Dark Side Of The Moon.....

vn bigworm and ill check out sx's vid's also.

edit oh lol they are the links i posted. i was a bit drunk last night. hope i dint do to much of crazy.
vn bigworm and ill check out sx's vid's also.

edit oh lol they are the links i posted. i was a bit drunk last night. hope i dint do to much of crazy.

HaHaHaHaHa that made my day!

BW - You and Dank are getting me all pumped up to grow shrooms! I just spent my last little bit of free flow on my pc grow so im going to watch untill I feel ready to jump in. Cant wait for more updatea
HaHaHaHaHa that made my day!

BW - You and Dank are getting me all pumped up to grow shrooms! I just spent my last little bit of free flow on my pc grow so im going to watch untill I feel ready to jump in. Cant wait for more updatea

Im gonna order 2 Of the big kits. i should get 1/2 lb. I have so many friends who love to shroom. I figure its cheap and I can give sweet deals to my friends(my cost).
Thats awesome. I only have a few who still shroom and its only once and a while. So a small cheap grow will be good for me, maybe an ounce or two. How many cakes you think that would be? 3?
depends on who you buy from find one that yields 3-4 oz. that is usually a mid/large size. 3 is over kill unless you want variety.
Hell, I if knew then what I know now. I wouldn't had purchased this kit. I could have purchased everything needed at wal-mart. lol Much cheaper I might add. ;) Anyways, update on the shrooms. I have been doing a great deal of studying. I have now learned how to take prints from them. Also I have learned how to make your own syringes. I am now reading up on just how to breed them. Has been 3 days now, temps hanging around 80 to 82 degrees. Havent seen any signs of colonization. Which its still way to early. lol
Im gonna order 2 Of the big kits. i should get 1/2 lb. I have so many friends who love to shroom. I figure its cheap and I can give sweet deals to my friends(my cost).
I started growing shrooms with the kit that is sold in the add in the middle of hightimes. It worked great for a first time, and I felt was fairly priced. But DIYing a setup is totally the way to go. When I did my last mushrooms grow I got 99% of the stuff at walmart, and set the whole thing up for $100 give or take a couple. That setup yielded enough ounces I lost count, possibly pounds.

I'm gonna guess you'll be seeing some sort of action in the next 3-4 days Dank. Should start seeing a little bit of pure white growth.
Best of luck on your adventure! It is an addictive hobby.
I haven't cultivated in years, and kinda miss it to be honest with ya'll. I recall the whole sterilazation, Innoculation, making spore prints... do I miss it!

I for the most part did the whole brown rice flower cake with vermiculite. I did do grains a couple of times, but it tended to colonize slower for me, and was the only time I really had a contaminate. Probably grew 5-6 different strains, and fully enjoyed the entire process. I found that they did not need much light at all. During colonization, I did not introduce any light, and during the fruiting process, I simply used cheap led lights you could pick up at ACE hardware on the cheap. Never had a problem, and usually did three harvests (two flushes).

Can't have a felony on my record, and never sold any of what I grew. It was such a cheap hobby, and such a great experience to share with friends.

Again, best of luck, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
I started growing shrooms with the kit that is sold in the add in the middle of hightimes. It worked great for a first time, and I felt was fairly priced. But DIYing a setup is totally the way to go. When I did my last mushrooms grow I got 99% of the stuff at walmart, and set the whole thing up for $100 give or take a couple. That setup yielded enough ounces I lost count, possibly pounds.

I'm gonna guess you'll be seeing some sort of action in the next 3-4 days Dank. Should start seeing a little bit of pure white growth.

This is so damn true! I couldn't imagine not DIYing this project. Its part of the learning process, and is very easy. Buying premade isn't necessarily easier, and creating your substrate is just part of the process. Learning of steralization and how to go about it is also part of the process.

Edit, the hardest part was explaining and hiding a giant bag of vermiculite. Damn thing was only $20, but as long as a damn couch. Used that whole damn thing till the end, and it really was less than a $100 to make lbs of mushrooms.
subbed...the old lady has been tossing the idea of growing her some shrooms at me so I am really curious dankster.
Thanks 4 subbing. :)

I have never heard of such things, hopefully we can find an answer.
Smashing the cakes would make sence, instead of them fruiting from just the tops they would spread out more? Almost like the dry rice way. Unsure of what type of benifits would come from flicking a shroom. Might just piss it off lol
Well, from what the fella was saying was he believed that "flicking" the Shrooms once one or two pops up causes them to spread on your medium. I seen his grow and it looked as if the cakes where covered, and his box was LOADED with Shrooms all over the place. lol But IDK if I will be doing any flicking. lol. And or smashing the cakes.

Dank. Don't piss off the shrooms. ;) ^^^^^thanks for the laugh +rep
I'm trying not 2. lol :) Been having issues with temps & humidity, so I had to go and purchase a 50 watt submersible water heater. Now temps are stable hanging around 82 degrees at low, 84 at high with a RH at 100%.

you can propagate the mycelium by placing small bits of it into new substrate - this is called spawning. You can also clone the mushroom by taking a bit of the fruit and growing it out, this will give you (most likely), a monoculture - monocultures in mushrooms are good things - they fruit better and they yield better. I don't know what "flicking" is, and i do know that you really have to know your stuff if you want to propagate from "cakes". It is possible but difficult.
Thanks. taking mono cultures is something I hadn't read up about as of yet but I am sure I will. Been learning how to take prints, and also how to make my new syringes to keep these strains going.

