Dealing with a petty but real addiction


Well-Known Member
Not like any one has missed me but I missed you RIU
I just bought a PS3 and I havent left my couch, and then a fine young gentlemen sent me an EMAIL telling me to keep my head up on my low yield thread it almost brought a fuckin tear to my eye , it wasnt just general concern he loves my ladies too his name is growinman and he's my new hero
growinman thanks for giving a damn


Well-Known Member
Awwwwww how sweet someone cares!!!,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,. Nah just yanking your chain bro,,.,.Speaking of ps3 Im bout to get online and play me some call of duty WW.hehe I need my fix.


Well-Known Member
lol i just sold my ps3 i couldnt take wakeing up on my day off hitting world at war and realizeing by the time i was done it was 4am 5-6 jibbas lata and it was the best......but i had to break the man new call of duty is comming out i feel for ya....


Well-Known Member
Yea breaking the chain, Ive never had anything get me this bad due to me being an ole homebody, but I started a glass blowing apprenticeship a month er so so that keeps me away from the house,
So my day is chuck full stuff but I will be strong for the new modern warfare(bs)but seriously,,,,,,,,,, pray for me


you will get bord of it after a while or have to keep buying new games lol


Well-Known Member
sup chitown,
I bought like 5 games when I first got the system and have only played one COD4 modern warfare I think its all I need kinda waiting for five to hit but my GF might toss it out the window before that day comes