debate #2 bla bla bla

the liberal moderator lied when she confirmed obama called libya an act of terrorism in the rose garden

"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."

Riiiiiiight. :roll:
Clearly a win for Obama. A light was illuminated on Mittens bullshit.

Obama's arithmetic stole the win on Romney's budget question, just add up the numbers. How does he expect to add 8 trillion to the deficit while lowering taxes across the board? That makes no sense, even when the woman in the audience asked what loopholes he'd close, no reply, just more dancing around. Obama's comment about big bird and planned parenthood was a straight backhand across his face. That's pennies in the bucket, it won't make up 8 trillion. What else you got Mitt? Be specific now... unfortunately this was his last shot at letting everyone know, and that 5 point plan ain't really doin' it..
dude with a 22 HV or Hollow point round you can take down most big game(in the states) . . .. . its about how you use it . . . its a tool . . . not a dick metaphor

Ill be honest I don't hunt I just shoot recreation, my only comparison would be steel plates & fruit. But better placement seem better. And you have more meat left on the deer right :mrgreen:
Exactly, some even going so far to say "it's going to be the final nail in his coffin!", but he handled that question pretty well and took full responsibility for his administrations actions. When was the last time you saw a president do that?

ummm...... ::crickets::
I want to take advantage of romenys tax breaks on
-capital gains
-interest income
-estate taxes
-yacht purchases
-private jet leases

I believe these tax cuts will make a difference in your average middle class family
Federally it is for all of us. Regardless of the state you live in.

Yeah and what happens if WA, CO or OR legalize next month then what? war between the feds and the states/voter rights?:roll:
the feds wont budge on it unless the states force their hand to, wake up its 2012.
there was never any doubt that you would

I call em how I see em, kid. Too bad some people are too blinded by partisanship to see what actually happened.

Your boy got owned, deal with it.

First of all you get all your info from MSM and have no real life experience little man, go to california and it takjes about two seconds to find any illegal willing to work for under the table, with NO id what so ever, not even a fake SS card like you claim, in fact fake SS cards on illegals is quite rare retard.

no real life experience? :lol:

i used to work as a bus boy for an employer who helped the kitchen staff get their fake SS cards.

fuck you, dipshit.
the liberal moderator lied when she confirmed obama called libya an act of terrorism in the rose garden

She did NOT confirm Obama called it an act of terrorism, just the opposite. Obama did use the word terror, but not in context to an act of terrorism or terrorist, which she also said but people were clapping and gnashing teeth during that.
Poor Obama, I'll admit he did better than last time but you just can't win a debate without ammunition (good record) he stuttered and fumbled all night long.