Dark Side Of The Moon.....

He did, his genious was in making money with mushrooms, not in mycology. and he did excell at that.

My problem is I have an electric stove top and I hear pressure cookers do not work on them? I hear a coil stove top is the best for them? Im unsure if the pressure cooker will break the electric stove top but I was advised against using one when I about to buy one. Believe it or not! A guy helping me informed me of this, vs blowing smoke up my ass to make a sell, he advised me against getting it. Kinda odd for a salesmen to give advice against a purchase lol!
My problem is I have an electric stove top and I hear pressure cookers do not work on them? I hear a coil stove top is the best for them? Im unsure if the pressure cooker will break the electric stove top but I was advised against using one when I about to buy one. Believe it or not! A guy helping me informed me of this, vs blowing smoke up my ass to make a sell, he advised me against getting it. Kinda odd for a salesmen to give advice against a purchase lol!

I never had a problem with pressure cookers on electric stoves - all sorts of stoves, all sizes of cookers. I think that warning us bunk.
I never had a problem with pressure cookers on electric stoves - all sorts of stoves, all sizes of cookers. I think that warning us bunk.

Interesting! He asked me what kinda stove I had, I told him and he basically told me not to buy it due to the heat potentially ruining the stove top. My significant other would KILL ME! I was considering buying one of them plug in stove tops or maybe a propane stove top to run it on? Hell, I may try my stove top. I'll tell the lady I Canndo told me so LOL.
Yea I've used a pressure cooker on an electric stove with no problems. I had a friend who's pressure cooker broke and I had brought mine on over to his place to help him sterilize some mediums. It did the trick with no problem. I kinda regret getting rid of that late 70 s beast, they simply don't make them like they use to.

I think the warning may come from the sheer weight on the actual coil, as I could see a big ass pressure cooker with all the jars and what not being very heavy on the coil mount. Nonetheless I've done it on both gas and electric with nary a problem.

Also i easily could inoculate 6-8 jars with a single syringe. I always did it in a still room, using a rubbing alcohol soaked cotton ball for retracting the syringe point after each inoculation point. I made a box, but still air, using a clean room, I never had problems.

My main struggle was with grains, I never mastered them, and had some successes and some failures.
Yea I've used a pressure cooker on an electric stove with no problems. I had a friend who's pressure cooker broke and I had brought mine on over to his place to help him sterilize some mediums. It did the trick with no problem.

I think the warning may come from the sheer weight on the actual coil, as I could see a big ass pressure cooker with all the jars and what not being very heavy on the coil mount. Nonetheless I've done it on both gas and electric with nary a problem.

Damn! I'm going to try now! I just knocked up some brf jars with Albino Penis Envy so I think after those ones are done, along with the 10 I birth in a week ALONG with the current 10 i just introduced to fruiting today. I will attempt grains in a PC. I'll do it while the ol lady is at work. She drove me CRAZY today about the perlite! She wakes up an HOUR before I start rinsing perlite. She immediately starts to clean right? I tell her to WAIT until I am done with what Im doing bc it will only make another mess for us to clean and I WILL CLEAN IT! What does she do? She insists on cleaning. So she does. I wait until my dunk period is over and proceed. What happens? Another MESS! Perlite is so damn messy! It gets everywhere, so her cleaning was absolutely futile by the time I was done....Brothers....I LITERALLY just heard the end of it. This was at 11 am LOL its almost 2! Shes been BITCHING nonstop about the mess from perlite, running the sweeper like a maniac, even tho its cleaned up! I think she just likes to argue and bitch.....FML...LOL
Its very weird, the position im in. I somehow managed to shack up with a complete straight shooter, 360 day and night different than I am. Dhe does not smoke herb, drink nor trip but respects my "wants" and "needs" but man oh man does she like to bitch!
Damn! I'm going to try now! I just knocked up some brf jars with Albino Penis Envy so I think after those ones are done, along with the 10 I birth in a week ALONG with the current 10 i just introduced to fruiting today. I will attempt grains in a PC. I'll do it while the ol lady is at work. She drove me CRAZY today about the perlite! She wakes up an HOUR before I start rinsing perlite. She immediately starts to clean right? I tell her to WAIT until I am done with what Im doing bc it will only make another mess for us to clean and I WILL CLEAN IT! What does she do? She insists on cleaning. So she does. I wait until my dunk period is over and proceed. Brothers....I LITERALLY just heard the end of it. This was at 11 am LOL its almost 2! Shes been BITCHING nonstop about the mess from perlite, running the sweeper like a maniac, even tho its cleaned up! I think she just likes to argue and bitch.....FML...LOL

Good luck on the grains. like I said in my edit, I had hit or miss. I know it was a moisture issue which brought in contaminates. I could do transfers to grains, but always fucked up initial inoculation in them being too moist and thus turning mushy with unwanted contamination.

