Defoliation and CO2

i bet ur an old ass geezer who's stuck to ur old ways and will never learn anything new. funny ur most likely an old fuck, yet ur brain is that of a 15 year old..just keep on getting ur info from jorge cervantez and watch this younger generation accomplish greatness ,while we defoliate and find new more efficient ways to grow.. the future is now , get with the program or get lost...
Your posts make my brain hurt
I don't expect you'll know...
Let me ask you something. How do "buds" physically grow? What substance do they use to do this?
lol is this what it comes down to now lol... lets see ,there r many substances that add to the grow of a bud and the plant itself its not just one and any chemical compounds withinn the plant are considered cannabinoids and there r hundreds of them .
lol is this what it comes down to now lol... lets see ,there r many substances that add to the grow of a bud and the plant itself its not just one and any chemical compounds withinn the plant are considered cannabinoids and there r hundreds of them .

There is only one substance that is responsible for growth, within a plant... what is it? it's not cannabinoids, lol
There is only one substance that is responsible for growth, within a plant... what is it? it's not cannabinoids, lol
is it glucose? i don't know, tell me Mr. know it all who doesn't know defoliating actually works..
is it glucose? i don't know, tell me Mr. know it all who doesn't know defoliating actually works..

Close, its photosynthate. Where is this substance made?

Here's what young children already know, just because you clearly missed it..

Close, its photosynthate. Where is this substance made?

Here's what young children already know, just because you clearly missed it..

glucose is the main substance created through photosynthesis so technically im correct
noun: photosynthate; plural noun: photosynthates
  1. a sugar or other substance made by photosynthesis
glucose is the main substance created through photosynthesis so technically im correct

Hence why I said you were "close". Plants require more than sugar to build new plant tissue, all of which (hormones, amino acids, glucose, ect) make up "photosynthate".

...Im glad you finally found google

So, now you know sugar, or rather photosynthate makes the plant grow.
Now, what do you think would happen if you stop/slow the flow of photosynthate?
Close, its photosynthate. Where is this substance made?

Here's what young children already know, just because you clearly missed it..

good attempt to try to make me seem ignorant tho lol
Hence why I said you were "close". Plants require more than sugar to build new plant tissue, all of which (hormones, amino acids, glucose, ect) make up "photosynthate".

...Im glad you finally found google

So, now you know sugar, or rather photosynthate makes the plant grow.
Now, what do you think would happen if you stop/slow the flow of photosynthate?
so now i know ? i gave u the correct answer numbskull glucose is sugar u buffoon and its the main substance created through photosynthesis. u said there is only one main substance and i gave u the one and main subtance as my answer . then u start throwing amino acids in the mix lol its just one like u said and i gave u the correct answer chump .
Hence why I said you were "close". Plants require more than sugar to build new plant tissue, all of which (hormones, amino acids, glucose, ect) make up "photosynthate".

...Im glad you finally found google

So, now you know sugar, or rather photosynthate makes the plant grow.
Now, what do you think would happen if you stop/slow the flow of photosynthate?
glucose is sugar u idiot
let go ahead and move on the the next question now...

Now, what do you think would happen if you stop/slow the flow of photosynthate?
Hence why I said you were "close". Plants require more than sugar to build new plant tissue, all of which (hormones, amino acids, glucose, ect) make up "photosynthate".

...Im glad you finally found google

So, now you know sugar, or rather photosynthate makes the plant grow.
Now, what do you think would happen if you stop/slow the flow of photosynthate?
i read a post from somone on here and it goes perfect for u , if i slap u with a dictionary will the stupid fall out of u? must i zoom in on what the jungle boys said and show so ur blind ass can see better . defoliating works amazingly ..
let go ahead and move on the the next question now...

Now, what do you think would happen if you stop/slow the flow of photosynthate?
look gramps ur not schooling me or telling me anything i dont already know .. just give it up ..nobody is forcing u to defoliate so shut the foolery down ...
I take it you are too stupid to read the question or don't know the answer... hmm

Want me to spell it slow for you again?
Again, and let me spell it slower for you... T h a t s w h y I s a i d y o u r e "c l o s e".
Don't be afraid to sound the words out.
no i wasn't close i was correct ,the act of photosynthesis creates the substance glucose . the main substance that makes plants grow . FUCK ur so stupid
I understand you're stuck on this, but its time to move on and answer the next question before your nap time.