Dark Side Of The Moon.....

Seen some sort of growth at the bottom of one of my Golden Teachers yesterday! :( I do believe that 1 is contaminated!! Dammit!. And I tried like hell to be extra clean with everything, sterilized between inoculations, wiped my work area down before starting, you name it! I am going to take that one out of the chamber and sit it aside for now just to be on the safe side. The growth kinda looks like it's a pale whitish green. Which I read that anything other the "white" isn't good.. :??:
Oh yeah 4 sure. I guess it happens. I am just hoping that I get at least 3 out of the 6 inoculated to colonize. No signs of growth on any of the other 5 as of this morning. This Wednesday will make 1 week.
Bummer about the potential contamination brother. Better safe than sorry though.
Oh yeah 4 sure. I guess it happens. I am just hoping that I get at least 3 out of the 6 inoculated to colonize. No signs of growth on any of the other 5 as of this morning. This Wednesday will make 1 week.

Damn dude, I just birthed 10 cakes yesterday morning, about to soak my perlite and get them in the SGFC in about 2 hrs. Did you follow the tec to a T? I find it best to grind your own rice, try and buy Organic Rice and grind it up in a coffee grinder, leave it a little chunky. I find the mycelium likes it a lil chunky. Not tooo chunky tho. Use FINE GRADE vermiculite for both your dry barrier layer and to mix in the BRF. Here are some videos if you need help. Follow them to a T! Roger Rabbit is a mycology GOD! Seriously, he is just godly when it comes to mycology, listen to him and you'll be growing mushrooms in NO TIME! http://www.mushroomvideos.com/BRF-Pf-Tek remember, follow it to a T, do everything he says and does, do it exactly and you should have INSANE results! I run 20 cakes at a time and Im honestly backed up on mushrooms now lol. I dunno what the heck to do with them all bc I dont sell and I dont give them away and I only eat them once every 2 or so weeks lol. They also say to colonize at room temp, 70 is PERFECT, anything hot will help contams grow. You want your mycelium to be able to outgrow any potential contams. Once its fully colonized its VERY hardy, very resilient to contams..It can pretty much fight them off, depending on circumstances of course. GOOD LUCK BROTHER!!!!
Oh and make sure you are using the correct size jars. You want the short, half pint wide mouth mason jarrs. I found mine at my local Ace Hardware.
Thanks. Yeah I have been reading allot of what Rogerrabbit has been saying/teaching, also Canado, & Thundercat have been trying to help, not to mention a few others. ;) don't want to leave anyone out. Anyways, like said I just seen that 1 jar, so i removed it already and sit aside to keep an eye on. I will be making a conclusion as to if it is truly contaminated or not in a few days I would say. And to answer your questions, yes I followed every direction I had read. Made sure needle was sterile after each inoculation, made sure my work area and equipment was wiped down with alcohol, even had worked on the stove door just as an added safety. I honestly don't see what happened. I was tinkering with using wild bird seed instead of the BR & V medium, or popcorn. Trying to find one that will produce max yields. lol And yeah, I am using "wide mouth" jars. Have been seeing allot of growers using smaller jelly jars as well.
Damn dude, I just birthed 10 cakes yesterday morning, about to soak my perlite and get them in the SGFC in about 2 hrs. Did you follow the tec to a T? I find it best to grind your own rice, try and buy Organic Rice and grind it up in a coffee grinder, leave it a little chunky. I find the mycelium likes it a lil chunky. Not tooo chunky tho. Use FINE GRADE vermiculite for both your dry barrier layer and to mix in the BRF. Here are some videos if you need help. Follow them to a T! Roger Rabbit is a mycology GOD! Seriously, he is just godly when it comes to mycology, listen to him and you'll be growing mushrooms in NO TIME! http://www.mushroomvideos.com/BRF-Pf-Tek remember, follow it to a T, do everything he says and does, do it exactly and you should have INSANE results! I run 20 cakes at a time and Im honestly backed up on mushrooms now lol. I dunno what the heck to do with them all bc I dont sell and I dont give them away and I only eat them once every 2 or so weeks lol. They also say to colonize at room temp, 70 is PERFECT, anything hot will help contams grow. You want your mycelium to be able to outgrow any potential contams. Once its fully colonized its VERY hardy, very resilient to contams..It can pretty much fight them off, depending on circumstances of course. GOOD LUCK BROTHER!!!!

Oh and make sure you are using the correct size jars. You want the short, half pint wide mouth mason jarrs. I found mine at my local Ace Hardware.
it takes patience. once you get things rolling they will keep rolling. Im gonna buy 2 kits. makes it easier for me since i wil be working full time when i buy them. Man i have a long list to buy.
2 shroom kits
2 lights 1 led, 1 cmh
tent 4x4 or 5x5.
worm farm
more pots i can kiss $2000 away on all of this im sure.
Do you have a picture? The first white/off white color could be the first part of colonization. I'd say wait it out, you'll be able to tell if it's fucked.

I remember the shroomry, been along time since I signed into that site. Shit, I don't even remember my login/password. What I do remember was an obnoxious member named coaster. Wonder if that dudes still kicking, fucker did so many substances.

One of the things I'd do with jars is after colonization, I'd use the cake to essentially seed additional material in baking tins, breaking it up and even distribution throughout the tin. The mycelium usually would out compete pretty much anything else at that point and I'd have much larger cakes. I'd cover with saran wrap with holes for air exchange and ensure moisture was kept high. Nothing to do now, but it was a great transition from cakes to larger mediums.