If I used a cake from BRF, and proper sterilization of grains, I could crumble the cake into the grains inside those disposable tins, cover top with vermiculite, and I'd have no problems. Straight grain to start, I seemed to always have too much fucking water.
Its very weird, the position im in. I somehow managed to shack up with a complete straight shooter, 360 day and night different than I am. Dhe does not smoke herb, drink nor trip but respects my "wants" and "needs" but man oh man does she like to bitch!

My lady had always been okay with my hobbies and she's straight laced, to a degree, due to her profession. For the time being we don't live together, but I could totally see her complaining about having a shit ton of garden supplies in my apartment if she lived there. For the time being, I got no problems in that department.

Edited To Add, penis envy was the strongest (in the cube family, i know there are stronger out there) and one of my favorite strains to cultivate. The story behind the strain is even more fascinating. There is a podcast, and an article on the self taught mycologist who was murdered. He was also behind the philosophers stone. I should try and find those, as it was really fascinating. perhaps someone hear knows what I'm talking about
My lady had always been okay with my hobbies and she's straight laced, to a degree, due to her profession. For the time being we don't live together, but I could totally see her complaining about having a shit ton of garden supplies in my apartment if she lived there. For the time being, I got no problems in that department.

I know what you mwith the dog. I understand where she is coming from but at the same time I did tell her to WAIT until I was done then I will clean it. What do you think of this WBS tek? http://www.shroomery.org/9031/Fool-Proof-Birdseed-Method
Holy shit! Can you find me that podcast!!!?? The only real info (other than it being a mutation) I can find on PE is from Sporeworks, they state

Strain Origin: Colombia, South America
Cap: 50+ mm in diameter, campanulate, golden brown to yellow. Surface dry and lacks remnants of universal veil on cap (spots). Flesh white soon bruising bluish green. The caps do not develop normally and suffer diminished spore production. Due to the fact that only 10-25% of the mushrooms produced visible spore prints and laboratories can only produce a few large specimens, spores are difficult to acquire in volume.
Stem: 125-275 mm in length, contorted often bulbous near the middle, pale yellow to buff. Flesh bruising bluish green where injured. No persistent annulus but an annular zone can be distinguished on the stems surface.
Gills: Attachment adnate to adnexed, very close, underdeveloped. Grayish coloration in young fruit bodies that darkens slightly in age.
Spores: Few but dark purplish brown in volume, subellipsoid on 4-spored basidia
Comments: Spores are from a source culture subjected to a 3+ week heat therapy regime designed to eliminate viral infections in Agaricus bisporus. Although there was no "hard" evidence that the Penis Envy strain was ever infected with a virus, the therapy appears to have had some positive effects. Unfortunately, spore production is not noticeably improved.
I know what you mean man haha! I'm currently with a respiratory therapist so her profession keeps her from doing anything really. Frequent drug tests, etc etc etc. But wow she FREAKED OUT TODAY! Absolutely freaked after she cleaned and I was messing with perlite, getting it all over. Shes fine now, laying down with the dog. I understand where she is coming from but at the same time I did tell her to WAIT until I was done then I will clean it. What do you think of this WBS tek? http://www.shroomery.org/9031/Fool-Proof-Birdseed-Method

