debate #2 bla bla bla

Actually I do mind because whatever number I say you'll attempt to use it against me, be it 18 or 45, 18 and I'm too dumb with no life experience to comment on these issues, 45 and I'm too old and have had half a lifetime to figure this stuff out so I must be crazy, so get bent, how bout that?

You young fart
Really I believe Biden said they are pretty close to weapons grade plutonium all they need is a rocket.

The Iranian nuclear issue was raised by the debate moderator, journalist Martha Raddatz, who said that “there’s really no bigger national security” issue facing the U.S. In their responses, the two candidates echoed the positions articulated by their respective running mates, with Ryan stressing that Iran must not be permitted a nuclear weapons “capability” and Biden emphasizing that Iran should be prevented from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
Ryan said that Iran was “four years closer toward a nuclear weapons capability” and added that U.S. sanctions on Iran were only implemented by Congress “in spite of the administration."
Regarding the possibility of U.S. military action, Biden said "we feel quite confident we could deal a serious blow to the Iranians." But the vice president added that Iran is “a good way away” from getting a nuclear weapon, adding that “there is no difference” between the Israeli and American assessments on this point. Biden said that “both the Israelis and we will know if they start the process of building a weapon.”

your belief is wrong.
So this is where I am at.

Obama - Hey guys I am really trying over here, I just need more money to get my fix<< hahah pun intended
Romney- Hey guys heard your current contractor couldn't fix it , ill do it for less

Obama- No way he can do it for less if i couldn't. My ideas are better but expensive.
Romney- What do you mean your ideas are better, if they were you would have fixed it by now

Obama- well you say you can do if for less but you haven't even told me how you would.
Romney- Trust me i got this i have done it before like a hundred times

Obama- If you don't even have a plan why would they pick you.
Romney- Because your plan is a failure and I have a chance to fix it, and if I fail at least I wont waste so much money.

So there we have it pick your poison

Obama- Failing Plan
Romney- No Plan
Yeah man, I'm just an undercover Jesus conservative!

There are two types of anarchism: anarcho-capitalism and bullshit pinky feel good. I'm 90% anarcho-capitalism, 5% for libertarian socialism and 5% technocracy to replace "democracy."
Obama and romney both sounded very anti gun tonight which is discerning at the very least and is bugging the fuck out of me, obama says reinstate the clinton assault weapons ban? what the fuck for? safer? hahah havent we had enough nerfing of our red blooded patriotic society its sick that these globalist will stop at nothing, Watch this shit. Nut up or shut up.The 2nd American revolution seems eminent.
Funny how these gun grabbing tyrants always use the same speeches throughout history,
"We want&#65279; to save you and keep you safe"

When government starts saying they're there to keep you safe,Keep your guns loaded.

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little safety deserve neither ,
What part of,
SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do these people not understand?
Romney is going to bring our troops home and stop all current wars. He WILL NOT enter into new wars such as Libya and Egypt like Obama did. If you like war, then go ahead and vote Obama.

romney called it a tragedy to pull out of iraq and wants 30k troops there, you lying retarded child.
Do you know how expensive and complicated it is to make weapons-grade plutonium? Do you honestly believe they are not capable of making a delivery device?

Be afraid be very afraid. We have some ridiculousness large bombs that have never, ever, ever been used. these are the one that have been recorded
