debate #2 bla bla bla

They scratched each others backs saying we need more gun control / reinstate the assault weapons ban.

I actually thought he did pretty well in his reponse. We worked together and everyone was in agreement on both sides.
Then he took a shot at Obama for not doing that. Which is one of the biggest problems with Obama in my opinion.
I actually thought he did pretty well in his reponse. We worked together and everyone was in agreement on both sides.
Then he took a shot at Obama for not doing that. Which is one of the biggest problems with Obama in my opinion.
Well i personally feel they both failed quite miserably.
I actually thought he did pretty well in his reponse. We worked together and everyone was in agreement on both sides.
Then he took a shot at Obama for not doing that. Which is one of the biggest problems with Obama in my opinion.

Let me see If I got this right, you think some kinda character trait is "the biggest problem with obama", scuse me if I misunderstood, I didn't watch the "debate"...

and on the assuault weapons ban, guees I am getting one last ak/ar before the years over lol
Let me see If I got this right, you think some kinda character trait is "the biggest problem with obama"

I think "one of" (you left that out) the biggest problem"s" (you also left that out) with Obama is his inability to cross the aisle.
He has a hard enough time to get Dems to support him and almost complete inability to get Reps to support him. I know it can easily be blamed on the Reps. That is the mountain he has been forced to climb. Results matter not intentions. I have never seen America divided like it is now in so many different categories. It really is starting to remind me of the middle-east where blame is shifted away from one thing to other things. As long as they can keep us all at each other's throats their throats are safe. Obama happens to be leading the country when things have reached a peak, and I dont believe for a second it wasn't partially his doing.
Let me see If I got this right, you think some kinda character trait is "the biggest problem with obama", scuse me if I misunderstood, I didn't watch the "debate"...

and on the assuault weapons ban, guees I am getting one last ak/ar before the years over lol
Nice im getting my middy ar this week :eek: national buy ammo day is nov 5, remember remember the 5th of november.
They're using cheap handguns? What poor people aren't allowed to protect them selves with a gun because we will make them prohibitively expensive? This guy is a fucking lunatic.
Fuck you soetoro dumb piece of shit.
What a fucking dumb fuck, words can't describe.
Who wants to wager during Soetoro's second term he writes an executive order with a permanent "assault weapons ban" then goes after handguns next?
I wager my life, thats how sure i am.
The second amendment will never be abolished. Think of it like the first amendment, do you think any candidate in their right mind would ever come out against free speech? The exact same consequences would happen if they assaulted the second amendment.
The second amendment will never be abolished. Think of it like the first amendment, do you think any candidate in their right mind would ever come out against free speech? The exact same consequences would happen if they assaulted the second amendment.

Do you know about the trespass law? It was just passed no too long ago, would never come against free speech? you're a day late and a dollar short not to mention obama has gone after more whistle blowers than all the other presidents combined :shock:, he promised to have the most transparent admin in the history of the u.s. he has had the most secretive, please tell me you're not an obama cocksucker? so much for fucking free speech :dunce:
We had this "assault weapons ban in 1994 and expired without renewal in 2004.
They're bringing sexy back.
Ah, iPhone fuckup, there should be an "n't" on that "has". So if he hasn't tried to limit handguns, you suicide. I'll wager 5 bucks on the flip side, if he does go after them, you can have it.
Being the math mod, please tell me you're trolling and know sampling theory.

when will we ever sample Infinity people ? An empirical model will never be able to do that.

I prefer Taylor series. You can break down a continuous function into infinite points, but you will never be able to take enough samples to create a function from data points alone.
you would employ interpolation for the gaps and that is assumptions= errors.

Engineering - Practicality,
Mathematical - Yes or NO, theoretical s

Theoretically if everyone had money then no one would be poor,but that's not reality

I may be bias but that is why i look down on statistics. They have their purpose but not science to me.

Newtonian laws can be show mathematically and empirically with the same results every time. maybe that is because newton was the one to invent/discover the base of our higher math and had enough knowledge of it to write perfect theory's that explained nature.

maybe a great statistician will come along one day and write a perfect theory. But as it sits its just generalizations to me.

came to Romney not the other way around
