Jeff Secessions's hard-on for weed continues; DARE Revival

Just wait for 7/27... A day that will go down in infamy.....

I really have to laugh at those that say we have come too far, that the govt will just be ignored. Nope, and nope. The govt has never had such an efficient police capability, and it has never been used to fight pot. If they decide to target, they will capture, and in huge numbers and the money seized from ordinary people will be staggering.
I knew they weren't done. Pot is such an easy target from lazy klansmen like Jeff Secessions. Instead of doing real investigations, they're going after something that's very visible--medical and rec pot shops--and they'll violate the holy states' rights ideology they've been pushing since the 1850s.
Just wait for 7/27... A day that will go down in infamy.....

I really have to laugh at those that say we have come too far, that the govt will just be ignored. Nope, and nope. The govt has never had such an efficient police capability, and it has never been used to fight pot. If they decide to target, they will capture, and in huge numbers and the money seized from ordinary people will be staggering.
The chicken little stuff is getting silly guys. It would be political suicide for them to actually crack down on rec cannabis at this point. It would gain them nothing, make the Republican party look like incredibly hypocrites on the 'state rights' front, cause immense social and financial turmoil in legal states, and ensure a swift ass kicking for the Republican party in 2018 and 2020. These guys may be evil, but they aren't stupid, and it would be utmost stupidity to actually try crushing legal cannabis at this point. I expect they might just get a bit harsher on those who are suspected of smuggling out of state, or not following the regulations.
The chicken little stuff is getting silly guys. It would be political suicide for them to actually crack down on rec cannabis

hey everyone, look at this dumb dick who thinks that cracking down on a small minority of lazy hippy drug users wouldn't play well among authoritaryan christians.
The chicken little stuff is getting silly guys. It would be political suicide for them to actually crack down on rec cannabis at this point. It would gain them nothing, make the Republican party look like incredibly hypocrites on the 'state rights' front, cause immense social and financial turmoil in legal states, and ensure a swift ass kicking for the Republican party in 2018 and 2020. These guys may be evil, but they aren't stupid, and it would be utmost stupidity to actually try crushing legal cannabis at this point. I expect they might just get a bit harsher on those who are suspected of smuggling out of state, or not following the regulations.

Well, we don't have long to wait.

This isn't the republican party fwiw, though they may largely be sympathetic to it. This is the Trump administration and the Sessions Justice Dept. Neither Trump nor Sessions has a record of actually giving a fuck what people think.

Trump also has a very long record of retribution against his perceived enemies. It's probably the only thing you can predict about his behavior.

Now look at who the states that could be targeted voted for. Look at which states have thumbed their noses at him on everything from immigration to health care.

Do you really think he won't stick it to them? Just because he can.

They aren't releasing any information on who they consulted or even who is contributing to the subcommittee. That should tell you a lot.
hey everyone, look at this dumb dick who thinks that cracking down on a small minority of lazy hippy drug users wouldn't play well among authoritaryan christians.
And the 74% of the country who think state cannabis laws should be respected? Are they just gonna say "fuck you" to 3/4 of the country to appease a minority of Christian drug warriors? They would be saying goodbye to 2018/2020 if they did that.
Trump supporters seem to me to have the sort of perception that allows them to see things in such a distorted way that they are able to defend anything their leader does, even when it goes against their interests. I have even seen it in the city counsel where a good friend of mine is mayor. They will employ any sort of fallacy to oppose anything introduced outside of their partisan circle. They have even gone so far as to oppose something based on party lines, citing conspiracy and corruption arguments and then introduce identical measures themselves.

Don't ever underestimate the stupidity of a Trump supporter. They will in fact support refer madness even if they smoke pot.
And the 74% of the country who think state cannabis laws should be respected? Are they just gonna say "fuck you" to 3/4 of the country to appease a minority of Christian drug warriors? They would be saying goodbye to 2018/2020 if they did that.

what about the 95% of americans who want universal background checks, but we can't even take a vote on it even after two dozen kindergarteners are mowed down in cold blood in a connecticut school room?

you seem to be mentally retarded. stoners don't matter worth a shit to the law and order party.
Honestly it's like you guys are hoping for the worst just so you can be right about Trump being "the end of all goodness in America" or whatever it is you think.

This gives me an opportunity to explain how a government subsidy program for cops, in the 1980s it was called DARE, came to my school and totally missed the mark in convincing us that "drugs are bad, mkay!"

One visit was with the junior class in like 1985 or something. The DARE cop showed us 500 or so upper middle class students at a metro DC fancy pants school a video on the dangers of PCP use. The movie was probably 40 minutes long, produced in the early 1970s given the hairdos and fashion choices of the people in the film, and concentrated on biker trafficking of PCP. The video was complete with some people doing crazy shit under the influence of PCP. My peers and I thought it was hilarious for a couple of reasons. First, we weren't into PCP, but instead preferred good ol weed and other hallucinogens like LSD and shrooms. Second, the video underscored that the cops just lump all drug users into the same group. Midway through the video, that DARE cop got pissed, shut the movie off, and yelled at us. He totally lost his cool and started pointing out individual students and said things like "if you think this video is funny, don't call me when you overdose on PCP.."

On a return trip to our school during my senior year, this time the DARE cop brought in a youth speaker and it was a general student assembly. The speaker was a 22-year old former cocaine addict. He had gone to the U. of Maryland where he quickly described the changes in his life after he became "the man." So he had some super duper hookup and was supplying the frat kids with all kinds of powder for several years. He reported how he got laid every night, his apartment was posh and there was a party in it every night, and how he went to a car dealership and bought a Honda Prelude (killer car back then) for cash. Shit we thought the guy was cool! He wasn't particularly good looking, but he reported that he slept with upwards of 100 Maryland coeds. His testimonial did nothing to sway us, even when he got to the end of his story and had wrecked his Honda, and got caught with several pounds of coke--and the DARE service and speaking was part of his plea deal.

And so Jeff Secessions wants to bring this shit back.

I love this story in so many ways. Hilarious as fuck!
Not really, you're the one saying we're afraid for no reason, basically daring the regime to crush us.
I'm just mentioning that the regime would be utterly stupid to act on something like this. It's a political lose/lose for them. Even a good amount of conservatives outside of the Christian hardliners disagree with how the WOD has been managed. Also legal cannabis has kinda become a 'big deal' so to speak. It's legal in 8 states+more medicinal states. Major states too such as cali. A crackdown at this point would create economic chaos for a lot of wealthy individuals and states who are enjoying the extra income from legal cannabis taxes. I just don't see the incentive to go and kick this hornets nest unless the goal is to simply 'stick it to blue states' or something. (which they might want to do, but not at the expense of future elections).
Very progressive.....
