
Very good post. I read it all the way through as it says all of the things I KNOW to be true. If there is a god, then it is our brains, for it is our brains that have created it.
Well skunk, you've convinced me, there's no argueing with you, your mind is made up. I'll find another topic to debate with you, religion is passe. God bless, or good luck, BTW do you believe in luck? There's a topic we can thrash.
Not in my country, and not in at least 20% of yours.
So 20% of our country know the truth as death is final, goodnight Irene, and 80% are drinkin the koolaid and beliving in something after death. I realize this is a placebo, but it makes me feel better, so I'll stick with the 80%. Does this make me stupid in your opinion?
we can't "prove" each other wrong and i won't set out to, if we could the debate wouldn't exist.

if you know that life just stops when we die then be happy for us fools who don't quite understand that.

"The visionary lies to himself, the liar only to others."
Friedrich Nietzsche
No. As I know, deep deep down, you know the truth. We all do. Some are just too afraid of death to ever admit it to themselves.
I'll just ask you one question about this and then I'll drop it. If we are only here for a nanosecond in the span of time (our 60-90 year lifespan), what is the purpose of our existence, is there a reason we exist at all? Think about the love you have for your spouse and children, is that just a passing thing?
What would be the purpose in the existence of a god? Then, what would be the purpose of said god creating life? Then, why put all the life onto one planet? Does this not suggest a randomness?

Even if you believe in a creator, the purpose of it's existence would be a mystery.

There is no purpose to life, it merely IS. There is no point searching for something that does not exist.

Consider all of the religions before your own. The Norse, the American Indian, Paganism... the list, i'm sure, is all-but endless. Your god was pretty silent during these times, not a fucking peep. Ah, forgive me, your god certainly had a lot to say about the American Indians. The people were all but wiped out under the standard of your god.

7x, I care not at all for all you fools that believe you will not die. Neither happy nor sad, maybe a slight leaning towards sad, but other than that I feel no way at all.

Also, could you explain the Nietzsche quote for me please? If you don't mind, of course.
7x, I care not at all for all you fools that believe you will not die. Neither happy nor sad, maybe a slight leaning towards sad, but other than that I feel no way at all.

Also, could you explain the Nietzsche quote for me please? If you don't mind, of course.

why sad? we are only missing out on the great realization that we are nothing with no purpose. this is in no way causing us harm or pain, i assure you. lean to happy, fall over and indulge in total bliss, ignore our ignorance and consider yourself "blessed", if you will.

the quote? just go with whatever makes sense to you. we're all a bit of each sometimes.
It is causing you a modicum of distress surely. Deep down you have doubt of your beliefs, you all do. This doubt is not some devil trying to turn you onto the path towards hell but your common sense just aching to burst forth. To live in semi-permanent doubt must surely be worse than RECOGNISING the TRUTH.

I do consider myself blessed, for I have blessed myself. I have the power to spread goodness, if I so will it. I likewise have the power to do the opposite. We all do. Is this not god? Our body is a temple, and a temple is the house of god... we are god, it is our brains... our brains that find death so difficult to deal with it will grasp at virtual straws rather than accept the TRUTH. Believe even a story written long after the arrival of modern man, a story that discounts much of the scientific evidence we have today as made-up (probably down to the devil) by atheists. You believe a story written by men, stories that were specially selected for the divinity content, while others were discarded for telling anything even halfway approaching the truth. Do you now not see your pain? The ache of the truth burning to fullfil your whole mind? I know you know the truth, and one day you will ACCEPT it.
It is causing you a modicum of distress surely. Deep down you have doubt of your beliefs, you all do. This doubt is not some devil trying to turn you onto the path towards hell but your common sense just aching to burst forth. To live in semi-permanent doubt must surely be worse than RECOGNISING the TRUTH.

I do consider myself blessed, for I have blessed myself. I have the power to spread goodness, if I so will it. I likewise have the power to do the opposite. We all do. Is this not god? Our body is a temple, and a temple is the house of god... we are god, it is our brains... our brains that find death so difficult to deal with it will grasp at virtual straws rather than accept the TRUTH. Believe even a story written long after the arrival of modern man, a story that discounts much of the scientific evidence we have today as made-up (probably down to the devil) by atheists. You believe a story written by men, stories that were specially selected for the divinity content, while others were discarded for telling anything even halfway approaching the truth. Do you now not see your pain? The ache of the truth burning to fullfil your whole mind? I know you know the truth, and one day you will ACCEPT it.
I doubt it. I am content with my belief. I have seen things in my life that you obviously have not. The preview of the second coming was the most powerful sight I've ever seen. Laugh all you want skunky, but I'm convinced there's more to life than death!
I wish I knew with 100% certainty, med!......I'm at about 93.1%...*lol* The faith of a grain of mustard seed is all that is required! If I told you what I've seen, you'd think me crazy, but none the less I've seen it! I needed to see the things I've seen to change my ways and believe, I can but wonder if skunk will ever see something to change his mind, It's a change of heart that cannot be described. I hope all the greed that you and Vi are enjoying, doesnt harden your hearts past redemption, kinda sounds like it has already!
I doubt it. I am content with my belief. I have seen things in my life that you obviously have not. The preview of the second coming was the most powerful sight I've ever seen. Laugh all you want skunky, but I'm convinced there's more to life than death!

You doubt it. Whereas I KNOW.
Can't I collect my winnings now?
Hell no, if you want to mail me mine (I'm pretty sure I'll go before you) I'll send you an address after I'm gone and you can pay my wife, otherwise if you don't hear from me, consider yourself a winner and I'll have your check waiting when you show up, but wait, if you show up, I win. You see this is a no win for you. It's 1:21 in the am here, what time is it in your neck of the woods? Well I must get to bed, have a good one skunk!
It is causing you a modicum of distress surely. Deep down you have doubt of your beliefs, you all do. This doubt is not some devil trying to turn you onto the path towards hell but your common sense just aching to burst forth. To live in semi-permanent doubt must surely be worse than RECOGNISING the TRUTH.

I do consider myself blessed, for I have blessed myself. I have the power to spread goodness, if I so will it. I likewise have the power to do the opposite. We all do. Is this not god? Our body is a temple, and a temple is the house of god... we are god, it is our brains... our brains that find death so difficult to deal with it will grasp at virtual straws rather than accept the TRUTH. Believe even a story written long after the arrival of modern man, a story that discounts much of the scientific evidence we have today as made-up (probably down to the devil) by atheists. You believe a story written by men, stories that were specially selected for the divinity content, while others were discarded for telling anything even halfway approaching the truth. Do you now not see your pain? The ache of the truth burning to fullfil your whole mind? I know you know the truth, and one day you will ACCEPT it.

you obviously need a hug or a good thrashing... i don't know which. pain and aches or whatever is something i don't have unless you're talking about my back on a bad day.

as i have shown you, there isn't any evidence for your convictions. bring me one piece if you have it. set me free with your truth if you have it.

i have so thoroughly dismantled your arguments that you should go back to the drawing board or just swallow your pride and admit that what you believe doesn't add up. it simply does not work. you are forcing yourself to doubt while we are letting ourselves believe.
7x says:
i have so thoroughly dismantled your arguments that you should go back to the drawing board
I wish that this were the case, you did not convince me to dispel the last vestiges of doubt I cling to....It really does boil down to faith and the creation thereof....

My Heart has faith.....and is eager to enjoy leap of faith!....
My Mind is scared to jump!

:joint: I must ponder further!

PS hang in there skunky!