Damn that brings back memories! I noticed how the author mentions using an agar slurry. that seems kinda familiar to me using pieces of BRF colonized cake. When I used grain, I soaked, sterilized, and would use parts of a cake to knock up the jar. If the cake was just about ready to pin, it would quickly colonize the grains. After colonization took hold, I'd transfer to tins, usually with more sterilized grains (not innoculated) to move into bigger tins. making sure the tins were steralized, I'd quickly line the bottom with a layer of substrate and then add the mix of colonized grains over it. After that, I'd put a layer or steralized grains on top, and then a layer of vermiculite to act as a barrier. Using this method, I did have chances of cross contamination, but if you are in a Draft free, clean room, I never had a problem with contamination.
I honestly thought my ol lady was going to attack me today. Funny thing is she KNEW I birthed yesterday and she KNEW what was coming today and she was still irate....okay I admit, irate would be an understatement. She went completely bat shit crazy. I have plans to treat her to some fine Thai dining, MAYBE some wine and a massage later on this evening. That should get her head back on her shoulders :)
Damn that brings back memories! I noticed how the author mentions using an agar slurry. that seems kinda familiar to me using pieces of BRF colonized cake. When I used grain, I soaked, sterilized, and would use parts of a cake to knock up the jar. If the cake was just about ready to pin, it would quickly colonize the grains. After colonization took hold, I'd transfer to tins, usually with more sterilized grains (not innoculated) to move into bigger tins. making sure the tins were steralized, I'd quickly line the bottom with a layer of substrate and then add the mix of colonized grains over it. After that, I'd put a layer or steralized grains on top, and then a layer of vermiculite to act as a barrier. Using this method, I did have chances of cross contamination, but if you are in a Draft free, clean room, I never had a problem with contamination.

They have more dated methods of WBS, the current ones I am reading, they add NO water to the jar but they boil the wbs? I still have alot of reading to do on grains. Check this one http://www.shroomery.org/9030/Doc34-s-Wild-Bird-Seed-Tek then theres Rogers Rabbits methods on http://www.mushroomvideos.com/Grain-Preparation
What I loved about mycology was all the processes one learns. I had successful spore prints made from my harvests, making agar, and figuring out ways to get the mushroom consumed.

God do I hate the taste! I found making tea to be the best means for consumption. limited the nausea, and hit harder than eating them. Using hot (not boiling water, you will destroy the goodies), making coffee filter tea bags for finely ground mushrooms, a dash of lemon juice and take a pick of your favorite tea, add some honey and you are good to go. Usually two coffee mugs worth from a 3.5 gram dose was about the best you could squeeze out of it. did notice that the trip wouldn't last as long (maybe instead of the 6-8, it was a 5-7 hour ordeal, dependent on dose which usually was 3.5 grams)
I honestly thought my ol lady was going to attack me today. Funny thing is she KNEW I birthed yesterday and she KNEW what was coming today and she was still irate....okay I admit, irate would be an understatement. She went completely bat shit crazy. I have plans to treat her to some fine Thai dining, MAYBE some wine and a massage later on this evening. That should get her head back on her shoulders :)

yea i don't deal with disrespect or crazy behavior. Save the drama for the curb as i got no time for nonsense. My philosophy has always been if ya have a problem, we can discuss it. But I don't deal with yelling, nor disrespect as I don't do that to other ya know?
yea i don't deal with disrespect or crazy behavior. Save the drama for the curb as i got no time for nonsense. My philosophy has always been if ya have a problem, we can discuss it. But I don't deal with yelling, nor disrespect as I don't do that to other ya know?

I agree 110%. I in a way see where she is coming from, she is a neat freak lol. Puts up with my shit, and when I say puts up with my shit, shes been threw thick and thin, hell and high water with me. I just cant take the bitching. I could see if she randomly came home today and I had perlite ALL over the house, nothing was done, etc etc etc but she sat there with me while I birthed the jars last night. Surly by now she knew what was to come today. The way I see it is we are all entitled to vent and have bad days. We cant be happy all the time. I can deal with her venting, altho today was a bit eccentric I will have to say theres a chance she had more going on upstairs and I was just an outlit to vent on. Had it been the perlite or me walking the dog or doing SOMETHING...she would of found a reason to bitch, however if the good experiences,times,memories outweigh the bad I'd say stick with it. Lord knows I have my days lol.
My old lady is a down ass chick. She isnt anywhere close to being a neat freak so I think I got that working in my favour. Plus I do all the cleaning and fixing, and laundry. She cooks. So really I dont think she can complain much about the messes I make lol.

Still working on coaxing her into the idea of growing a fungus in our house lol. Any tips?

