been reading threads here over the past week and so impressed with all the knowledge to be absorbed. more than sold on making the switch from my 600w hps and 400w. been taking in as much as i can and taking notes but its clear ive only scraped the tip of the ice berg. intend to keep reading and learning but i am anxious to get my parts ordered and building/growing!! so being another noobie probably unworthy of this cache of free education ill have to bug you experts for an opinion.. i have two 4x4 tents right now running on a scrog.
i believe ive decided on this build that supra posted
@ 56.3%
(4) CXB3590 3500K CD 36V @ 1.4A (49W ea) $190
(1) HLG-185H-C1400 $65
196 dissipation W -> 85.7W heat ->
passive cooled heatsink 10284cm² -> 5.88" X 38" heatsink $72 (could split in 2 to improve uniformity/spread)
w/ 80 degree lenses
i initially planned on doing 2 of these and got a quote from jerry @ kingbright but have been wondering if i should go with a 3rd for my 4x4 space. additionally i also thought maybe mixing in some 3000k's or a different build if you had some sweet suggestions on a 3rd heatsink but maybe should just keep same setup. eventually in a month or 2 im going to make a 2nd identical light so i have it in both tents. with the heatsinks and quote from jerry for that build 2 would come to ~$722 .. $1084 to go ahead with 3. many many thanks!