Thanks :)

yeah i never heard of flicking them they might fall off or make the pins stop growing, i always wantted to make a spore print but never did its where u take a cap and place it on a index card and then u put a weight ontop of the cap and the spores come off onto the card and u can use it to knock up a jar later down the road, i wish i would have done it then i wouldnt have to buy any more syringesView attachment 3009558View attachment 3009564View attachment 3009566heres my little setup
YUP! Thats the exact way I had learned how to take a print. I have done made me a "glove-box" and everything. :) haha

from scratch i got all my info from the shroomery, wasnt really that hard just have to be super clean and sterill, i couldnt find brown rice floor so i just blended up some brown rice and mixed it with vermiculite, im getting ready to do another round, dank got me all amped up again, i like the goldenteacher the best so far big fat caps
Yeah, that's where I have been doing most of my studying.

HaHaHaHaHa that made my day!

BW - You and Dank are getting me all pumped up to grow shrooms! I just spent my last little bit of free flow on my pc grow so im going to watch untill I feel ready to jump in. Cant wait for more updatea
Sorry. ;) Just had a wild hair in the arse. lol Hopefully we will be seeing some kind of signs of life in a few days. Come this Wednesday will make 1 week. :mrgreen:

I started growing shrooms with the kit that is sold in the add in the middle of hightimes. It worked great for a first time, and I felt was fairly priced. But DIYing a setup is totally the way to go. When I did my last mushrooms grow I got 99% of the stuff at walmart, and set the whole thing up for $100 give or take a couple. That setup yielded enough ounces I lost count, possibly pounds.

I'm gonna guess you'll be seeing some sort of action in the next 3-4 days Dank. Should start seeing a little bit of pure white growth.
Hell I had to go and purchase a air pump,50 watt heater, & also a humidity gauge, + a lower box. The humidity gauge they sent with the kit stopped working.! + they didn't even include a air pump, nor heater. Kinda glad I didn't go with one of their larger kits. Because like you said, a man could score most of all his materials from wally world. All but the spores. lol

Best of luck on your adventure! It is an addictive hobby.
I haven't cultivated in years, and kinda miss it to be honest with ya'll. I recall the whole sterilazation, Innoculation, making spore prints... do I miss it!

I for the most part did the whole brown rice flower cake with vermiculite. I did do grains a couple of times, but it tended to colonize slower for me, and was the only time I really had a contaminate. Probably grew 5-6 different strains, and fully enjoyed the entire process. I found that they did not need much light at all. During colonization, I did not introduce any light, and during the fruiting process, I simply used cheap led lights you could pick up at ACE hardware on the cheap. Never had a problem, and usually did three harvests (two flushes).

Can't have a felony on my record, and never sold any of what I grew. It was such a cheap hobby, and such a great experience to share with friends.

Again, best of luck, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Thanks. Well, hope to have you around. Hopefully we all will start seeing some sort of life in a few days. :)
You don't need The tin foil on, in fact if I'm not mistaken you could be slowing down growth as air exchange is necessary. These are BRF correct? The vermiculite on the top inch or so serves as a barrier.

Living through you, as I do miss cultivating! Such a fun rewarding hobby
Thanks 4 the input. I just added it so the lids wouldn't "rust" because of moisture. That & had seen others doing it over at the Shroomery. lol ;)
You don't need The tin foil on, in fact if I'm not mistaken you could be slowing down growth as air exchange is necessary. These are BRF correct? The vermiculite on the top inch or so serves as a barrier.

Living through you, as I do miss cultivating! Such a fun rewarding hobby
And yeah, its Brown Rice Flour + Vermiculite. I went and just picked up a bag of Wild Bird seed. Going to make up a few jars of that medium and try that out 2 see which does better. May try Popcorn as well.
You don't need The tin foil on, in fact if I'm not mistaken you could be slowing down growth as air exchange is necessary. These are BRF correct? The vermiculite on the top inch or so serves as a barrier.

Living through you, as I do miss cultivating! Such a fun rewarding hobby
With the bird seed make sure you take out the sunflower seeds. When you are washing it most of them should float and yuo can skim them out. Otherwise it worked great for me :). I think Canndo loves the popcorn.
Thanks bro. Yeah I had thought I seen where you had said you skimmed those out on your thread you did on growing these. ;)
With the bird seed make sure you take out the sunflower seeds. When you are washing it most of them should float and yuo can skim them out. Otherwise it worked great for me :). I think Canndo loves the popcorn.
Dank, let your jars colonize without the foil on it. It helps with GE. Cakes are very fun, I love them! However I am finding 20 at a time makes more mushrooms than I can handle lol. Heres a pic of one of my first flushes 869109603-035.jpg
you dont need to worry about the RH until you have introduced fruiting conditions. And that first video has some dated info but does pretty well overall.