debate #2 bla bla bla

PBS deserves its government funding cut. I always thought until Romey said he'd cut it that it was "viewers like you." Why all those pledge drives, hmmm? Seems PBS is a corporate bullshit tv station out for greed. Whoda thunk!
PBS deserves its government funding cut. I always thought until Romey said he'd cut it that it was "viewers like you." Why all those pledge drives, hmmm? Seems PBS is a corporate bullshit tv station out for greed. Whoda thunk!

PBS executives are worth billions. Big Bird is worth 100's of millions. They will do just fine without government subsidies.
PBS executives are worth billions. Big Bird is worth 100's of millions. They will do just fine without government subsidies.

But the military won't with any cuts whatsoever, will it... An organization worth hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars. You people and your priorities..
But the military won't with any cuts whatsoever, will it... An organization worth hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars. You people and your priorities..

Romney is going to bring our troops home and stop all current wars. He WILL NOT enter into new wars such as Libya and Egypt like Obama did. If you like war, then go ahead and vote Obama.
Padwan is just a commie anarchist.He is under the delusion if we just got rid of money,everyone will get a blow job for just pulling down their pants.It doesn't work that way,but he hopes.He plans on going off grid and hates people except online.
Pad, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

Actually I do mind because whatever number I say you'll attempt to use it against me, be it 18 or 45, 18 and I'm too dumb with no life experience to comment on these issues, 45 and I'm too old and have had half a lifetime to figure this stuff out so I must be crazy, so get bent, how bout that?
Romney is going to bring our troops home and stop all current wars. He WILL NOT enter into new wars such as Libya and Egypt like Obama did. If you like war, then go ahead and vote Obama.
Apparently you missed what Ryan said in his debate with Biden about Iran. Military action is most definitely off the table, and their administration will do everything in their power to ensure Iran doesn't develop a nuclear weapon, which would include military intervention.

Iran is miles away from a nuclear weapon.
Shhh, Big Bird doesn't want you to know that. He's voting for an Obama win so he can come to DC on a Leer wanting a bailout saying he's too big to fail!
Apparently you missed what Ryan said in his debate with Biden about Iran. Military action is most definitely off the table, and their administration will do everything in their power to ensure Iran doesn't develop a nuclear weapon, which would include military intervention.

Iran is miles away from a nuclear weapon.

Really I believe Biden said they are pretty close to weapons grade plutonium all they need is a rocket.
You can throw out both of the bases, that's a given.
I believe Obama lost a few more independents with this performance, especially after the momentum Romney had from the last debate.

That's funny. According to the sample polls Independents are showing higher favorability towards O'Bama than a sampling from Republicans and Democrats (which is still placing O'Bama ahead of Romney).
Padwan is just a commie anarchist.He is under the delusion if we just got rid of money,everyone will get a blow job for just pulling down their pants.It doesn't work that way,but he hopes.He plans on going off grid and hates people except online.

Commie anarchist, eh? How exactly would someone use government to ensure everything is equal while believing government shouldn't exist? Not sure you're familiar with either of those terms, but use them as talking points towards anyone in opposition of the current status quo. Brilliant. The internet provides an opportunity to find like minded individuals to connect with, why would I actively seek out like minded individuals on the internet to hate? I hate idiots in real life, which is 90% of everyone I come into contact with.