Well-Known Member
The only downside I see is overdried cannabis. Freeze driers are meant to remove all moisture. To my knowledge there’s no companies making freeze driers with the proper humidity settings.
I have/use one for my plants. Yeah finding that sweet spot can be hard, but 55f and roughly 16hrs on final dry time is good for me. My indoor Sativas only took 11hrs to finish and my terps have been amazing. Although I have over dried more than a few times as well, but 1/2 boveda packs of 62% and it seems to help them a bit. My recent Blue Cindy just screams sour blueberry candy (sweetarts) in both taste and smell. Here’s my Golden Tiger from this past October, and I think a load of my Slurricane in the freeze dryer. can buy some device that will help keep the moisture in the freeze drying process perfect but an additional I think $600-1k