debate #2 bla bla bla

Whether Obama's math is right or not, he just hit a solid line-drive.
Let's see how Romney answers. It could be a base hit or an easy out.
you fucker!

not looking good for romney at this point. always has to get the last word, like a woman.

candy crowley: "i'm sure you have a response governor romney" - and the crowd cackles.


Do we really need those little tid bit facts at the bottom of the screen? if you dont know what the fuck a deficit is you shouldn't be voting. Jesus America this is embarrassingly stupid.
you fucker!

not looking good for romney at this point. always has to get the last word, like a woman.

candy crowley: "i'm sure you have a response governor romney" - and the crowd cackles.


Candy is in the tank for Obama, it's so fucking obvious it's comical. LMAO
You know I wouldn't feel guilty at all asking if they like sausage or pepperoni on their pizza.

If someone has enough balls

We may get a REAL answer tonight.
no one has blamed the previous administration more than obama. All his groupies ofcourse follow suit thus the question about how romney would be different from bush... clearly asked by a pilled out old bitch obama cocksucker
That guy couldnt even get his question right, "i am not as optimistic as i was in 2012" he meant to say 08 what a bunch of pilled out retards.
I dont blame the guy, he was nervous as a person could possibly be.
He did good to get it out in a way that was understood, even with mistakes.
is it Lorraine? Is that it? Are you sure it's not Lorena? Is it Lorraine? ... you're brown, it should be Lorena.

Jesus, Mitt. Get a fucking clue.
That guy couldnt even get his question right, "i am not as optimistic as i was in 2012" he meant to say 08 what a bunch of pilled out retards.

Yeah you're right, but you have to admit it is crushing for the president to hear a black man saying, even though he voted for him in 2008, he not to optimistic this time around!
How the fuck are illegals productive members of society? they dont pay fucking taxes. Man these people asking questions are just too dumb and too pilled out, go home.