Dank sorry to hear you might loose a jar, hopefully its nothing. It seems like you were super clean, did everything right. Hopefully you still get some shrooms from it, if not a lession learned lol
My old lady is a down ass chick. She isnt anywhere close to being a neat freak so I think I got that working in my favour. Plus I do all the cleaning and fixing, and laundry. She cooks. So really I dont think she can complain much about the messes I make lol.

Still working on coaxing her into the idea of growing a fungus in our house lol. Any tips?

Dank sorry to hear you might loose a jar, hopefully its nothing. It seems like you were super clean, did everything right. Hopefully you still get some shrooms from it, if not a lession learned lol

Haha man! Thats awesome! As for tips...well...I am still restricted to outdoor cannabis growing. Mainly due to the smell, she does not want to worry about our house reeking. Altho I told about reducing it with carbon filters and whatnot, she wont budge. Mushrooms on the other hand do not smell, well they smell but NOTHING like herb loll! I'd describe my freshly birthed cakes in my current SGFC as a fresh foresty/mushroom smell but thats about it, They do not require the lights cannabis does so use that in your favor, your saving $$ in electricity lol! A small 6500k cfl is nothing, hell you can even use indirect light from a window I hear. With that said, minus the mess I make with perlite she does not mind mushrooms, but will not let me grow cannabis indoors.
it takes patience. once you get things rolling they will keep rolling. Im gonna buy 2 kits. makes it easier for me since i wil be working full time when i buy them. Man i have a long list to buy.
2 shroom kits
2 lights 1 led, 1 cmh
tent 4x4 or 5x5.
worm farm
more pots i can kiss $2000 away on all of this i'm sure.
yeah 4 sure. Well that's 1 thing I have 4 sure is patience. lol Comes from many years of growing the ganja. ;) smiley-smoking-bong.gif Sounds like your getting ready 2 have some fun! haha

Do you have a picture? The first white/off white color could be the first part of colonization. I'd say wait it out, you'll be able to tell if it's fucked.

I remember the shroomry, been along time since I signed into that site. Shit, I don't even remember my login/password. What I do remember was an obnoxious member named coaster. Wonder if that dudes still kicking, fucker did so many substances.

One of the things I'd do with jars is after colonization, I'd use the cake to essentially seed additional material in baking tins, breaking it up and even distribution throughout the tin. The mycelium usually would out compete pretty much anything else at that point and I'd have much larger cakes. I'd cover with saran wrap with holes for air exchange and ensure moisture was kept high. Nothing to do now, but it was a great transition from cakes to larger mediums.

What was freaky was how the mycelium would literally eat the tin. Mushrooms do freaky things.

eta make sure the jars are not overly moist. No sitting water or having "mush" look in the jars. Man I miss it being like second nature making the BRF cakes. I recall mixing the ingredients and just having the feel for it. I would have some rice finely ground and equal parts semi chunky.

You did sterilize the jars in a pressure cooker, yes? or did you buy pre made. sorry if I'm asking a question already answered.
Cool. Thanks bro. Yes, to answer your questions I ordered from Caligrowkits.com, wished I owuldve just went and purchased all the items from wal-mart! lol would've been way cheaper I would say. The kit had came with 6 pre made jars. http://www.caligrowkits.com/easy-mushroom-kit.php Are you speaking of RR on shroomery :??: I had ordered my spores from freespores.com & also sporestore.com & bestspores.com. Had thought those where reputable sites. lol I will take a few pictures of the jar thats thought to be contaminated. Hopefully its nothing. ;) However I do see allot more white growth starting all over that 1 jar - previously thought contaminated.

When one is working with concentrated nutrients, like grain, one cannot "race" mycelium in the traditional sense (isolation is a different matter). Either you have a sterile condtion or you do not. All mycelium have optimal temperature ranges but most of the contaminants in your home are quite comfortable in the same range as the mycelium of p. Cubensis. That means that as temperatures rise (up to thermal damage or death), the rate of growth of ALL contaminations go up with the rate of growth of your selected mycelium. There is no advantage to slowing that rate down.

So, if you run your grow at 70, you will slow down all growth, not just the growth of contaminations. It makes no sense to not grow at the highest optimal rate 82 leaves little room for error as the organism begins to be inhibited at only slightly higher than that and it does crreate its own heat so if your jars are large enough you will be defeating your purpose. I have always kept at 80 degrees for this organism.

