
couldn't agree more dank, people become "saved" and then look down on everyone else like they did something special. in reality they were just given something they didn't deserve. that's when you're supposed to start lifting people up, being kind to everyone, and not in a "i was nice, give me my prize" way; in a loving, self-less way.[/quote]
!Easy to say, Hard to do! The old ego is always lurking!
No skunky, that is where you are wrong.
Do you remember the story of Mary Magdalen? When she was brought before Jesus to be stoned, Jesus, bent down before each one of the disciples and wrote out their sins into the dirt.. At which time he stood back up and said, "those without sin can cast the first stone."
If you read into biblical teachings, Christ didn't hang out with the Rabbis, He hung out with the dregs of society.

Sorry dank? On which point am I wrong? i know Jesus hung out with the dregs of society (I've said as much, and worse, on this site before). I also know the cast the first stone story. I didn't say he hung out with the rabbi's... I said he hung out with St. Peter. I bet Jesus knew their sins so well because he was there when they done them.

I've also bullshitted the christmas story.
I'm saying that you are wrong about talking with real Christians.... The People who represented them selves as Real Christians are delusional, they have no concept of what Christ's teaching really are.
True. They call themselves the Jesus Army. I went to a few of their meetings, and spoke to them in their communal homes. There were quite a few Americans within the community. One American lady in particular, I was watching her in one of the meetings and after they had sang, and burst into spontaneous tongues... it seemed traditional to pass out, being filled with the holy spirit of course, and fall backwards to the ground. This lady actually dropped to her arse, then straightened out her skirt before hitting the deck properly. They eventually banned me from their meetings as they couldn't answer my questions.

I've also had a brush with Dianetics, or the Scientologists. Very interesting and, apart from the drug free aspect, very plausible.
I don't need to read your link... when I said brush, what I actually meant was that I was a member. I passed their 'lie detectors', and auditors. I've actually been trained as an auditor myself.

The only link I can think of to ufo's is L. Ron Hubbard... the science fiction writer that created Dianetics.
Don't get me wrong... I'm not a follower of dianetics now, nor never have been. I just pretended to to gain information. They're really not as scary as you think.
Skunky, You may be surrounded by pseudo christians like G.W.Bush, whom proclaim themselves christians and then go about doing the Devils work. The hypocracy level among loudly proclaimed Christians is pretty high!
All christians, whether real or not are crazy. Anyone that believes a story is real, to my mind, is not the full ticket. I've personally investigated many people and their so-called beliefs.

I'll also tell yo that the sanest of the lot were the Scientologists.
Scientologists are so sane that they pay around $50,000 to "Go Clear." That's after years of "auditing" and fighting with those danged "Ingrams." On the other hand, Christians are so insane that they can "Go Clear" for nothing ... for free ... for just the asking. Atonement gets rid of the "Ingrams" in a flash.

In my experience, Scientologists are some of the most fucked up individules I've ever met. Not trying to be confrontational here ... just stating my experiences.

I didn't say scientologists are sane, I said the sanest of the lot. Scientologists are far from sane... in fact they are half deluded, unlike the christians and any other deity worshipping bunch that are FULLY deluded.
I didn't say scientologists are sane, I said the sanest of the lot. Scientologists are far from sane... in fact they are half deluded, unlike the christians and any other deity worshipping bunch that are FULLY deluded.
I take it you are an athiest. Please explain to me beauty, Please explain love. Explain joy, explain those wonderful feelings of complete oneness with a higher power you can get from some drugs. I would find it impossible to believe there was not a higher power acting in the universe. to believe that all that we see was an act of random selection, is too impossible for me to believe. I have no disdain for athiests and in fact worked with one side by side for 7 years. No amount of persuasion on my part could move him. He believed we came from pond scum and ended up where we are through random, selection, end of conversation. If you are in this category, I feel sorry for you. you'll never know the joy of being one with the creator. But Skunky, I love you anyway!
*lol* ... well said, Med.

I heard Bill Buckley debating with an Athiest one night. Buckley said: "You might feel great about believing that you are a decendent of monkeys ... but I prefer to believe that I came from a Higher Power."

what, and a higher power cant produce life via evolution? it always seems like its an either/or debate in these politics threads. wtf is the grey area anymore?!
I'm not an atheist. I'm a realist. It is I that have seen the light...

It's not about feeling great, it is about accepting the truth.

Why must we have been created? Why do we need to have been created and god just be? If life needs to have been created then so does the creator need to have been created. It makes no sense... whereas an evolutionary cycle does.

The numbers of people TRULY believing in a god are dwindling. Churches are being knocked down as more and more people realise the truth. I can accept it, and it hurts me hardly at all, for I have known it since my first day of school. My parents knew it too, and so shall my children.

I feel love, and any emotion you care to mention. I'm a realist. I KNOW what is real and what isn't... you merely believe.

Vi', is that Buckley quote meant to mean something?
"Vi', is that Buckley quote meant to mean something?"

Of course not. Just a good response to a nonbeliever from a believer, that's all.

By the way, over 80% of Americans believe in God ... and most of them profess to be Christians.

Why must we have been created? Why do we need to have been created and god just be? If life needs to have been created then so does the creator need to have been created. It makes no sense... whereas an evolutionary cycle does.
Skunky, why are they always looking for the missing link, because there is no link from cro-magnum to modern man. Therefore they cannot prove their evolutionary bunk, Whether we were a seedling race put here by extaterrestials, or came from the Garden of Eden as the good book says, we are not decendents of pond scum, but created in the creators image.Maybe a fish evolves and naybe we are evolving, but I'll never believe we came from monkeys, A question for you. If we came from apes, why are there apes still here?
So the creator looks like us? Very hard to believe.

If you look closely at these basic words they can be interpreted in a different way. The bible is telling us that is we that are god, we are still creating ourselves.

The thing we fear most is death... it amazes me that so many people run and hide from their fear. Ease it a little, shove it to the back of your mind by believing in an out-dated religion.

We are in heaven NOW. Being alive is the closest thing to a heaven we are ever going to experience.

There are also people that believe Nostradamus can foretell the future... it amazes me how people that believe in a god (deliberate small 'g', the word does not deserve a capital letter in any context) can pooh-pooh other peoples beliefs. I mean please! Fair enough the bible has gone through a few changes (to adapt of course, christianity has a great history in doing that), but to still believe that Mary conceived while a virgin is absurd. Also, to believe that when you die, you don't really die at all and instead somehow live forever in a place who-knows-where is likewise absurd. To also believe that you can be executed then actually rise from the dead, likewise.

What if I were to tell you that I believe in Santa Claus, and that when I die, i'm going to live with Santa and his Elves in Lapland. I'm sure that if I said it with enough seriousness you wouldn't stop laughing for weeks. That is exactly how I feel about people that believe in a Creator. It's laughable in this day and age.
Med', that question was answered for you in a different thread a while ago now. I believe it was answered for you by two or three different people.

Why don't you ask me why all cats aren't lions? Or, why all dogs aren't wolves... or, how whales are related to cows? Or, how it is that dolphins used to walk on land?