Jeff Secessions's hard-on for weed continues; DARE Revival

The chicken little stuff is getting silly guys. It would be political suicide for them to actually crack down on rec cannabis at this point. It would gain them nothing, make the Republican party look like incredibly hypocrites on the 'state rights' front, cause immense social and financial turmoil in legal states, and ensure a swift ass kicking for the Republican party in 2018 and 2020. These guys may be evil, but they aren't stupid, and it would be utmost stupidity to actually try crushing legal cannabis at this point. I expect they might just get a bit harsher on those who are suspected of smuggling out of state, or not following the regulations.
They are hypocrites on states' rights whether a crackdown legal pot develops or not. The very fact that Mr. Secessions, a man who shouts "states' rights" at the top of his lungs every time he gets out of bed only agrees with one state right: the ability of states to discriminate against minorities if they so wish.

When it comes to the evil weed, Mr. Secessions's states' rights rhetoric goes out the window. The same is true for the whole goddamned GOP.
Tell me about it. I'm stuck in Utah where we might get a highly restrictive medical program at best, and that's only if the Mormon leadership agree(which is looking doubtful so far). I wake up every day cursing the Mormons who've ruined this otherwise decent state.

I live in the bible belt. I don't get why people of faith are against it. If you believe in the bible it says we can use it.

They will gobble man made pills down though.

I guess it could be worse. 4 plants is a misdemeanor.
Straight up racist. Reported as such.
What is the difference between that word or the N word?

Fucking assholes.
Its an old newspaper clipping. He posted it response to someone else's story of seeing the man as a kid.
Well Sessions is doing what we thought he would. Bringing on the war on drugs. Now he is revamping civil forfeiture without any need for cause.

Civil forfeiture is when police and prosecutors seize property, cars or cash from someone they suspect of wrongdoing. It differs from criminal forfeiture cases, where prosecutors typically must prove a person is guilty or reach a settlement before freezing funds or selling property.

In civil forfeiture, authorities don’t have to prove guilt, file charges or obtain a conviction before seizing private property.

Asset forfeiture is used at the state level to fund police departments. Sessions has argued it will help the DOJ go after drug offenders. But because the government doesn’t need to file criminal charges to take a person’s money or property, some warn authorities could use it to choke off, for instance, the sale of marijuana in states where it's legal.