As to mycelium overtaking another - yes, it is possible but in most cases you still have growth and spores embedded withing your mycelial block. NOT good. You should either have pure mycelium or none at all.
great info. Thanks :)

Also Dank, it helps buying spores from a reputable vendor. I personally suggest ANY of the sponsors on shroomery. Try The Spore Depot or Sporeworks, very very clean specimens! I have yet to have a contam from either of them and from what I read....IF you notice a contam from one of their syringes they replace it. Of course do not mention cultivation, then I am sure they will not.
Thanks bro. I had ordered from 3. Bestspores.com Freespores.com & sporestore.com.

Dude! I seen this and it was pretty wild!
View attachment 3013069

View attachment 3013068

Oh and the burrito!?

View attachment 3013070

and a bible?

View attachment 3013071
Ok. How is it possible for the Shrooms to grow on those type of items :??: Please do break it down 4 a new shroomer. lol

I heard he died of hepatitis. He shall live on threw many future grows :)
Who RR :??:

Damn! I'm going to try now! I just knocked up some brf jars with Albino Penis Envy so I think after those ones are done, along with the 10 I birth in a week ALONG with the current 10 i just introduced to fruiting today. I will attempt grains in a PC. I'll do it while the ol lady is at work. She drove me CRAZY today about the perlite! She wakes up an HOUR before I start rinsing perlite. She immediately starts to clean right? I tell her to WAIT until I am done with what Im doing bc it will only make another mess for us to clean and I WILL CLEAN IT! What does she do? She insists on cleaning. So she does. I wait until my dunk period is over and proceed. What happens? Another MESS! Perlite is so damn messy! It gets everywhere, so her cleaning was absolutely futile by the time I was done....Brothers....I LITERALLY just heard the end of it. This was at 11 am LOL its almost 2! Shes been BITCHING nonstop about the mess from perlite, running the sweeper like a maniac, even tho its cleaned up! I think she just likes to argue and bitch.....FML...LOL
Glad 2 hear I have sparked an old interest. :) Ladies. cant live with um, cant live without um. What does a man do :??: lol

Its very weird, the position im in. I somehow managed to shack up with a complete straight shooter, 360 day and night different than I am. Dhe does not smoke herb, drink nor trip but respects my "wants" and "needs" but man oh man does she like to bitch!
haha lol.

Good luck on the grains. like I said in my edit, I had hit or miss. I know it was a moisture issue which brought in contaminates. I could do transfers to grains, but always fucked up initial inoculation in them being too moist and thus turning mushy with unwanted contamination.

If I used a cake from BRF, and proper sterilization of grains, I could crumble the cake into the grains inside those disposable tins, cover top with vermiculite, and I'd have no problems. Straight grain to start, I seemed to always have too much fucking water.

Pearlite is a bad idea anyway, do f use it
Well, I went ahead and made up 4 new jars. 2 each of the 4 I went with WBS. The other 2 I used popcorn. Getting ready to upload that process now.

My old lady is a down ass chick. She isnt anywhere close to being a neat freak so I think I got that working in my favour. Plus I do all the cleaning and fixing, and laundry. She cooks. So really I dont think she can complain much about the messes I make lol.

Still working on coaxing her into the idea of growing a fungus in our house lol. Any tips?

Dank sorry to hear you might loose a jar, hopefully its nothing. It seems like you were super clean, did everything right. Hopefully you still get some shrooms from it, if not a lession learned lol
Sounds like me doing all the cleaning,cooking, you name it! lol

Haha man! Thats awesome! As for tips...well...I am still restricted to outdoor cannabis growing. Mainly due to the smell, she does not want to worry about our house reeking. Altho I told about reducing it with carbon filters and whatnot, she wont budge. Mushrooms on the other hand do not smell, well they smell but NOTHING like herb loll! I'd describe my freshly birthed cakes in my current SGFC as a fresh foresty/mushroom smell but thats about it, They do not require the lights cannabis does so use that in your favor, your saving $$ in electricity lol! A small 6500k cfl is nothing, hell you can even use indirect light from a window I hear. With that said, minus the mess I make with perlite she does not mind mushrooms, but will not let me grow cannabis indoors.
You need to really invest in some strains that dont have much smell unless messed with during flowering bro :mrgreen:

* Getting ready to update guys/gals.. ;)