Defoliation and CO2

two separate grows that were grown identi

two separate grows that were grown the same exact way, except one was defoliated . here's my proof and comparison, where's ur proof to ur claims?

It's called an impasse. You believe what ever you want, based on pseudoscience, and I'll keep believing real science, based on fact.

It's time to stop called me back in here for this bs. Its a thread thats a half year old. Troll someone else..
these are two seperate grows i did ,wich one do u think got defoliated lol
The first pic looks over watered and under fed. The second looks defoliated and the purple stems look deficient. I think you would have yielded better with healthy plants defoliated or not.
The first pic looks over watered and under fed. The second looks defoliated and the purple stems look deficient. I think you would have yielded better with healthy plants defoliated or not.
that first pic i pulled a pound and. The second defoliated pic i pulled 26 ounces and i guarantee u i wouldn't have been able to pull that without defoliating and f.y.i stems are purple because of genetics. . and i did it all without flower nutes too
these are two seperate grows i did ,wich one do u think got defoliated lol
pic is of the the non defoliated plants closer to harvest and video is of my defoliated plants big difference wouldn't u agree .


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It's called an impasse. You believe what ever you want, based on pseudoscience, and I'll keep believing real science, based on fact.

It's time to stop called me back in here for this bs. Its a thread thats a half year old. Troll someone else..
trolling lol ur the one with no proof of anything just bumping ur gums. talk about trolling. I've proved my point . while u on the other hand have a "study planned for late 2017" smh .ur ridiculous ..
trolling lol ur the one with no proof of anything just bumping ur gums. talk about trolling. I've proved my point . while u on the other hand have a "study planned for late 2017" smh .ur ridiculous ..

You didnt prove shit. Empirical observation alone proves nothing. Realistically, there's no way to tell if those plants would have been a large yield, as you said yourself, it's a different grow.

Anyone that goes simply by your empirical observation and copies your method, is a product of "social conformity". "Do it because it the other guy says it worked".

Science tells us "leaves turn light energy to chemical engery, period". ...Thats not based on your words and small ass grow, that's fact.

..but please do go on, and spit out more verbal diarrhea.
I have a study planned for late 2017, but I believe @RM3 has some.
You didnt prove shit. Empirical observation alone proves nothing. Realistically, there's no way to tell if those plants would have been a large yield, as you said yourself, it's a different grow.

Anyone that goes simply by your empirical observation and copies your method, is a product of "social conformity". "Do it because it the other guy says it worked".

Science tells us "leaves turn light energy to chemical engery, period". ...Thats not based on your words and small ass grow, that's fact.
i know how leaves work lol when u defoliate u dont take off the entire leaves . it still has leaves to do what it has to do. just allows for under growth to catch up.. when u look at my pics u can most definitely tell which grow was the larger yield ,anyone with eyes can see that . yea its a "small ass grow"
but where's yours? if no one wants to take my advise that's fine .im doing great how i grow .. just ask any real grower if defoliating works and im sure they'll agree .it most definitely works. to u people indecisive about defoliating or not my advise to u is, don't let people without photos or vids of any kind persuade u into knocking it before u try it... fuck the talk lets see the proof.. until u can prove defoliating doesn't work its probably best to stay quite...
this dude acts like people who defoliate r against the leaves that obviously store food, absorb light and feed the buds lol .we defoliators realize we need leaves but what u don't realize is that u dont need every single leaf...
i know how leaves work lol when u defoliate u dont take off the entire leaves . it still has leaves to do what it has to do. just allows for under growth to catch up.. when u look at my pics u can most definitely tell which grow was the larger yield ,anyone with eyes can see that . yea its a "small ass grow"
but where's yours? if no one wants to take my advise that's fine .im doing great how i grow .. just ask any real grower if defoliating works and im sure they'll agree .it most definitely works. to u people indecisive about defoliating or not my advise to u is, don't let people without photos or vids of any kind persuade u into knocking it before u try it... fuck the talk lets see the proof.. until u can prove defoliating doesn't work its probably best to stay quite...

I have tried it many times, cupcake. I've very much tried to "objectively" research why people claim schwazzing can work for larger yield, and the "science" is never there.

The schwazzing study I have planned is a very controlled study, for the reader, not myself. It's a large study, not some small time grow. It takes time, and scheduling, and planning.
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this dude acts like people who defoliate r against the leaves that obviously store food, absorb light and feed the buds lol .we defoliators realize we need leaves but what u don't realize is that u dont need every single leaf...

Leaves don't "store" food. The "stored food" is called "ATP" and isn't stored at all. It constantly moving in the Calvin Cycle within the leaf. ..and it isnt "food" until after PS1, where it becomes "G3P", or better yet "photosynthate".

Calling a leaf, "storage for food" is the same as calling your body "storage for blood".

It's ignorance, really, and used only to teach noobies whom don't understand how plant science works.. yup.. by all means, keep calling it a storage..
I have tried it many times, cupcake. I'very very much tried to "objectively" research why people claim schwazzing can work for larger yield, and the "science" is never there.

.some fire aint it

yawn, ur a petty wannabe .
bottom line, defoliating works .just look at my pics again . ill be waiting for ur planned study too ,(sike)


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I have tried it many times, cupcake. I'very very much tried to "objectively" research why people claim schwazzing can work for larger yield, and the "science" is never there.

The schwazzing study I have planned is a very controlled study, for the reader, not myself. It's a large study, not some small time grow. It takes time, and scheduling, and planning.
u must not know what ur doing cupcake..
this dude acts like people who defoliate r against the leaves that obviously store food, absorb light and feed the buds lol .we defoliators realize we need leaves but what u don't realize is that u dont need every single leaf...
Non defoliators don't know what leaves the plant doesn't need? Can you explain what leaves they don't need and why? The only thing I've ever seen posted is take leaves off at day ?? and then again at day ?? Why are the times to do it so specific? "Leaves block light to bud sites" is the usual answer, never an answer with any substance. The biggest reason this misinformation is around is inexperienced growers regurgitate it constantly. In reality i think you lack the experience to tell the difference. One year growing experience is only a few grows so comparing the first to the third or fourth isn't fair. I'd bet the yield increase has more to do with environment, watering, and feeding experience than the defoliation. I'll add a couple links that show leaves do much more than photosynthesis.