curing with old pf tek jars? experts advice needed


Active Member
so im planning on curing a portion of my harvest in old pf tek jars since i dont have enough of the nice new ones. im curious as to what will be different. will the holes allow it for a nice cure and i would barely even have to burp it. or should i buy new lids and keep it sealed then burp like the traditional way of curing down where i live. anyways much respect to anyone who can help me out on this:leaf:


Well-Known Member
If the lids have holes in them you will just dry out your crop, not cure .... I would recommend new lids.

happy growin


Well-Known Member
You could always give it a go, but I have always found airtight is best for cureing.

happy growin


Active Member
true i might let it happen with one and see if theres a difference in aroma, ive got some bud to play with so why not ive just never heard of anyone even trying this it kinda seems like it would eliminate the need for burping a jar but it mite need that air tight down time to get that true aroma