much more to curb it. Gas has risen steadily from the moment they got into office and all you say is that trumps policies caused it. What policies are you referring to?
The reason I’m coming to these conclusions is because it seems intentional. For years they have been selling us out to china and other countries. They sold our debt and sold our kids future with how much they have borrowed. My guess is that China and these countries are playing him like a puppet. It’s pretty obvious that he’s not the one pulling the strings. He’s just reading and doing what he’s told.
I’m one of those people that would have participated in the Boston tea party. I don’t appreciate government over complicating things and taxing the ever loving sh*t out of us to pay for something that doesn’t benefit us in any way.
Sounds to me like you know little to nothing about it - the Tea Party, I mean (and maybe the Revolution)

The dems passed Obamacare through without letting anyone read it.
Yeah, that was not great. However, it was heavily modified in committee to adhere to GOP requirements, in hopes that GOP would follow through on their promise to support the bill (the fools!) Not only was there NO GOP support for a bill that had been tailored to their specifications - and signed off on by GOP members of the committee, GOP has used “Obamacare” as a club against the Dems at every opportunity since. But you know all this, because you follow the news, right? Classic McConnell sandbagging, amirite?

Republicans had a chance to repeal it, they didn’t do that when they had the chance.
They tried to repeal it SIXTY TIMES - and FAILED. 60 times.

Sixty chances. Blown.

Gee, I t’s almost like they didn’t WANT to repeal it - they just wanted to KEEP HAMMERING the Democrats,.. it *is* a *good* hammer.

Nearly every government program is riddled with fraud, waste and abuse and instead of fixing them and the loopholes they go on to create more programs that suck up more money. I don’t appreciate the lockdowns and how it killed thousands of mom n pop shops including one of my own. I don’t think it’s fair they picked essential businesses that were allowed to stay open. It’s why these huge companies like Amazon, Walmart and etc made billions and billions more. It’s just all corrupt and it’s all a game to them. I’m sick of the game. And I don’t really care what you think of me or anyone else for that matter. It makes me laugh that you think I actually care.
“Laugh while you can, monkey boy!”

I for sure believe you don’t care at all about this country - what happens in it, or to it, or to the people OF it…and I think followers of traitors should be made examples of. It’s instructive and therapeutic for people to see this kind of bullshit dissected.
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Why hasn't anyone mentioned the hydrocarbons yet?

Kidding aside. That Arizona guy is full of shit. JimiHendrix1 posted some relevant info worth reading for myself...along with a few other good posts.

@GOT420 , I read that you'd mentioned taxes for the average Joe, just like everybody here is. This might be a piece of the puzzle for what the "Arizona Dude" was yakking about, hydrocarbons aside. Keep in mind I don't follow world wide energy pricing etc. I did work in the industry for some time though. It's a fucking shady business for sure.
I stated that the policy this administration has on energy is creating inflation when they could be doing much more to curb it.

Yes you did. So? Why should anyone listen to you?

Gas has risen steadily from the moment they got into office and all you say is that trumps policies caused it. What policies are you referring to?
Specifically, his policy of sowing dissension and confusion among our allies, driving wedges into NATO, and pandering to Putin (DFP’s humiliating performance at Helsinki did more to weaken US standing in the world than anything that has happened in the last 50 years.

Without the prospect of four more years of softening up Europe, Pooti seems to have lost patience and is doing things the old-fashioned,way, Mongol/Hun style…but he was on his way to being handed Ukraine AND seeing the dissolution of NATO - the de-facto EU military. However, he did have four years of prep-work accomplished, thanks to Trump, Pompeo, Bolton, to name just a couple, and like I said he went for it.

Had NEARLY ANYONE been an actual president for those four years, Putin’s calculus would have been entirely different, and he almost certainly would NOT have thought he’d get away with waltzing into Ukraine for some Pan-“Russian” Anschluss Festival. But the people who ARE out to wreck the nation are STILL behind Trump, still pushing to build the fourth Reich *somewhere*, still hoping to exclude the masses from having a voice.

The reason I’m coming to these conclusions is because it seems intentional. For years they have been selling us out to china and other countries. They sold our debt and sold our kids future with how much they have borrowed. My guess is that China and these countries are playing him like a puppet. It’s pretty obvious that he’s not the one pulling the strings. He’s just reading and doing what he’s told.
Let me amend what I said earlier: you listen to CRAZY people…because that’s just crazy. Unless you have EVIDENCE to support ANYTHING in this paragraph - or even a reasonable chain of fact and argument to give you a reason for saying so - there’s nothing to do with this bit but shake my head and move on.

Chillun, don’t be this guy
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I stated that the policy this administration has on energy is creating inflation when they could be doing much more to curb it. Gas has risen steadily from the moment they got into office and all you say is that trumps policies caused it. What policies are you referring to?
The reason I’m coming to these conclusions is because it seems intentional. For years they have been selling us out to china and other countries. They sold our debt and sold our kids future with how much they have borrowed. My guess is that China and these countries are playing him like a puppet. It’s pretty obvious that he’s not the one pulling the strings. He’s just reading and doing what he’s told.
here's a brief simple explanation of why it isn't Biden's fault, and yet another case of trump being a loud mouthed liar.

you said "The dems passed Obamacare through without letting anyone read it."...¿ this is what you misheard, misread, or misunderstood...
one of the authors of a large part of the bill hadn't had the time to read the entire document, republicunts made a huge deal of him not reading basically interchangeable boiler plate became a thing for a short while...then blew away, like all bullshit finally does

you said "Nearly every government program is riddled with fraud, waste and abuse"....can you supply some corroboration of that? you make a lot of statements and then have nothing to back them up...those clickable things i used to show you how you are wrong? those are at least semi reputable sources of information...if you could provide a few here and there it would make it a lot easier to accept what you say, or at least tell you why you're wrong...again
I stated that the policy this administration has on energy is creating inflation when they could be doing much more to curb it. Gas has risen steadily from the moment they got into office and all you say is that trumps policies caused it. What policies are you referring to?
The reason I’m coming to these conclusions is because it seems intentional. For years they have been selling us out to china and other countries. They sold our debt and sold our kids future with how much they have borrowed. My guess is that China and these countries are playing him like a puppet. It’s pretty obvious that he’s not the one pulling the strings. He’s just reading and doing what he’s told.
So what’s the goal…increase prices of oil and gas to get people to buy an electric vehicle that’s currently powered by a coal or diesel plant? Oh wait aren’t they are supposedly contracting Chinese companies to build and own those charging station?
They want less methane from cow farts so they are making meat prices so high that people become vegetarians? Because it’s better for the planet?
These are the kinds of people that ran on green energy and are pushing stupid policies that don’t necessarily work like they think they will. AOC is prime example. She’s an idiot that was good at social media.

There are way more people in this country than in the 70s. So when demand is high and supply is low you naturally charge more. There’s enough people willing to pay. That’s where we’re at. Gas only accounts for 19-20 gallon which is just half of the barrel…it’s that other half that is used in nearly every single product we make that is going to cause inflation.
You really like conspiracies. Is your brain damaged or are you a paid shill?