Damn Troubles....


Well-Known Member

I was away last weekend and could have sworn i watered the plants enough but to make a long story short i didn't. When I came home I looked right away before even dropping my stuff. I found that most of the plants looked HORRIBLE and wilted and the leaves are yellowish and a little crispy.

I put water on them right away and about 2 days later they are all standing and have green leaves.. but a lot of yellow tips around the leaves...

Will this go away? Did I stunt them? I hear when you do something like this they grow back stronger...

If pics are needed I will post... They are not that tall only about 4weeks old growing in a chest... What should I do ?

Sorry for being a noob don't flame pls! :roll: This is why I used bagseed for the first time.!:peace:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its not good for them to get that dried out.It does add stress and may effect the yield or potentcy.Its good to dry the pots between watering but you dont wanna crisp them just see them droop a little then water real good