
Wavels, it is faith. i am no great debater and i know much of what i mean to say is not coming through right so i apologize if my arguments don't convince you of what i know. maybe you will start to question the efforts to expunge God from the picture.

what do you have faith in, a mathematically irrational set of assumptions or a Creator? why do you think evolution would make things more and more complex instead of the other way around? even Darwin realized that evolution is self-destructive, it had to start somewhere in order to have come into being!

just look at the univserse. look around. there is nowhere that complex molecules occur without life, the most complex we see on earth when you take life out of the picture are crystal matrices, repetitive alignment of fairly homogenous layers of the same element. you go from that (0 complexity) to an organic compound (huge complexity) and this leap of complexity is just enourmous, astounding from a chemical point of view.

i won't fool myself into thinking i can singlehandedly erase atheism, i would love to connect everyone to God, but i hope anyone reading this thread will at least see the holes, the HUGE holes in any anti-God "science".
Unable to comprehend the premisis that God has always been and will always be is a human weakness. No man can understand the whole of God.
call God what you want to, it's not about words. God, the concept, didn't have a start, there was no start prior to God, if there is a go (we can validate this) then God is "start". damn words... :)
A god cannot be the start, for something needs to have created it. Maybe an evolution of

Your god was created 2,000 odd years ago. it was created in the minds of men that needed a relief from the hardship of their lives. To live a life of poverty with no hope of betterment would lead to a bitter life were it not for some sort of belief that your life is actually worth living. How easy, for people of little or no hope to turn to a religion that promises so much.

We are beyond that now. We have advanced enough to understand the difference between right and wrong, to live by an ethical code that is accepted by all. We should accept that our deaths will be final, and do as much as we can within the short time we have.
A god cannot be the start, for something needs to have created it. Maybe an evolution of

Your god was created 2,000 odd years ago. it was created in the minds of men that needed a relief from the hardship of their lives. To live a life of poverty with no hope of betterment would lead to a bitter life were it not for some sort of belief that your life is actually worth living. How easy, for people of little or no hope to turn to a religion that promises so much.

We are beyond that now. We have advanced enough to understand the difference between right and wrong, to live by an ethical code that is accepted by all. We should accept that our deaths will be final, and do as much as we can within the short time we have.
Hey skunk, do something good and powerful, Stop the fucking Iraq war> Thanks!
I tried, but Tony wanted the oil. Plus, he'd already promised George he had his back. Our troops will be pulled out soon anyway. As soon as the pipelines are buried, we'll be off.
I tried, but Tony wanted the oil. Plus, he'd already promised George he had his back. Our troops will be pulled out soon anyway. As soon as the pipelines are buried, we'll be off.
I guess then we'll be the coalition of the one,~LOL~ Our greedy profiteers are not leaving untill they wring every last dollar out of the place, meanwhile, bankrupting the country!
They had enough gold though, and how they fought to keep it.
Their still fighting over the Diamonds. I guess 3-4 hundred years ago, you could walk by most any stream in certain areas, and pick up gold and diamonds from the streambeds, like picking up rocks nowdays. If I ever meet you, I'll tell you about the legends of where there is more gold than you can imagine, and it's not ft. knox. I haven't really seen it, but the legends about it tie in with my assumptions, maybe before I die, I'll check it out.