What was freaky was how the mycelium would literally eat the tin. Mushrooms do freaky things.

eta make sure the jars are not overly moist. No sitting water or having "mush" look in the jars. Man I miss it being like second nature making the BRF cakes. I recall mixing the ingredients and just having the feel for it. I would have some rice finely ground and equal parts semi chunky.

You did sterilize the jars in a pressure cooker, yes? or did you buy pre made. sorry if I'm asking a question already answered.
Damn dude, I just birthed 10 cakes yesterday morning, about to soak my perlite and get them in the SGFC in about 2 hrs. Did you follow the tec to a T? I find it best to grind your own rice, try and buy Organic Rice and grind it up in a coffee grinder, leave it a little chunky. I find the mycelium likes it a lil chunky. Not tooo chunky tho. Use FINE GRADE vermiculite for both your dry barrier layer and to mix in the BRF. Here are some videos if you need help. Follow them to a T! Roger Rabbit is a mycology GOD! Seriously, he is just godly when it comes to mycology, listen to him and you'll be growing mushrooms in NO TIME! http://www.mushroomvideos.com/BRF-Pf-Tek remember, follow it to a T, do everything he says and does, do it exactly and you should have INSANE results! I run 20 cakes at a time and Im honestly backed up on mushrooms now lol. I dunno what the heck to do with them all bc I dont sell and I dont give them away and I only eat them once every 2 or so weeks lol. They also say to colonize at room temp, 70 is PERFECT, anything hot will help contams grow. You want your mycelium to be able to outgrow any potential contams. Once its fully colonized its VERY hardy, very resilient to contams..It can pretty much fight them off, depending on circumstances of course. GOOD LUCK BROTHER!!!!

When one is working with concentrated nutrients, like grain, one cannot "race" mycelium in the traditional sense (isolation is a different matter). Either you have a sterile condtion or you do not. All mycelium have optimal temperature ranges but most of the contaminants in your home are quite comfortable in the same range as the mycelium of p. Cubensis. That means that as temperatures rise (up to thermal damage or death), the rate of growth of ALL contaminations go up with the rate of growth of your selected mycelium. There is no advantage to slowing that rate down.

So, if you run your grow at 70, you will slow down all growth, not just the growth of contaminations. It makes no sense to not grow at the highest optimal rate 82 leaves little room for error as the organism begins to be inhibited at only slightly higher than that and it does crreate its own heat so if your jars are large enough you will be defeating your purpose. I have always kept at 80 degrees for this organism.

As to mycelium overtaking another - yes, it is possible but in most cases you still have growth and spores embedded withing your mycelial block. NOT good. You should either have pure mycelium or none at all.
I am forever amazed at what Robert Mcpherson managed to foist upon going on two generations of people now. His tec is probably the worst possible way to grow mushrooms and still it persists as the "beginners" fall back. He was indeed a smart man, I wonder what he would think of this viral spread of his method.
Very interesting Canndo! Thanks for the info! I love learning. Would you say the videos Roger Rabbit made on http://www.mushroomvideos.com/BRF-Pf-Tek are up todate? They seem to work pretty good. He is also very active on shroomery and is an awesome helping hand. Im unsure if his method is the old pf method or not considering the old pf tek uses a completely different style of fruiting chamber
I am forever amazed at what Robert Mcpherson managed to foist upon going on two generations of people now. His tec is probably the worst possible way to grow mushrooms and still it persists as the "beginners" fall back. He was indeed a smart man, I wonder what he would think of this viral spread of his method.

Prolly proud as a new daddy.
Also Dank, it helps buying spores from a reputable vendor. I personally suggest ANY of the sponsors on shroomery. Try The Spore Depot or Sporeworks, very very clean specimens! I have yet to have a contam from either of them and from what I read....IF you notice a contam from one of their syringes they replace it. Of course do not mention cultivation, then I am sure they will not.
Very interesting Canndo! Thanks for the info! I love learning. Would you say the videos Roger Rabbit made on http://www.mushroomvideos.com/BRF-Pf-Tek are up todate? They seem to work pretty good. He is also very active on shroomery and is an awesome helping hand. Im unsure if his method is the old pf method or not considering the old pf tek uses a completely different style of fruiting chamber

Unless you absolutely refuse to purchase a pressure cooker, all PF tecs are faulty. They depend upon the organisms utter adapbatility, people have grown it on books, from stuffed animals, I have grown it on dog food and cheese. It is this adaptability that has pf work at all. Nothing in the tec is parallel to how it ordinarily grows. Mcpherson was advocating that his syringes be used on one or two cakes. At 10 bucks a syringe and was many times a millionare until he made a mistake of hubris and started sending specific instrutions with his syringes.

He died last year.
Also Dank, it helps buying spores from a reputable vendor. I personally suggest ANY of the sponsors on shroomery. Try The Spore Depot or Sporeworks, very very clean specimens! I have yet to have a contam from either of them and from what I read....IF you notice a contam from one of their syringes they replace it. Of course do not mention cultivation, then I am sure they will not.

I have gotten contaminated syringes from EVERY vendor most had trich in them, some had bacteria. You take your chances and it is always best to grow out your initial start on dishes. Only takes a few drops and gives you an idea of what you are getting in bed with
Unless you absolutely refuse to purchase a pressure cooker, all PF tecs are faulty. They depend upon the organisms utter adapbatility, people have grown it on books, from stuffed animals, I have grown it on dog food and cheese. It is this adaptability that has pf work at all. Nothing in the tec is parallel to how it ordinarily grows. Mcpherson was advocating that his syringes be used on one or two cakes. At 10 bucks a syringe and was many times a millionare until he made a mistake of hubris and started sending specific instrutions with his syringes.

He died last year.

Dude! I seen this and it was pretty wild!


Oh and the burrito!?


and a bible?
